Here We Go Libya!

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March 16th: 2011

Roland and Herbert have been in Libya for a month, while still not properly settled in they managed to procure some weapons to help in the fighting.

"Herbert...did you get Amir's memo on a new contact we're supposed to meet? Apparently it's his sister Aida, she's supposedly among a group of defectors from the Libyan military." Roland asked as he finished cleaning his M16A2.

"Aye, homie. We're supposed to meet her at Brega, in this place. *gives him the paper with the address*"

"Ah hell, that's a bit too far for us to walk and I think there might still be some hostiles there too, we need transport...You know how to ride an ATV? If so then we can take the Renegade's."

"Bro, I'm not that dumb that I can't ride an ATV, you know...*chuckles* Let's get ready and move on.", Herbert said while preparing his bag with all the necessary equipment.

"Just checkin' my brother *chuckle* Now for an equipment check. M16A2, locked and loaded, Single Action Army, loaded and packed...frags got 'em too. Sound off on your equipment."Roland said as he put his M16 on his back.

"Alright...I got the M870, ready. UZI-9 a go. Smoke grenades...15. And I can't forget the food. *he smiles as raises a pack full of muffins* Nutrition is important for a good warrior!"

"Oh yes! Plus that 870 is ideal for breaching any doors or blasting away anyone in a building...matter of fact you just gave me an idea.." Roland walked back into the safehouse and grabbed an MP7 from the cache.
"Alright now we can rock...that Uzi is a brilliant idea especially when long rifles like the M16 are not 100% easy to maneuver in tight situations like corridors." Roland added

"As the saying goes...abuse and use the Uzi!" Herbert replied

The duo started their quads and headed for Brega. As they rode to the target Amir gave them an on the road briefing.

"Alright you two are to locate another defector from the military, my sister Aida. To make sure that you do not end up killing her or getting yourselves killed, the sign is Saqir (Falcon) and the countersign which she must say is Babil (Lion). I'm counting on the both of you to bring my sister back to me safely...she has vital intel and of course I long to see my little sister once again."

"Si, señor. Count on us.", Herbert replied while grabbing the M870 from his back. "Rubber rounds, won't kill...just scare the shit outta her...hope I don't end up with a bullet in my face anyway...", he sighs.

"Roger that my friend.." Roland added.

Soon the duo arrived in Brega as night began to fall and ditched the ATV's in a quiet location. Roland then attached a suppressor to his M16.

"Alright...first order of business is to remember where we parked, second it's best that we maintain noise discipline, don't want to take anyone out unless we truly have to."

Herbert and Roland moved towards the address avoiding enemy contact until they finally reached a multi story building.

"This must be it...recommend we use our NODS because this looks way too dark (night vision goggles)" Roland suggested

"sí señor. Putting on goggles.." Herbert replied.

Roland and Herbert selected their secondary weapons and entered the building, as they made it up to the designated floor they heard a creaking sound coming from across the hall.

"pssst Herbert...did you hear that??"

"Take cover, man.", Herbert whispers to Roland while moving to behind a corner wall, to try identifying the unknown sound.

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