Night Stalkers vs Carriers

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As the first day of our heroes arrival on Truk comes to a close, a surprise attack shakes them from their sleep, despite being ordered by Nagato to stay put they disobey her order and provide help. Using the firepower of their helicopters for the first time they show what they can do during battle...but can they still earn the respect of Nagato and the rank of Admiral?

2130 Hours (9:30PM)
Roland and Herbert jumped into the cockpit of the MH-60M and began the procedures for a rapid start, in less than 60 seconds the rotors were spinning at full speed and the helicopters was ready for action. The Chinook,Cobra and Huey soon joined the fight as well.

"Man it's dark as hell tonight...Herbert switch on your NVG's" Roland said before putting his on and maneuvering the helicopter.

"What's the plan you two? You'd better have a plan." Cliff said while hovering in the MH-47G

"Find the targets, blow them up, come back in one piece!", Herbert said.

"We can designate targets for you boys on the ground...That's what the SOFLAM is for..Plus I don't want you guys blowing us up either." Dion said.

Dion then looked through the scope of the designator and saw the enemy for the first time

"Holy fucking shit...Mark have a look at this." Dion said

"My god...We gotta put them down ASAP." Marcus replied while looking through his binoculars

"Targets for effect." Dion said

"Roger that...missile away!" Herbert replied, launching a Hellfire from the Blackhawk

"Missile off the rail!" Kaufman added

"Hits confirmed! Good job boys." Dion said


"It came...from the helicopters!", Yamato pointed at the Blackhawk, now almost invisible due to the night...a proper demon from the darkness...but fighting for the greater good, to protect.

"They're attacking the Abyssals!", She shouted in joy.

The Chinook and Huey then flew by the girls flying as low as and fast as possible.

"What are those things?" Asked an awe struck destroyer

The Chinook then entered a hover and turned to the side

"ROAST THOSE FUCKERS!!" Cliff said as Earl opened fire with the door gun, ripping apart the Abyssal's within its field of fire.

"You've been...THUNDERSTRUCK!", Herbert sang as he opened fire at an enemy destroyer, obliterating it with the Hydra rockets. "THUNDERSTRUCK!"

"Thunder thunder! Alright Herbert...I got another destroyer in sight. I'm gonna thread the needle so hang on and get ready to fire." Roland replied as he pulled a tight turn and went in for a strafing run with the GAU-19's blazing

"HERBERT ROCKETS!!" Roland added

"FUEGO.", He unloaded the Hydras again

"Hey Herbert...I overheard that this particular bird had a special field mod installed on it by the original crew..a PA system, how's about we put on some Thunderstruck?" Roland asked as he motioned for a bro fist.

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