Is the end in sight?

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After the sonobuoys were dropped days earlier there wasn't a single signal...things were once again slow at Truk until.."

August 26th 2016 21:00 Hours

Ooyodo: "Admiral's!" Tried to catch her breath

Roland: "Whoa take a breather Ooyodo, what's wrong?"

Ooyodo: "T-two girls have been captured! Their last known position was near the second sonobuoy...the readings were off the charts and the signal was lost. We think that she may have been taken aboard the Indy."

Herbert: "Dammit! Who was it?"

Ooyodo: "It was two of the destroyers...Akebono and Sazanami."

R: "What!? How?"

Ooyodo: "They were on a patrol mission."

H: *facepalms* "Goddamn it..."

R: "Herbert...we move as soon as possible before the Indy covers its trail...alert Shouhou as she'll be carrying the choppers."

Ooyodo: "A light carrier? But sir..."

R: "Ooyodo..light carrier's have what we need which is speed and agility."

H: "Let's do it! If only we still had the Raider...", Sighed.

R: "We've got Kaufman and the Littlebird, that egg may not be as fast as the Raider but the agility is impressive." Assured his friend.

H: "But we need firepower, so Spades will be leading the group...Ooyodo, tell Yuubari to load it with everything we've got...rockets, missiles, EVERYTHING. We're not letting him take our girls!"

Ooyodo: "HAI Admiral!" Left the room

Minutes later the crew arrived at the hangar to inspect their aircraft and prepare for the mission.

Daniel: "Thanks for having me with you guys again.." Limped to the Littlebird

R: "Kaufman are you sure you want to do this? We can have one of the fairies take over and you just fly in the co-pilot seat."

Daniel: "Of course...the doc said i'll be walking with a bit of a limp for the rest of my life anyway..." Climbed into the Littlebird

H: "Engines started and idling in 12 seconds. Weapons are safe, radar functional. I got the sonobuoy's signal, 225 miles North-Northeast."

R: "Roger that..." Pulled the collective and joined formation.

Cliff: "Mark..Dion you boys prepped?"

Marcus: "Locked and loaded!"

Dion: "Yep...ready to disable that bomb.."

R: " Remember...Shouhou is our emergency base if anyone gets need to risk the flight back to Truk if you suffer a hydraulic failure or something worse."

H: "Hang on, Bono...we're coming!"

Cliff: "My RWR is being spiked..."

R: "Is it from Shouhou?"

Cliff: "Negative...the spike is about 500 miles out...stay frosty Night Stalker's..."

Daniel: "Roger.."

R: "Got it Cliff."

H: "Cliff, let us know if you find something unusual!"

After a couple of hours in the air soon took a turn for the worse as the helicopters headed closer to the buoy

Cliff: "SAM LAUNCH SAM LAUNCH!!" Popped flares and dropped altitude

R: "Where the hell did that come from!?"

Daniel: "It's gotta be the Indy...when I was stationed on her she was packing a special SAM missile...capable of engaging targets at ranges up to 150 to say she's nearby."

H: "150 miles? Shiet! We'll be sitting ducks for too long!"

Daniel: "We drop altitude...Indy's radar system is advanced but she was designed to shoot down high flying aircraft as well as ICBM's....sure she can hit surface skimming cruise missiles but of course theoretically she would have a very tough time hitting a slow flying target like a get low and slow...suggested speed 90-100 kts."

H: "Roger that, dropping to 30 ft, cruisin' at 95 kts."

R: " and Daniel will provide a distraction if need be...focus on getting to the Indy's helipad so you can drop the Delta boys off."

Cliff: "Also be advised...there are two POW's on board the Indy so I hate to say this but you've got a rescue mission to handle as well boys."

Marcus: "Not a problem Wolcott...thanks for the heads up."

R: "Shouhou, SITREP."

Shouhou: "I am 500 miles from the combat zone as ordered! We are currently standing by."

R: "Excellent...Herbert you know what to do...Cliff will provide the back up extraction if need be."

H: "Understood. Whisper mode, engaged. Dropping altitude, 20 ft...speed, 200 kts...low and fast."

Yuubari: "Cliff, Tanya how's about you test that jamming mode?"

Tanya: "Jamming mode?"

Yuubari: "Hai! I added it to the Chinook's radar modes recently."

Cliff: "This kid is Night Stalker material..." Activated Jammer

Meanwhile on the Indianapolis..

Radar Officer: "Sir! Our radar is being jammed, we just lost sight of the Kanmusu aircraft."

Herbert was following the signal until he finally spotted it...the Indy.

H: "I got the Indy on sight...25 miles and approaching. ETA, 4 minutes! Dion, Marcus, get ready for deployment!"

Marcus: "Hooah!" Loaded his M60

Dion: "Roger that bossman." Prepared the fast rope.

H: "Alright...I see an empty spot right in the stern. Hovering in 10 seconds. Ready, boys?"

Marcus: "Ready!"

Dion: "Ready!" Opened the cabin door and dropped the rope

H: "Go, go, go!"


Marcus: "Gator and T-bone are on the deck..commencing operation. Dion i'll take point."

H: "Roger that...Wraith leaving the LZ and standing by."

Dion: "Marcus...get to cover." Whispered and pointed to two Abyssal soldiers chatting.

Abyssal soldier #1: "Did you hear back from Area E-6? Apparently our most elite unit got their asses handed to them by those blenders..."

Abyssal Soldier #2: "Meh..probably some propaganda...Moretsuna isn't going to take that lying down, plus those Abyssal bitches who defected will face his wrath soon enough."

Marcus: "On the count of three we take 'em out. 1....2....3!" Fired his suppressed MP7A1 "Tango down."

Dion: Fired his M4 and took down the second tango "Tango down..good job."

Cliff: "Looks like the jammer worked...Herbert how was the drop? Did the Delta boys make it?"

H: "Affirmative. Package's been delivered. I'm moving away from the ship, but will remain in the surroundings."

Cliff: "Roger that. Be careful kid."

Marcus and Dion moved through the corridors of the Indy until they came to the missile launch room

Dion: " my ass, because if I mess up we're both gone and even more will die as a result."

Marcus: "I've got your back.." Switched to his M60E4

R: "Marcus, what's your status?"

Marcus: "In the control room...not a soul here Earl on his computer yet?"

Earl: "Yesirree! Hacked into the Indy's network....gotta say that these firewalls left a bit to be desired, Cliff don't move too far or i'll lose the connection."

Cliff: "Just hurry it up Earl."

H: "Earl should've come with us...", Sighed.

Earl: "Well technically I am the safety and comfort of the Chinook." Laughed

Yuubari: "Geez Earl..." Threw a wrench at him

Earl: "DO YOU EVER RUN OUT OF THOSE THINGS!? That almost hit my computer!

H: "I know, but I can get pretty close to the Indy without having to worry about being'd have a lot less trouble with the connection.", Sighed.

Earl: "I have no trouble connecting that's fine, like I said it's the damn firewall's....wait one sec." Kept on typing "I think....we're in baby we are in!" Laughed "Gator, keep T-Bone covered and make sure that he takes that damn bomb off. I also got ahold of the maps on the Indy and it looks like Akebono and Sazanami are being held in the if Yuubari STOPS throwing things at me I can work my magic and BA-BAM! Tortellini and the Gator Whisperer now have full access to the warhead. Get the job done and come back alive boys...Wolcott get us outta here."

Cliff: "Roger that...comin' out...I need some fuel anyway, how about you Kaufman?"

Daniel: "Yep...Eggo over here needs some gas as well." Joined formation with Cliff

Cliff: "Roger that! Let's head back to the Shouhou, Yuubari is your Emily tanker present too?"

Yuubari: "Yep...the crew are flying their race track pattern as instructed."

Cliff and Daniel headed back to the tanker and the carrier to refuel but soon things would take a bad turn..


Cliff: "SHIT!" Tried to evade when the two sailors fired their Gusto' round missed but the other hit the Chinook's ramp

Yuubari: "AHHHH SOMEONE HELLLLLP!!!!!" The impact knocking her off of the ramp

R: "Cliff status report!"

Cliff: "We're good! We took a round on the ramp..we can still fly but one of our crew members has fallen."

Earl: "Not on my watch..." Ran to the ramp and grabbed Yuubari's hand "YUUBARI! I'VE GOT YOU JUST HOLD ON!"

Yuubari: "Please help! I don't know how long my harness can hold me for!!"

Earl pulled her up from the ramp and she landed on top of him...despite having a harness to prevent Yuubari from experiencing a one thousand foot fall she was still shocked and on the verge of tears when Earl saved her

Earl: "'re safe.."

Tanya: "Pull it together Night Stalker! You're alive and that's all that counts!"

Marcus: "Gator here...looks like we're all clear...get back to the carrier safely guys and we'll handle the rest...Herbert Roland you two gotta stand by though."

H: "Comprendido, guys. Do your sorcery!"

R: "Affirmative Herbert."

Dion: "Alright! Thanks to Earl I have full access to the warhead...disabling now..."

H: "Dion, make sure they can't reactivate the damn thing! Steal the plutonium core, if needed! Spades...designating target...", Locked onto the personnel with the Gustavs. "Target lit, clear!"

R: "Good mail...missile off the rail aaaaand hit!"

Marcus: "Dion are you done yet!?"

Dion: "Keep your damn pants on! I got the warhead disabled and now I have to remove the damn plutonium....we need to dispose of this shit properly..anyway let's get the hell out and rescue those destroyers."

Marcus: "Finally! H&R this is Gator we have disabled the warhead and are now moving towards the brig.." Fired his M60 in the background

H: "Roger! Great job, guys! Let us know if you need extra distraction..."

Marcus: "I swear man these wrist mounted sensors are the best a lot of tango's are headed topside..I guess the choppers are making some noise. Just do us a favor and don't sink this thing with us still on it." Chuckled

H: "Not even if we wanted least, not yet.", Chuckled. "Tell us when you're close to the girls, we'll kick the tyres and light the fires!"

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