Operation Swift Strike

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After the mixer Roland and Herbert find themselves preparing for the first large offensive...to take a vital piece of territory from the Abyssal forces known as the infamous Area E-6...will this bring them closer to finding the whereabouts of the Takao who was taken prisoner by the Abyssal's?

April 4th 2016 09:00 Hours (9:00AM)

Roland: "Finally you show up *chuckle*. Now down to business, Much to Nagato's chargin I have something to suggest...our first offensive operation. We can defend Truk all we want but we and the Kanmusu's need to prove to the Abyssal's that we mean business...and some of those ships and the girls need to see some action too...also gotta test Yuubari's new H8K Tanker as well." He said, while cleaning Spades' windshield.

Herbert: "I've been investigating, checking and studying all the last Abyssal supply lines and patrol routes, there's this area E-6 heavily guarded. There are a lot of resources in there, I think if we claim it, we can have the upper hand in future operations. It'll require a lot from us, though...", Explained, scratching his chin. "I'm thinking of deploying First Carrier Fleet and some other vessels...we'll be putting the best we can offer to handle this..."

R: "If we deploy the carriers then the A6M's and Raider since it's fast enough can provide top cover and it fits on the carrier. We might have to deploy the Cobra from one of the carriers as well as the distance seems a bit long for the AH-1. Spades and Ocelot on the other hand can utilize Yuubari's tanker due to their aerial refueling capability...Ocelot can also carry about 55 troops too...so Marcus and Dion will have some help on the ground."

H: "Our greatest threat is an Airfield Princess, according to what the latest reports said. She'll be a pain in the ass, but Marcus and Dion can sabotage her equipment with the help of some fairies."

R: "Good plan, Airfield Princess should not be taken lightly. I also did obtain a report on Nagato, she's still very very antsy about letting the choppers tag along, she says that they're counter productive to the cause. But of course she doesn't know what these things can do so Amir offered to take her along in the UH-1Y so she can evaluate us."

H: "Good. This operation shall be her baptism of fire in shock and awe 160th style. Let's live up to the fame of this unit in our world."

R: "Roger that my friend...by the way I have a question...I think i'm going to ask Musashi out after this op..any ideas for a first date if she says yes?"

H: "Go out and tell her your feelings...I have faith she'll be happy. As for what to do, why not figure that out with her? It'll be cool to do something both of you have chosen."

R: "I will man...maybe she would like a flight in Spades or better yet we can have dinner onboard her namesake...always wanted to see what a Yamato class ship was like."

H: "You know what to do, what to say and where to go...you're in the catbird's seat. Go for it, Don Juan" he patted Roland's back

R: "I will man...give me a moment and i'll be back ASAP" Roland put down his wash rag and left the hangar to go and find Musashi


R: "OI! Musashi, do you have a moment?" He asked nervously

Musashi: "Sure what is it Admiral?"

R: "Ummm well i've been thinking...I really enjoyed dancing with you at that mixer and I was wondering...after I get back from this operation, would you like to go out with me...on a date?"

M: "Final- I mean really? Yes Admiral i'd love that! What shall we do?"

R: "Whatever you want...just name it." He replied

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