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Following the defeat of Moretsuna's forces and the capture of his base on the Aleutian Island's the Kanmusu's celebrated while Herbert remained suspicious on whether or not Moretsuna was still at large.
September 10th 2016:

A few days after Moretsuna's defeat the boys received a voice recording.

Communications Officer: "Admiral! We just received a message and you need to listen to it!!"

R: "Alright let's have a listen."

The communications officer placed the tape inside a reel to reel tape recorder and hit the play button

Moretsuna: "Greetings..I hope this gets to you two as soon as possible. I want to congratulate you both along with your Shipgirls on defeating me...well to be more specific my double. NOW" Cleared throat before continuing "I have something I want to get off my chest...your arrogance is simply astonishing..thinking that it's all over after taking my base from under me and killing my also think that you're saviors because you rescued a few cowards who defected from my ranks. Now it will be my turn to strike back...and I will strike swiftly. But let me say that you boys have the power to prevent this....cease ALL and I mean ALL combat operations in your area of operations, withdraw all of your fairies from Area E-6 as well as hand over Truk Island and we will end this peacefully. If you refuse then you will suffer the have a Three days to decide."

R: "Shit...order the fleet to go full speed ahead. The ships should be fast enough to get to Truk within Three days and lastly send a message to all Fairies stationed on Truk. Order them TODAY to dig in and prepare fighting positions....there's no way we're letting Moretsuna walk all over us."

Comms Officer: "AYE SIR!"

H: "And tell them to execute order 99."

R: " and Cliff as well as Amir just finished putting the Hardpoints back on Spades, Only took about fifteen minutes but aside from that are you holding up all right? You just collapsed after we took down that decoy."

H: "Yeah, I'm fine. That...possibly...hopefully...won't happen again. Will rather put some 10 bullets in the bastard's face."

R: "You and me both...or simply drop a Hellfire on him from ten miles away and call it good. Then again he's not worth wasting a Hellfire on." Chuckled

H: "I'd rather unleash an entire supply of Hydra rockets.", Laughed.

The girls then showed up as well as the destroyers.

Musashi: "Roland...Inazuma and Ikazuchi wanted to see you."

R: "Glad to see you three...I've been thinking about you all."

Inazuma: " look upset, is something wrong?"

R: " turns out that Uncle Herbert wasn't off his meds again and that he was right about the bad guy me and him took down with the others."

Ikazuchi: "Even Kaga is worried and so are Hibiki and there something else you're worried about?"

H: "We're gonna need everyone to pack your stuff in case of an urgent departure."

R: "And load it onto the Because if all hell really does break loose in the next coming days, Cliff will be handling the evacuation process."

Inazuma & Ikazuchi: "Okay...please be safe dad." Both girls hugged him

Musashi: "I want to fly with you..."

R: "It's too dangerous.."

Musashi: "You always say that! You know I can handle myself...i've been fighting this damn war since before you and Admiral Valdez arrived and obtained the rank..I was also there with Kaga when you needed the air support."

R: "Alright then love...grab your gear and be ready for my call." Held her hand and kissed it

H: "Our girls are stubborn, eh...", Chuckled with Kaga clinging to him.

Kaga: "We're in this're not going alone."

H: "Seeing it's useless to try arguing with you...alright. But I want Hibiki and Akatsuki as far away from here as possible...if what I'm thinking it'll happen confirms...all hell will break loose when Moretsuna attacks our base."

Musashi: "Good to fly with you again Kaga." Smiled

Kaga: "Likewise Musashi." Smiled lightly

R: "They sure are."


September 12th 01:00 Hours (1:00AM)

The ships were less than a hundred miles away from Truk when they received a call from the fairies....Herbert's premonition has been confirmed. Truk was indeed under attack and this attack was like no other. Moretsuna used the cover of darkness to launch his full scale assault.

Fairy: " ADMIRAL'S IT HAPPENED IT FUCKING HAPPENED WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!! Oh god...I see several explosions off in the distance, they've destroyed a few of our J2M's on the ground and casualties are unknown PLEASE GET HERE ASAP *static*"

R: "That bastard.." Put away the radio and ran through the halls banging on Musashi as well as Herbert and Kaga's doors. "GET UP GET UP WE GOTTA GO! We gotta get the choppers airborne as well as the Zero's!"

H&K: "We're on our way!"

R: "They're already on the deck and fueled!"

As the duo got ready, they quickly headed to the GhostHawk and began startup procedures.

H: "Together...", Reached out for Kaga, who held his hand.

K: "Together."

H: "Right-o. Wraith, initiating operations. Requesting takeoff!"

R: "Are you ready Musashi?" Looked at her while beginning the start up procedures for the MH-60

Musashi: "With you..i'm ready for anything." Reached over to kiss him.

Kaga Air Boss: "Affirmative Admiral's you are cleared for takeoff...have a safe flight."

CPL Yumi: "Anyone out there? Another Abyssal battalion just broke through our defensive line. We need air support ASAP...those Delta Boys would be nice too. Tossing strobes to mark our position, they'll be visible on your NVG's."

R: "Roger that Corporal....Cliff are the Delta Boys ready?"

Cliff: "That is affirmative...the elevator is taking the bird up to the deck now.

H: "Taking off now! CPL Yumi, hang on tight!"

As the GhostHawk gained enough altitude, Herbert dropped the hammer and went towards the fairies' position. After a few miles, Kaga spotted the strobes.

K: "Herbert, I see them. 2-o'clock, about 3 clicks away. Heavy artillery surrounding them...designating targets now."

Herbert's visor got a lock onto the enemies.

H: "Alright...time to intensify the intensity...", Grinned and put a proper old-school rock to play. "I have a lock! Firing Hellfires...NOW!", Fired 4 missiles in a row, each taking out a vehicle. "Direct hit! Enemy platoons escaping, going in for a strafing run!", Dropped some altitude and opened fire with the GAU-19's; several Abyssal soldiers down. "Bingo!"

K: "Yumi, you're clear for now!"

Yumi: "Hai! Thanks, guys!"

R: "Moving in to defend the troops. Cliff,Amir where are you guys?"

Cliff: "Airborne and headed to Yumi's position to drop off the kids."

Amir: "We've got Nagato in the back with us this time...Tenryuu you know what to do."

Tenryuu: "Hai!" Opened the cabin door and set up the M134

Yumi: "Sergeant Lambert...Specialist Barcetti if you two are hearing this...well it's great to see you!"

Dion: "We don't leave our own behind."

Marcus: "Another night on the town."

A few minutes later Cliff was over Yumi's position and lowered the ramp as well as gave the order to drop the ropes.

Yuubari: "GO GO GO!!"

Marcus and Dion fast roped down and went in to assist the fairies, the Chinook's door gunners laying down suppressive fire with the miniguns.

Yumi: "Boy am I glad to see you guys!" Looked at Marcus and Dion

Marcus: " many tango's?"

Yumi: "I have no idea...hundreds is my guess."

Dion: "INCOMING!!!" Covered Yumi when an artillery shell hit nearby

H: "I got 'em!"

Herbert aimed Kaga's sights on the howitzer units.

K: "Firing rockets."

H: "Burn them all!"

Several rockets fired, taking out about 7 vehicles.

K: "Nailed it."

R: "Coming in for a strafing run." Strafed several Abyssal's with the GAU-19's "Alright area is 100% clear."

Yumi: "Thanks Admiral's...moving to secure the comms facility!"

R: "'re on the rockets this time around."

Musashi: "Hai!"

Nagato: "This is C2...enemy aircraft are headed your way, a few Zero's should be headed there to assist."

Amir: "Ya Allah! It's a damn circus down there." Dodged a Carl Gustav.

H: "Roger, Nagato! Roland, preparing to send targets, get ready for the Stingers! Kaga, take control; I'll be hunting these angry birds..."

K: "Hai."

Herbert began to use his bionic eye, searching for the enemy aircrafts.

The abyssal aircraft then flew by...they weren't the usual Abyssal fighter but instead what looked to be some type of unmanned attack helicopter

R: "Herbert I have a visual on the looks like we gotta fight fire with fire...kinda hard to see them though thanks to the black paint and the night sky but nothing some thermals can't fix." Turned on the Black Hawk's FLIR.

H: "Holy shit!", Avoided crashing onto one of them. "They're stealth UAV's! No canopy spotted!"

R: "Whoever is controlling them can't fly them properly."

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