Admirals save the sister

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After the mission to terminate Seaport and Hoppou turned into a POW capture, Marcus began to fall for her as time went by and a new Kanmusu also arrived to assist in the war.

July 2nd 2016, 13:00 Hours (1:00PM)

Seaport: "SERGEANT LAMBERT! Hoppou has escaped, please can you find her?"

Marcus: "We'll find her together...just let me radio the Admiral's." Pulled out his radio

Marcus: "Admiral,Valdez...Chambers this is Gator one of the POW's has gotten loose and Seaport is requesting to go along with me to find I have permission to do so?"

Roland: "You mean Hoppou? I don't see a problem with it, she's just a child after all. Herbert what about you?"

Herbert: "Alright, Gator...but keep Seaport close. We don't want TWO POW's escaping, right Chambers?"

R: "Certainly not...Keep us posted Gator."
H: "Let's see how Mr. Gator will do...", Chuckled.

Marcus: "Roger that sir's."

Marcus: "Seaport...didn't your little sister have a thing for aircraft? She carried around a toy Zero with her when we first caught you two, perhaps she's at the aviation facility.."

Seaport: "Yes she did! She loves planes but I wouldn't be surprised if she's fallen for those whirly birds of yours."

Marcus and Seaport made their way to the hangar to see the Chinook parked and awaiting an inspection with an excited Hoppou staring at the MH-47.

Hoppou: "You're the coolest thing ever...i'm gonna name you Nookie." Walked into the helicopter and entered the cockpit.

Earl: "Hey Marcus WHOA WHAT THE HELL!? Why is she here??"

Marcus: "We're looking for relax she's harmless."

Earl: "O-okay man...i'll take your word for it."

Seaport: "Shhh I hear something."

As seaport listened in it was Hoppou in the cockpit of the Chinook making helicopter like noises while playing with the controls

Earl: "Oh goddammit..." Banged on the fuselage "HEY GET OUTTA THERE!! THIS ISN'T A TOY!!"

Hoppou: "GO HOME!!" Threw a wrench at him

Earl: "WHY YOU LITTLE! This is my home now get the hell out!" Stormed the Chinook to try and grab her

Cliff: "EARL! What the hell are you doing?"

Earl: "Nothing...just getting this kid our of our bird!"

Cliff: "Well...what are you doing here kid? This Chinook is not a toy." Kneeled to Hoppou's level

Hoppou: "I'm not leaving Nookie!!"

Earl: "Nookie...What?"

Hoppou: "Nookie is her name!"

Cliff: "You named my bird Nookie...that's cute...well i'll just head back home and leave you two be." Smiled

Earl: "Cliff have you gone senile? An Abyssal is here fucking around with a multi million dollar helicopter and you're just letting her!?"

Cliff: "Earl...she's just a kid and she's curious at that. Let her be."


Meanwhile at the Admiral's office

R: "Herbert...did Marcus report back yet..?"

H: "Negative. I wonder what he's up to...", Chuckled.

R: "Well how's about we go see eh?"

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