Why we fight

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After finding out Licorice's location from Seaport, the Admiral's as well as Marcus prepared for the direct action operation to rescue the defecting Airfield Hime....while afterwords the Admiral's clash with the newly arrived Iowa on what war is truly like and what it does to a person, will they be able to work together successfully in the future?

July 5th 0:30 Hours (12:30AM)

Roland: "Herbert....it's time. The shipgirls are asleep so we can slip out right now...Marcus tell us how this is gonna be done?"

Marcus: "Alright, this will be a full on direct action mission which means we will be striking quickly and swiftly to rescue this girl. Two helicopters is sufficient with the Wraith doing the extracting and the MH-60M doing the CAS as I stated before. One more thing, upon talking to Seaport I was informed that Moretsuna is on a stop over at Saipan as well so if her intel is still current then it looks like we can snatch and grab Licorice as well as take down Moretsuna."

Herbert: "Taking the man himself? Are you sure this is a good idea? Won't he probably be surrounded by a heavy escort group?"

Marcus: "Yes but at the same time we can't delay this mission plus at this time the Abyssal's are vulnerable....if we go at another time or in broad daylight it'll most likely be a bloodbath."

H: "...alright. But you better have some extra armor for this. I don't like the idea of going for the big boss without reinforcements."

Marcus: "Trust me i've got what I need...I'm a firm believer in Murphy's law."

H: "...I'm not sure if this is good or not."

Marcus: "Well there's no time to debate it now kid." Entered the Ghost Hawk and strapped himself in.

R: "We gotta give it our all Herbert...I mean we could bring on two more people to help us but at this point it would seem suspicious and 'ol Nagamon might end up finding us out." Put on his helmet and opened the MH-60's door

H: "Yeah...it's like Libya all over again...", Sighed as entered the GhostHawk's cockpit and began startup procedures.

R: "Yep...just like Libya but at least we're smarter and better equipped than we were before....welp, looks like everything is in the green so let's do this."

H: "Engines at idle in 12 seconds."

R: "Alright the engines are at max RPM as well as the rotors." Pulled the collective and gained altitude

Marcus: "Hey boys...the IJN Mutsu is out there so you might wanna turn the nav lights off or else she'll see us and report back to Nagato."

Roland: "Roger that Gator." Switched off nav lights.

H: "Roger that, and going Whisper already!", Activated the quiet mode.


Meanwhile at the Abyssal base Moretsuna was present and interrogating the Airfield Hime

Moretsuna: "How unfortunate that you were unable to escape with your sisters....now tell me WHERE ARE THE KANMUSU ADMIRAL'S LOCATED!?" Threw a bucket of water in her face and punched her

Licorice: "I'm not telling you anything!" Tried not to cry

Moretsuna: "You're a resilient little bitch aren't you..." Slapper her and grabbed her by the neck "I think i'm going to have a little fun with you before I leave you to your fate traitor...i'll make a real example of you."

Before Moretsuna could continue a guard interrupted him

Guard: "SIR!!"

Moretsuna: "What is it!?"

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