The waiting game

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In a major offensive the Kanmusu's engaged the Abyssal fleets elite in battle. During the course of the battle Admiral Moretsuna and the USS Indianapolis appeared and managed to give the Admiral's a run for their money before retreating after a massive barrage from all of the Kanmusu ships committed to the mission. After the battle several Abyssal's turned over to the Kanmusu side...and even more would join the following day.


August 18th 2016 0700 Hours

Roland was resting in Spades' troop cabin after a long day from the issues Earl caused as well as general fatigue from combat when Musashi banged on the door to wake him up.

Musashi: "Roland! Nagato needs you, she says it's urgent so meet her at the command area on the base."

Roland: "Roger that babe..." Rubbed his eyes and ran to meet Nagato

Roland made his way to the command area to see Nagato and several Fairies pointing their weapons at an Isolated Island Oni and Midway Hime

R: "What's going on here?"

Nagato: "They say they're surrendering...and that they arrived here last night."

R: Turned on his radio " need to get over"

H: "On my way! But what happened, buddy?"

R: "We got some new guests...they showed up last night...Isolated Island Oni and Midway get Seaport over here too."

H: "Shit! Right on! Valdez, out."

After some 5 minutes, Herbert arrived at the command area with Seaport.

H: "So...we got new guest, huh...", Crossed arms.

Seaport: "Ritou! Midway!" Tried to run over to them

Fairy: "You know these abominations?"

R: "YOU! If I hear you refer to these women as abominations again you're out on your ass."

Fairy: "Yes sir...sorry sir!"

H: "Hey...", Points at Midway. " look pretty familiar...", Scratched his chin.

Midway: "Eh...I don't think we've met before"

R: "June 5th...1942 the Battle of Midway, the day IJN Akagi met her fate."

H: "Yeah! That's why you look a lot like her..."

R: "Now you..." Looked at the Isolated Island Oni

Ritou: "Please call me Ritou..."

R: "When I look at you I think about Wake Island...another battle from a bygone era in my world...why are you two here?"

Midway: "Because we wanted to find Harbor-Chan..."

R: "You know them Seaport?"

Seaport: "Yes...and I have an idea as to why they're here."

Ritou: "We want to get away from that bastard Moretsuna AHHH TAKE COVER!!!" Jumped to the ground when she saw the Chinook fly by

H: "No need to be afraid of now...", Reached out and helped her get up. " brought someone else with you?"

Ritou: "N-no...just me and Midway...I remember that fat blender, it was there when it assaulted my supply line...I remember those guns it had that made that weird noise." Tried to imitate the sound of the M134's

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