Shock and awe

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After the first major Kanmusu victory in Area E-6 Roland and Herbert must now plan a mission to rescue a captured Kanmusu from the Infamous Area Y-47. An Abyssal military prison codenamed Camp Zulu.

May 7th, 03:00 (3:00AM)

Musashi: "Admiral what's going on here? It's late and you and Admiral Valdez should get some rest."

Roland: "It's classified Musashi..." He yawned

Musashi: "Don't give me that...Admiral Valdez what's going on??"

H: "Classified, lo siento.", Went to brush his teeth.

Cliff: "It's 3:00 in the goddamn morning what the HELL are you calling me here for?" Finally arriving at the office

H: "Cliff, we need your help. It's something very important."

C: "My boot up your ass would take top priority *Sighs and rubs eyes* i'm listening."

H: "That Abyssal CO informed us of the whereabouts of Takao. She's being kept in area Y-47."

C: "A POW rescue huh? I can carry some troops as well as extra ammo in my Chinook freeing up space if you plan to use the Ghost Hawk. NOW Do we have to go in only by air?"

H: "Unfortunately...yes. According to him, the KanMusu would be obliterated if they went with us. The place is heavily guarded...probably like Baghdad back in 1991, except with mostly anti-ship weaponry."

Cliff: "Fuckin' Baghdad...alright I recommend we do this at night...the avionics on all three birds are ideal for this type of mission...we also fly more than 100-200 feet from the oceans surface. Now we can do this one of two ways, we have Roland with the DAP go in and cause a diversion, using the stand off capabilties of the AGM-114 to hit the targets and then in the ensuing chaos you get in there with the Ghost Hawk and deploy the Three Musketeers...aka Dion,Marcus and Aida. If need be i'll have some Fairies in the Chinook as back up. OR we can attempt to go in quietly although your chances of being discovered and having to engage in combat would be too damn high."

H: "I guess we don't have a choice...#1 will be. And because Y-47 is 500 miles away, we probably will need to refuel, so Yuubari and her tanker will also be required."

Roland: "Cliff can the DAP carry troops?"

Cliff: "Yes and no...we use them like the regular grunts use Apache's. The DAP's are used to escort slick (unarmed) Black Hawk's and Chinook's but in case of emergency you can carry about nine troops although space will be limited."

Tanya: "Cliff the Chinook can't go.."

Cliff: "What!? Why the hell not??"

Tanya: "I just looked through the maintenance schedule and Ocelot needs to go in for routine maintenance and an inspection so I handed the bird over to Yuubari"

H: "...mierda. We'll have to rely on the best of the best, then."

Tanya: "Yuubari needs about a week..and that's time that we don't have if we want to rescue Takao Valdez we hate to do this to you but if you're and Cliff will fly the Ghost Hawk."

Roland: "I know Cliff has experience in the Black Hawk type birds as he is the father of the MH-60 DAP but what about you Tanya?"

Tanya: "I flew standard UH-60's early in my career before transitioning to the MH-47 after joining the 160th back in 2013. So yes I can fly the Ghost Hawk effectively."

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