Almost there...

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Three days later things began to take a turn for the worse on Truk...will the Admiral's be able to stop it and prepare for the imminent attack?
July 18th: 18:00 Hours

Earl: "Yo Night Stalker's! Looks like we made a new friend, her name is Hamakaze and she has some stuff to tell us."

Hamakaze: "Hi everyone..." Looked around the room

Cliff: " what is it?"

R: "Hamakaze...what did you and Haye over here find out?"

H: "Is it about our...guests?"

Hamakaze: "Y-yes it and Earl did some digging and Admiral Takahashi has actually been under investigation for quite some time."

Earl: "Under investigation for corruption and of course accusations of assaults on Shipgirls."

R: "Then why does Fubuki comply with this guys orders without question and what do you have on Komura?"

Hamakaze: "Fubuki complies because she is quite new to the Kanmusu program and fiercely loyal...As for Komura he's always kept a relatively clean record, his only demerit being a friendly fire incident."

Tanya: "Friendly fire...are you shitting me? If you committed fratricide where I come from then you're out of a job sweetheart."

H: "One thing is blue on blue unintentionally...another one is blue on blue INTENTIONALLY...and I don't like the way he's like he's always plotting something."

R: "And we gotta get to the bottom of it...." Saw Aida entering the room "Aida what do you have in your hand? Some kind of pistol?"

Aida: "'s a directional microphone Yuubari developed. I was spying on a meeting between Komura and Takahashi."

H: "Everyone going James Bond...nice.", Laughed. "So what you got?"

Earl: *hummed the 007 theme and laughed*

Cliff: "Goddammit Earl...although that is funny." Chuckled

Aida: "This is what I managed to obtain.." Turned on the recording

Takahashi: "Komura...have you found a way for us to oust those Admiral's out of Truk?"

Komura: "No, They're quite capable and their favorability among the Shipgirls is simply too high...except for one in the case of Roland Chambers...Roland and Iowa have had some conflict between each other...we witnessed that when he went after her for attacking his friend, the Arab girl. IF we can bribe Iowa to stage an incident we can at least oust Chambers and then convince Valdez to resign or join us.."

Takahashi: "But what about Musashi? Her and Chambers are quite close?"

Komura: "Musashi is a loose end that needs to be tied...before my assignment change she and Yamato were under my order to convince Musashi to back down we threaten her with a dishonorable discharge and if things don't play out properly then we use Yamato as well as Inazuma,Ikazuchi and Kiyoshimo as bait...she used to be quite a dedicated warrior but Admiral Chambers has really softened her...made her into a coward and I hope that we don't have to use option B."

R: "Those pieces of shit!" Punched the desk with his mechanical arm, scaring Hamakaze.

H: "Relax, he's in a bad mood but won't harm ya.", Patted Hamakaze's head. "Now...if they're really thinking they can convince me..." *laughs hysterically* "I'd rather throw their carcasses in the bottom of the sea. Jokes apart...the advantage we have is that they don't have access to communications. Fortunately, cellphones are non-existent here, so they're tied to fixed lines."

R: "They also have to rely on Morse Code...which means that we can easily jam their comms with the ECM systems on the choppers."

Aida: "And this one...this one really pissed me off." Played the final recording

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