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December 10th 2016 13:00 Hours (1:00PM)

It has been three months since the war against the Abyssal's had come to a close. The Admiral's as well as the crew were relaxing with their girls as well as enjoying their new lives on Okinawa.

Earl: "Hey..Ashigara check this out...Herbert left the grill unattended and I know just how to add flavor to his bland ass burgers."

Ashigara: "Earl...stop."

Earl: "Come on babe it'll taste great! Plus he's not looking anyway and on top of that we need a little Pre Holiday cheer." Poured some rum on the burgers

R: "HEY what are you doing!?"

Earl: "N-nothin' Roland!" Hid the bottle behind his back

R: "Come on Earl you know you can tell me..."

Earl: "Alright! I poured some rum on the burgers...to add some flavor."

R: "Herbert is going to kill you...you know how he is about alcohol...now i'm going to get back to finishing my bobber and we'll forget this chat ever happened."

H: "Alright, only one major ingredient to finish this epic recipe!", Came back.

Earl: "Yeah man they're looking good!" Gave a thumbs up

Out of a sudden, Herbert started putting some...RUM...in the mix.

H: "I hate alcohol, but you gotta use it sometimes...good thing the whole cooking and mixing kills the numbing effect, so you don't end up drunk after eating too much...", Chuckled.

Yuubari: "something smells good..." Looked at the burgers cooking. "Can't wait to help Roland finish his bike...just need to help him put the finishing touches on the paint job and then I can have a much needed lunch." Patted Herbert's back.

Yuubari: "Mmmm ara ara this is amazing!" Took a bite before walking off

Fifteen minutes later the food was done and Roland had showed up with his custom bike...it was based off of a Rikuo frame but turned into a bobber and fitted with a custom made 900cc four cylinder built by Yuubari, the engine putting out 100hp to the rear wheel.

R: "Did I get here just in time?" Put the kick stand down and got off the bike

H: "Si señor, Herbert's Cocina today offers cheeseburgers with our family's special sauce, a recipe from mi Grandma!", Smiled as he put the dishes on the table.

R: "It looks all good but I think i'm gonna pass...I had one of Cliff's MRE's when I was finishing up my bike...can you save me one though?" Glared at Earl

Hoppou: "Time to Eat!" Grabbed a plate

Seaport: "It looks amazing Admiral Valdez." Smiled before taking in the aroma

Marcus: "Okay Nora...let's get you set up then." Cut a burger in half for her and gave her and handful of fries.

Musashi: "Burgers! Oh my i've been craving this for a while!"

R: "Heh..well I'm not super hungry."

Musashi: "More for me then! Love you Roland.." Chuckled and kissed him

H: "There's plenty for everyone, don't worry about it! I'm glad Catherine got me a big stock of beef, though...it was virtually impossible to find some here in Japan, least of all in Okinawa!", Laughed.

Catherine: "You're welcome! A screwed up shipment could always turn into a positive thing. Plus I had to get rid of all that beef before I head back to the states for my ship's routine maintenance." Chuckled

R: "So everyone how was it?"

Ashiagara: "H-hey Earllll...I think we should have some fun whattya say?" Stumbled over to him

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