Mixer & mixed trouble

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April 3rd 2016, 1900 hours [7:00 PM]

Today is the mixer. For some girls, it's the most important day of the year...and our boys are a bit nervous about it, never having been in one before.

Roland: "Relax dude, it's like partying!", trying to calm Herbert.

Herbert: "That's the issue. I've never been very social, this kind of thing always makes me feel uncomfortable...", walking in circles. "Kaga and I haven't developed much either, we're just on the talks...I want to get closer to her, but when there's a crowd around me, I lock myself up!"

R: "Well I think you'll do just fine."

H: "I hope so...Kaga also seems to be very...introspective, hasn't talked much about herself, apart from a few things. By the way, how are things going between you and Takao?"

R: "W-well, umm...things seem to be going well...I mean...when we showed up late, we did stuff...and to be honest, she was my first...but I'll leave you to put the pieces together. In a nutshell, I really do like her...a lot.", A bit nervous. "She also said that she loved me..."

H: "That's great, bro! I hope I can achieve the same with Kaga...I mean, I like her a lot already, even if I barely know her. Hard to explain with words, but I guess it's that thing, you know...when the "zing" happens..."

R: "I know what you mean bro...I know, well are you ready to do this?", puts on his beret and pat Herbert's back.

H: "Ready READY...no. But I've got no choice, so...let's do et."


2010 hours [8:10 PM]

After building the needed courage, Herbert and Roland made their way to the mixer, albeit late, but at least they made it.

Yamato: "Our remaining guests of honor have finally arrived!", said over the mic as she watched them shake hands with the Night Stalker's, Delta boys and Nazari Siblings.

Cliff: "Finally you two show up!", whispered.

R: "Hey we gotta look fresh for these types of occasions! By the way, it looks like Kaga is here...but have any of you seen Takao?"

Amir: "Negative, Ghostrider."

R: "Damn...she said she'd be here, maybe she's running a bit late, that's no problem."

H: "Kaga's there...I gotta go talk to her...wish me luck!", Said before heading towards her direction. "Don't freeze now, Herbert...", thought to himself.

After Herbert got there, he tried to start a conversation.

H: "Hey, Kaga...you look great. So, uuh...how are you?", Feeling a bit akward.

Kaga: "Fine. Thanks."

H: "That's great. So this is how a mixer is...pretty...interesting."

K: "Yeah."

H: "Have you been in other mixers before?"

K: "Yeah."

H: "I see...and...you haven't found anyone yet?"

K: "No."

H: "Hmm...", Nods his head. "So what are you drinking?"

K: *shows the bottle label, Yamato Ramune*

H: "Oh, the Yamato drink...haven't tasted it yet. Is it good?"

K: "Yeah."

H: "I guess I'll give it a try. Mamiya-san, one ramune for me.

Mamiya: "Yes!", Quickly takes one and brings to him. "There you go!"

H: "Thanks.", Takes and tries to open the bottle, but has a hard time. "What the hell...how do we open this thing?"

K: *Silently grabs his bottle and opens it, not a word said*

H: "...thanks.", Feeling like an idiot after seeing it's pretty simple, lowering his head.

K: "What is it?"

H: "N-Nothing...nothing."

K: "Hmm.", Continues to enjoy her drink.

H: "Kaga!", Said a bit loud, totally out of the blue, shocking her enough to lift an eyebrow. "Can I...can I ask you something?"

K: "You're already asking.", Said with a monotone voice.

H: "What...what do you think of me?", Closed his eyes expecting the worst.

That question actually took Kaga by surprise. Being someone who doesn't talk much and kinda introspective, it's not easy to get more than one or two phrases from her in a single line. Thinking for a bit, then closing her eyes with a serious expression, she took a sip of her soda.

K: "You have a certain lack of discipline, but seem to judge and act correctly, mainly when under pressure. Reckless, but get the job done."

H: "N-no...that's not what I meant...I meant..."

K: "?"

H: "I meant...as a man."

K: "?!", Caught by surprise once again...slight blush in her cheeks...it's a first! "Y-you...you're...fine."

H: "Really? Really really?! K-Kaga-san!", Tried to hug her but got a punch on his face. "OW!! What was that for?"

K: "Don't get carried away.", Said with a big annoyed expression, still blushing.

H: "Geez!"


2140 hours [9:40 PM]

As the time went by, minutes turned to hours and there was still no sign of Takao. Roland began to get mixed feelings of sadness and anger; she had stood him up...who can blame him, though?

R: "I can't believe this...this has been going on for almost two hours and still no sign of Takao...and the damn mixer will be ending soon as well..." *sighs as walks over to the bar and sees Musashi sitting there with a drink, decides to take a seat next to her* "Hey...how are you?"

Musashi: "Okay, I guess...Takao didn't show up, huh?"

R: "Nope...", Clear disappointment in his voice.

As Roland was sitting at the bar with his Ramune, a song he was very familiar with began to play...a classic that his Grandpa used to play on his old record player: "Pledging My Love", by Johnny Ace. Out of the blue, Roland had an idea.

R: "I know this song too well...Musashi, can I have this dance with you?", Asked while extending his hand, a bit unsure of her response.

M: "Admiral...aren't you in a relationship with Takao?"

R: "Yes I am..."

M: "Then why are you asking me to dance?"

R: "Because it would be nice to do something different...plus, you might be as graceful as your namesake, if you give it a try...", Replied nervously.

M: "I...I've never really been a dancer, people always said that I had two left feet, after all..."

R: "I can teach you, don't worry.", Smiled at her.

M: "Okay then, Admiral...", Replied, slowly taking his hand.

As they went to the dancing hall, he tried to spark a longer conversation.

R: "I must say...you do look quite beautiful, surprisingly tall as well.", Chuckled.

They began the dancing...it was a slow-pace song, so it wasn't much difficult.

R: "See, Musashi? You're doing really well...slow songs like this make it very easy to dance, in my opinion.", Replied.

M: "Thanks, Admiral....and for some reason, I have this weird feeling...it's very hard to describe but...I can say that this is the happiest I've felt in a while."

R: "You can call me Roland...", Looked up at her, smiling.

M: "O-Okay...Roland."

They continued to dance, looking at each other, until the song ended. Then another classic began, "I Don't Want To Set The World on Fire" by The Ink Spots.

R: Damn...Herbert's collection is awesome., Thought to himself. "Another favorite of mine...a bit slower, but still nice. Want to continue?", Asked her.

M: "I...I don't know..."

R: "No need to feel nervous.", Chuckled as pulled her a bit closer.

As before, they danced flawlessly...Musashi was pretty natural with the moves.

R: "You're doing really well, Musashi...I was right; the Yamato class are not only beautiful, but also very graceful."

Before Musashi could say a word, they were abruptly interrupted by Mutsu.

Mutsu: "ADMIRAL CHAMBERS!! Sorry to bother you, but Nagato needs you at the brig for a moment!", Said a bit tired after running.

R: "I'm a bit busy here...what is it?"

Mutsu: "Nagato needs to see you and NOW!", Handing him what looked like an airport scanner.

R: *sigh* "I need to go now, Musashi...you were fantastic tonight..please enjoy the rest of the night, okay?", He said goodbye then went with Mutsu.

Mutsu: "Take this too.", Handed him his M14 EBR.

R: "Why the hell do I need my rifle? What the hell is going on here, Mutsu!?"

Mutsu: "You'll see..."


2205 hours [10:05 PM]

They arrived at the brig...Nagato was already there, standing next to a glass prison cell like something out of the movies.

Nagato: "Look what we have here, Admiral.", Pointing to the cell.

R: "TAKAO! What the fuck is going on here, Nagato!? You'd better start talking now...", Said, angry building.

N: "Calm down, you brute...this isn't Takao...this is a Ne-Class heavy cruiser; A SPY!!"


R: *pulls out his radio* "Yo, Herbert...I need you at the brig right now, can you make it?", Sounding angrier.

H: *via radio* "Shit, man...I'm on my way!"


2215 hours [10:15 PM]

When Herbert finally arrived, he was confused with the reunion.

H: "Alright, I'm here...now can anyone explain to me what's happening? Roland? Nagato?"

R: "Herbert...look in the cell. You'll understand why I'm mad as hell...", Glaring at Nagato.

H: *checks in the cell, sees Takao* "What the?! Why is she there? Nagato, what's the meaning of this!", Said, shocked.

N: "This Takao is an Abyssal! Why don't you go in there and see for yourself? That's why Mutsu gave you the scanner you have. Admiral Valdez, have your weapon ready.", Opening the cell door.

H: "Shiet...", Pulled out his 1887 shotgun.

Roland got in first, followed by Herbert and Nagato & Mutsu.

R: "Takao...I need to do this for your own good, so I can get you out of here...okay?"

Roland scanned Takao, the sounds from the scanner confirming that she was an Abyssal...Roland's eyes widened, he was both sad and angry...the angriest he had ever been.

R: "GODDAMMIT!!!!!!", Pointed his own M14 at Takao. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?"

H: "Yeah, sayt it now!", Also pointing his shotgun.

T: "I-I'm a Ne-Class Heavy Cruiser....I was sent here to spy on KanMusu operations and report them to the Abyssal Admiral...and it would have worked if it wasn't for Yuubari warning Nagato...I should have killed her when I had the chance!", Said, finally showing her true colors.

H: "...everything makes sense now...remember when she's gone almost AWOL during the sorties, remember how long it took for her to get back? Not to mention returning with a lot of ammunition left!", Angry and pointing the shotgun's barrel almost at her nose.

R: "...yes I remember, brother...I also got a hold of the field reports from a sortie a few months before our arrival, it stated that Takao was under heavy fire and disabled during the battle...the report was filed by Prinz Eugen of the Kriegsmarine..but SOMEHOW Takao returned intact...as if she had just been commissioned into service."

H: "Fucking spy, right under our noses...HOW DARE YOU!", Shouted.

N: "Admiral's, what do we do with her?"

R: *sigh* "I have no idea...I'm tempted to use this 20-round magazine, but I cannot shoot someone who's unarmed...it goes against my code."

H: "I say we let her rot in here...I know she was your girl, Roland...but that's too serious.", Shook his head in disapproval.

R: "Excellent idea...close the cell. We're done talking..."

N: "Are you both weak? You're going to just leave her alive?? SHE IS THE ENEMY!!"

H: "Don't misunderstand things, Nagato. Killing her would be way too easy...and even an act of mercy. She must live...live with the burden of her treason...the only way for her to die is if she stops breathing, but I'm yet to see someone commit suicide that way.", Walked out of the cell, holding the shotgun behind his neck. "She's not worth a single bullet wasted."

R: "We need to set an example to the Abyssal's morally as well...she will be given three meals a day and will be treated properly..."

N: "A-Admiral!"

R: "No buts, Nagato. Do as I ordered or I will have you relieved of your duties.", Walking away with his M14 slung to his side, Herbert following him.

H: "Bro...do you plan on keeping her there forever? Just curious..."

R: "I have no idea, Herbert...what I do know now is that we need to obtain further information from the prisoner and plan a rescue mission. We also need to assess our manpower...Marcus told me that the fairies, specifically the soldiers, are quite inexperienced in actual combat."

H: "That's not much of a problem...weren't we quite the rookies too, when we went to Libya?", Patted his friend's shoulder. "Besides, I have faith that Marcus and Dion can teach them very well...

R: "You're right, my friend. Marcus and Dion will do a fantastic job training them.", Smiled.

H: "I'm sorry about her, man...I...I don't even know how you're probably feeling right now, but...if you need to say something...count on me, a'ight?"

Roland then broke down. Musashi was watching from the distance...she was able sense Roland's distress.

R: "I trusted her man! I thought she really cared about me...I even gave her a part of my damn soul! I'm feeling like shit...absolute shit. Depression is taking its grip as we speak too..."

H: "Hang on, man! Get a hold of yourself! It's not over yet!", Tried to calm him down. "Look...I know it's kind of sudden...specially because you just found out your girlfriend was a liar...but I was watching how you and Musashi were dancing...if I were to bet my 2 cents, I'd say you two were just made for each other...I think she suits you better than Takao...no homo."

Upon hearing Herbert's words to Roland from the distance, Musashi let out a smile and began to feel a sense of joy...something she had not felt in a while.

R: "Musashi is a wonderful girl...I mean, she's so beautiful but she seems cold, very cold...but I have a feeling that she's a warm and loving woman under that persona she puts on...I'm not sure she would really like me though. I mean I'm like 5'9 and I wonder if someone as beautiful as her would even consider someone on the short side like me..."

H: "Don't put yourself down...my grandmother often used an old saying...'best things come in small packages'.", Chuckled. "Musashi doesn't look like the kind of girl who would give a damn about trivial things such as...height. Totally different from most of the ones of our world, I must add..."

R: "Perhaps you're right, man...I need a bit of time to heal, though...I'm gonna go to the hangar right now, perhaps spend a little time with Spades...", Gave a brofist and walked away.

Herbert was walking back to the dancing hall when Musashi called.

Musashi: "Admiral Valdez! Do you have a moment?", Asked when Roland was already gone.

H: "Oh hey, Musashi. Sure, what do you want?"

M: "I-I need to speak to you about Admiral Chambers. I overheard your conversation when I was heading back to my room and...I must ask...does Roland, I mean Admiral Chambers, really feel that way? To be honest, since you and him first arrived here I felt very different...specially when he was around. I have a feeling that I might be falling for him...when he took my hand during the mixer, I felt so happy and a bit nervous as well. Plus out of all the Admiral's there from the other fleets he was the only one who even bothered to pay me any mind.", Feeling anxious and shy at the same time.

H: "You shouldn't listen behind the door, you know...", Chuckled. "Seriously now...whoa, really? That's harsh...", Pokerface. "Yeah, I think he may have feelings for you too...but I'd say his heart was a bit split into two, and now...it's broken. This is your chance to fix it, though...be there for him, support him...don't give up on him, even if from a distance...and don't let him know I told you all of this...but I'd like to see you two together a lot better than him and Takao...she always seemed...incompatible for him...you know?" *sighs* "One word of advice, though: don't go in there right now...let him put his mind in order for a while, first...Spades is the best way for him to do this."

M: "I-I see...if I may ask...why does he have such a strong love for that...helicopter is what it's called, yes? Why does he love it so much?"

H: "Correct...it's difficult to put that in words...a feeling that only those who love machinery understand...tons of materials refined and combined to make a machine capable of wonders...I can't disagree when someone says it's...magical."

M: "I hope I can experience that...I really do. I've never been flying before, to be honest...anyway, it's getting a bit late so I'm gonna head to my room now. Thanks a lot for your time and I hope that Admiral Chambers feels the same for me as well...Goodnight, sir!", Happily saluted and walked away.

H: "Sure, cya.", Saluted back.

Herbert went back to the dancing hall looking for Kaga, but she wasn't there anymore. He did, however, find a note over the balcony, which said:

You took too long, I went to sleep.
We'll talk more tomorrow.

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