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One Month after Kaga and Musashi's rescue, work was underway to rebuild Spades, Roland and Herbert's MH-60M Black Hawk while the boys still remained in their medically induced coma.
June 17th 2016 0800 Hours (8:00AM):

In the hospital, Roland began to open his eyes and looked over to see Herbert still asleep in the bed next to him.

Roland: " awake buddy?"

H: "..." No words; Herbert was still in induced coma, his wounds now better, but the scars left were deep.

Roland: "Nurse? Anybody?"

Dr. Akiyama: "I was wondering when you would wake up...please try to relax as I have something to tell you. You and your friend have been in a coma for a little over a I have your X-rays." He placed the x-rays on the screen "During the rescue mission you two embarked on you came under heavy fire from the enemy...a 40mm round entered the cockpit of your helicopter, severely wounding you. Due to the amount of shrapnel damage you both sustained we had to amputate the damaged limbs. You lost your right arm and left leg while your friend lost his left arm and right please be brave and try to relax then look at your body."

Roland looked at where his arm used to be and then removed the blanket to see his leg missing. He began to shake the bed and his heart rate began to increase rapidly."

Dr. Akiyama: "CALM DOWN CALM DOWN!!" He injected Roland to sedate him.

Roland then began to calm down as the sedatives kicked in.

Dr. Akiyama: "Admiral...would you like to see your loved ones?"

Roland nodded yes and the doctor let in Musashi,Ikazuchi and Inazuma.

Musashi: "I'm so glad you're alive..Inazuma and Ikazuchi are glad too..." She leaned over to kiss him.

Roland: "I'm so glad to see you all...Herbert has yet to wake up sadly.."

Inazuma and Ikazuchi didn't say anything...they just hugged him.

Kaga then walked in to see Herbert lying down, still in his coma. She then kissed his forehead...

Akatsuki and Hibiki also entered, both with the eyes red after crying so much.

Amir: "Hello my are you holding up?"

R: "Never better...I see you brought Aida too." He chuckled

Aida: "That's good to hear...well what are you going to do now?"

R: "I guess i'll command from a desk for the rest of my life...and as for Spades I guess it'll be more of a museum piece."

Tanya: Walked in, smiling "Not if we have anything to say about it...Yuubari has spent sleepless nights with Cliff and the gang to restore your bird as well as develop bionic prosthetics for you and your buddy...her main priority has been the chopper though as you've just woken up and your buddy still seems to be in a coma."

R: "WHAT REALLY!?" He was excited but then felt pain because of how much he strained himself

Musashi: "Relax Roland..."

Tanya: "Yeah...Cliff has really been hard at work too...he even cried when you and Herbert went down which shows how much he respects you two because Cliff crying is the equivalent to hell freezing for Spades that's a surprise."

Musashi: "How far is she along in the research of the prosthetics?" She asked

Tanya: "She needs to fine tune them and fit them to the boys hence why development has been focused more on the chopper."

Kaga: Everyone's cheering for you both, for your recovery.

Roland: "Thanks Kaga...that means a lot to hear." he coughed a bit


Earl: "Yuubari! What the hell, why did you remove the engines!?"

Yuubari: "Because I was tuning them, i'll help you reinstall them soon."

Earl: "Tuning?"

Yuubari: "Hai! They had 2600shp before and now they're putting out 3600, this will boost Spades' climb rate and of course his agility and the best part is that the engines are more economical too! With the tune I did Spades will cruise comfortably at 180-200 mph while being able to acheive a maximum unrefueled range of 750 nautical miles!"

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