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Following the second sinking of the USS Indianapolis which was under Abyssal control the Admiral's and their crew along with the Shipgirls headed to Iwo Jima to take down Moretsuna once and for all...but upon their arrival and after intense fighting things were not as they seemed

August 30th 2016 1230 Hours (12:30PM):

The fleet along with the Admiral's were nearing Iwo Jima, just two-hundred miles left to go until showtime.

Musashi: "How are you holding up, Wisky?"

Catherine: "Pretty good...feels good to be with the Grey Ghost again. Thankfully Marianne didn't mess her up, Catherine I mean Wisconsin out."

Roland then showed up at the bridge and hugged Musashi from behind

Roland: "Hey love...looks like we're nearing the destination. Is the Blackhawk ready yet?"

Kiyoshimo: "The crew already fueled her up and armed her! Even changed the oil too Admiral!"

Musashi: "Well...it looks like Kiyoshimo here is getting used to her job as a ship captain."

R: "Excellent..." Turned on his comms "Herbert...give the call to Cliff and Daniel...it looks like we'll be taking off soon."

H: "Aye, 3rd captain!", Chuckled. "Cliff, Dan, prepare yourselves, we're going in!"

Cliff: "Roger that." Put on his helmet and entered the Chinook

Earl: "Well it looks like it's time to see some more action...ready to man that ramp gun again Yuubari?" Patted her back

Yuubari: "Yes sir!"

Daniel: "Roger that." Entered the Littlebird.

Bismarck: "WAIT! No way you're leaving without me." Climbed into the co-pilots seat and put on a headset

Daniel: "Don't you have a ship to command Bissy?"

Bismarck: "Ja but the job has been left to my second in command."

H: "If Bissy can hold her own in a firefight, then why not?"

Bismarck: "Yeah Daniel.."

Daniel: "F-fine...You're my spotter then." Started up the Littlebird.

R: "Engines are spooled and ready...Nagato, Status report."

Nagato: "The fleet is nearing Iwo Jima..the landing craft will also be dropped shortly."

The fleet was now twenty miles away from Iwo Jima, effective firing range for the guns on the battleships. One by one the landing craft were dropped and the helicopters lifted off along with a squadron of Zero's to provide support for the ground units..Marcus and Dion were aboard the Chinook along with Aida to prepare for a fast rope drop.

H: "Right behind ya!"

The Landing craft neared the beach

Landing craft fairy: "TEN SECONDS!!!" Raised one finger in the air

Yumi: "Glad to be out of Area E-6 for once..although this might not be all that great."

The landing craft neared the beach and dropped their ramps

Landing craft Fairy: "CLEAR THE RAMP!!!!"

The fairies jumped from the ramps and encountered a hoard of Abyssal's..but these weren't the ones they were used to facing..

Abyssal Soldier: "Enemy sighted!" Opened fire with a Type 92

Fairy: "SHIT!! Taking heavy fire..and need air support! I've popped blue smoke near the target!"

R: "Roger that...Lieutenant Anami follow me and the other choppers in."

Anami: "Roger that Admiral." Increased the power in his Zero

The choppers and the planes flew over the beach and hit the designated targets but were met with heavy AAA.

Zero pilot: "I'M HIT I'M HIT!!!! *static*

R: "Damn that Chinook is hauling ass."

Cliff: "Yeah because I don't want to get hit...now cover me kid because I need to drop the three musketeers back there."

Suddenly, the AAA targetting the Chinook exploded.

H: "Dealt with it, Ocelot. Now deliver package ASAP!"

Cliff: "ROGER!" Flaired the chinook and entered a hover

Earl and Yuubari deployed the ropes and began the drop.

Yuubari: "GO GO GO!"

Marcus,Dion and Aida fast roped down and headed for the objective.

Cliff: "Shit..these bastards are crazy. Package dropped, Ocelot comin' out."

Marcus: "We're on the deck...moving to the first objective."

H: "Copy! Will draw their attention and take out their communications!", Moved to intercept the radio masts.

R: "Moving in to provide CAS for the ground units..."

NJ: "This is Catherine I MEAN Wisconsin...this is gonna take some getting used to *chuckled* I am in position with the Yamato and Nagato sisters...as well as Bismarck and our Italian friends."

Musashi: "Time to put these guided shells to the test.."

Daniel: "Well boy do I have a task for all of you...i've designated some artillery pieces. Sending the data to you."

Kiyoshimo: "Roger! Open fire!"

Musashi: "Roger that...shots out and rounds complete."

Littorio: "Firing for effect!"

Roma: "Rounds complete."

Mutsu: "Rounds out!"

H: "Aaaand there they go!"

Bismarck: "Hits confirmed! Mein Gott...the amount of damage 18 inch as well as 15 and 16 inch shells can do.."

R: "The Battleship is one hell of an artillery piece."

Yumi: "Spades this is CPL Yumi...i've designated a target for you and your team."

R: "Got it...me and the boys will take care of it." Fired a Hellfire "Missile off the rail."

Cliff: "Heading in for an attack run...Earl, Yuubari prepare to light them up as I pass...and let's see what these hard points can do." Fired a volley of rockets

Yuubari and Earl then opened fire with the door and ramp gun as Cliff passed by the target, mopping up any remaining enemies

Meanwhile on the ground Aida as well as the Delta boys got a taste of what they were dealing with...not your typical Abyssal soldiers from before.

Abyssal soldier: "I'm gonna tear you apart bitch.." Grabbed her and threw her to the ground

Aida: "Ya-Allah that hurts..." Pulled out her MP-7 and opened fire "You're kidding...a damn robot!? How the hell did they get this kind of tech?" Looked at the sparks flying from the dead enemy as well as the mechanical innards.

H: "Robots?!", Shock and awe. "HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET ROBOTS!!"

R: "I have no idea Herbert...but we need to keep pressing forward regardless." Maneuvered for a strafing run and mowed down several Robot's with the GAU-19's.

Marcus: "Aida are you in position yet?"

Aida: "Yeah..at the vantage point and ready to provide sniper cover..." Zeroed her Mosin

H: "Roland, bogey on your tail!!", Warned about an enemy aircraft. "Taking it out with the guns!!", Destroyed it with the 20 mm cannon.

R: "Thanks for that Herbert." Maneuvered away and looked at the fuel gauge and weapons inventory "Hey boys...weapons are still good but I need to refuel...heading to the tanker."

Daniel: "Roger that i'll take your spot for the time being."

Cliff: "We've got your back Roland."

H: "Plenty of fuel left here, go on ahead!"

Roland headed to the modified H8K to refuel

Onboard the MH-47 things soon took a turn for the worst

Earl: "Shit! Wolcott, the M134 is outta ammo we need to rearm!"


R: "i'm currently refueling at the tanker Eugen, can you hang on?"

Prinz: "Negative Admiral...someone please hurry."

Cliff: "Crew, i've got a plan...No one messes with my daughter." Lowered his sun visor

Tanya: "let's do it.."

Earl: "Oh fuck me another one of Wolcott's plans.."

Cliff dropped altitude and made it to Prinz's position to see her surrounded by Abyssal soldiers

Prinz: "MAMA PAPA!!" Waved to the Chinook as it dropped even lower


Cliff maneuvered the Chinook, using its rotor blades as a weapon to take out the enemy soldiers

Abyssal: "THAT BLENDER PILOT IS CRAZY SOMEONE SHOOT THAT BASTARD!" Fired a heavy machine gun into the cockpit, the rounds going through the glass and hitting Cliff in his arms and helmet

Cliff: "DAMMIT!! I'm not leaving you Prinz!!" Performed a pinnacle landing and lowered the ramp.

Yuubari motioned for Prinz to enter the Chinook

H: "CLIFF!! What the fuck are you doing!"

Cliff: "Saving my daughter!!" Wiped the blood from his eyes "FUCK I CAN'T SEE!"

Prinz: "P-Papa..." Put her hand on his Shoulder

Cliff: "Come on Ocelot...bring me and the crew back." Gained speed and headed back to the IJN Kaga...

R: "Cliff it looks like you got clipped pretty good.."

Cliff: "I got clipped but my Ocelot and my crew are fine.."

H: "Ballsy...stupid, but ballsy.", Shook his head. "But I'd have done the same..."


Yuubari: "I've got him!" Opened fire with ramp gun..expending the little remaining rounds in the process.

Cliff: "This...this is Ocelot. Rescue successful, i'm bleeding and i'm feeling quite a bit of pain but nothing some salt tablets can't fix.." Fell asleep in the cockpit.

Prinz: "PAPA!!!!" Shook him but there was no response.

Tanya: "Kaga report your position...my pilot is wounded and we need medics on station and permission for an emergency landing ASAP!"

Kaga: "Thirteen miles off the coast. Emergency teams dispatched. Deck is clear."

H: "Tanya, take Ocelot back to safety, I'll hold them off!"

Tanya: "Hang in there Cliff..."

Five minutes later Tanya was on final approach to the Kaga. She touched the Chinook down and lowered the ramp.

Tanya: "COME ON COME ON HURRY!!" Unbuckled Cliff's seat belts as the medics ran into the Chinook, engines still running.

Medic: "Help me lift him!" Grabbed Cliff

Prinz: "Careful with my Papa!"

Earl: "Prinz don't interfere we need to lift him correctly." Moved her away and helped the medic place Cliff on the stretcher.

Medic: "Three bullet wounds...one in the arm and the other hit his vest and oh my god..." Removed Cliff's helmet "And one in his helmet...thankfully we have a pulse but he's lost quite a bit of blood so we need to get him to the infirmary ASAP."

Tanya: "Well what are we waiting for? Let's move!"

Medic: "Yes Ma'am!"

H: "How is he? Tanya, status report!"

Tanya: "Cliff took a few rounds..one went to his head...he seems to be stable thankfully but he's lost a lot of blood during the flight back."

R: "Hang in there Night Stalker...you can make it." Bowed his head

Yumi: "Command this is CPL Yumi Kawashima...we have taken the main port."

Marcus: "Gator here...me and my team as well as a Kanmusu squad have just taken Objective Bravo..one of the airfields. It looks like Moretsuna's boys are gonna be digging in for a final stand soon."

Dion: "This might be our chance to finally nail that bastardo."

Roma: "Dion...don't get yourself killed. You need to work together with Marcus and Aida...they will keep you alive and so will I."

H: "Roger that Yumi. Everyone, prepare for the final assault! Roland, how's the refueling going? I'll be needing some gas soon..."

R: "Fully fueled, including the auxiliary tank in the troop cabin...I should have about four or five hours on station. Head to the tanker and i'll take your spot 'til you get back."

H: "Copy, RTB to refuel!", Headed back to Kaga.

Roland headed back to the island and geared up for the final assault

R: "Spades standing by."

Daniel: "Just topped off on my fuel tanks and rearmed..heading back to the mission."

Yumi: "Roger that...I have a target marked for you two, heavy machine gun nest about 500 meters ahead of my current position."

R: "Roger I got the target...good thing you kept that SOFLAM Marcus gave you a while back." Fired a hellfire "Missile away."

Yumi: "Hit confirmed."

Daniel: "Inbound hot." Opened fire with the M134's and Hydra's

H: "Ladies, let's hurry up with that rearm and refuel! I need to get back to the field ASAP!", Told the fairies working on the GhostHawk.

Bismarck: "Targets on fire great job!" Looked at the FLIR display for more targets. "Are those...? They can't be!"

Daniel: "M26 Pershing's...if they get to the fairies they'll slaughter them like lambs...Herbert..Roland we got some Abyssal armor rolling in, I have no idea how they got those Pershing's but we need to stop them...." Lined up to attack the lead tank, firing several Hydra's at the leader and disabling the tank.

H: "Hold on, 5 more minutes and we're back!", Got out of the cabin with the chopper still running, to help the fairies. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!!"

Abyssal Commander: LOADER AP AP!! FIRE!"

The gunner fired the tanks main gun, the round striking close to the fairies on the ground


R: "Surprise asshat..." Fired a hellfire and destroyed the tank.

Daniel: "That was too close...Herbert expedite the rearming and refueling and get your ass over here!"

H: "Just finished, taking off now! Hold on, cabron!"

R: "Finally! We managed to take out part of the tank column."

Daniel: "Still plenty to take down so help yourself!"

H: "Copy. Acquiring targets...", Grinned as he locked onto six tanks! "Hellfires ready, aaaaand FIRING!", 6 Hellfires launched in a row! "Targets...destroyed!", Celebrated at the strikes.

R: "Goes to show how much of a force multiplier the helicopter is...just three birds managed to devastate an entire unit." Laughed

Daniel: "Damn right...a couple of DAP's or Cobra's working together can lay waste to enemy armor as we just demonstrated."

Meanwhile back at the Kaga Cliff was in the infirmary, thankfully his condition is stable.

Cliff: "T-Tanya...where's Prinz?"

Tanya: "She's right here.." motioned for her to come over

Prinz: "Papa..." flicked his forehead "DON'T EVER SCARE ME OR MAMA LIKE THAT AGAIN!"

Cliff: "Kiddo..I would do this all over again if it meant saving your life or the lives of my crew." Chuckled and held her hand

Earl: "Now to inform the others...especially the boys that Gramps over here is fine."

Cliff: "Gramps can still get off of this bed and kick your ass...just kidding." Gave Earl a thumbs up.

16:00 Hours

News had gotten out to the boys and crew that Cliff was alive and recovering from his wounds but the celebration was cut short as the battle was raging on in favor of the Kanmusu's but despite the casualties on the Abyssal side they were still dug in for the defense of their base...there was no way in hell they were going to let their enemy take a vital territory.

R: "Thank god Wolcott made it. Tanya status report on Ocelot."

Tanya: "No damage to the mechanical parts of the chopper, just the cockpit glass is fucked up and of course Kaga won't let Cliff leave the infirmary so without another pilot we're grounded."

Seaport: "Perhaps I can help..." Slowly raised her hand "As thanks for what you and your crew have done for me and my sisters.."


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