We're going home!...or not?

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March 16th 2016, 0400 Hours [4:00AM]

5 years after Gaddafi's capture and death, Roland and Herbert remained in Libya, now fighting against several terrorist groups that try to take over the Government. But things were about to take a 180-degree turn, as an MH-60M DAP Blackhawk had just reached a small village.

"Super 6-7 here, we have made it to the target location and the Spooks [CIA operatives] have been dropped. Remember, kids: we need these four alive, do NOT kill them."

"Roger that...moving in on the house."

The group was resting in their outpost after yet another mission...even after Gaddafi's fall in 2011, they were not done yet. Suddenly, Aida heard a metallic clang on the floor.

"FLASHBANG!!", She screamed, the grenade going off and blinding them all.

"Control! We have ID'd the package, one Roland Chambers, one Herbert Valdez and the two Nazari siblings. Bringing them in, have the extraction chopper ready!"

"Ah man what the hell??" Roland asked while blinded.

"You four are in some serious trouble...now shut up.", One of the operatives said before the others tied them up.

An MH-47G shortly arrived to pick up the Nazari siblings while the MH-60 took the Night Stalkers along with Roland and Herbert.

"Herbert, do you know what helicopter this is?? It's an MH-60 DAP, used exclusively by the Night Stalkers...how cool is this??", Roland asked, barely containing his excitement. "Oh my god!! There's an MH-47G out there, too...I'm in Night Stalker heaven!!"

"Alright man, quit the fanboying. It's nice that they're the 160th SOAR, the unit that took down Bin Laden, but I want to know where we're being taken!", Herbert complained.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!", Shouted one of the operatives.

"Enough with the arguing back there!! Goddamn. You're being taken back to the USS Indianapolis, we were tasked with finding you two and of course your two friends as well. You're all going to be placed aboard the Indy and sent back to the States.", The Night Stalker pilot said.

"Hell no, man...I can't go back home, my parents are gonna have my ass and on top of that, my dad and I aren't exactly the best of pals!" Roland replied.

"Why's that? We're old and bold enough to deal with our own decisions!", Herbert objected.

"You're considered runaways. It's rare when the US military is called in to handle a missing persons report...plus, you two are lucky not to be considered terrorists...this is for your own good."

"TERRORISTS? WHY THE FUCK! We've been fighting those putos for years now, ever since Gaddafi's fall!", Herbert let out in rage.

"Look, look...maybe we can strike a deal with you guys. Me and my buddy here are chopper pilots...sure, we may not have proper pilots licenses, but we have five years worth of combat and flying experience!" Roland suggested.

"NOPE, no can do...you guys are not US military nor are you properly trained...now, please, let us do our jobs." The pilot declined.

"We shot down a Hind with a motherfuckin' HUEY, man! One of the first ones, Vietnam era!", Herbert argued.

"Keyword HIND, my friend...", Roland added.

"Not gonna happen, pal!", The pilot kept his decision.

"...fuck. Last question: why are you taking the Nazari's as well?", Herbert asked, disappointed.

"The female was close to Gaddafi and her brother was also of a high rank in the military, they can be useful. I can guarantee your safety, but chances are they'll be questioned and sent back to Libya.", the pilot said.

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