Operation Swift Strike part 2

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The start of the Operation was not going as planned, Tenryuu was unconscious after a fall and the Kanmusu's encountered heavy resistance on their way to the Abyssal HQ, forcing them to fight building to building and street to street. Upon setting up at her overwatch position Aida began to provide sniper cover to the Kanmusu's and Delta Force soldiers

Dion: "This is Barcetti we're taking heavy fire! Is there anyone out there that can assist?" He said over the radio

Nagato: "Affirmative Specialist, Spades please move inbound to Barcetti's position."

Roland: "Roger that Nagato...Spades inbound. Musashi you're my second set of eyes if you see any threats then call them out to me." He said, maneuvering the helicopter.

Musashi: "Yes Admiral!" She obliged

Roland: "Dion, i'm about five mikes out."

Dion: "Five mikes? Shit! We won't be alive for long so get the led out!!"

Cliff: "Ocelot here, Spades we can cover for you for the time being. Just hurry up...Earl open fire on the M134 you are weapons free."

Earl: "Roger that!" He opened fire with the minigun, taking down several Abyssal soldiers in the first pass.

Marcus: "YEEEE HAW 160th SOAR BABY!!" Continued laying down fire with his M60

Roland: "Laser Designator is active I have two dug in Abyssal positions locked up and ready to go, missiles away!" He fired two hellfire's, both missiles hitting their mark and allowing the allies on the ground to advance.


As the Kanmusu's moved through Abyssal territory the heavy fighting continued. SGT Motozawa was in the process of taking cover when a shot rang out, the round going through his helmet. He laid lifeless on Yumi's lap dripping with blood.

Yumi: "SGT Motozawa's been hit! SHIT HE'S FUCKED UP!"

Dion: "Yumi! Are you okay!? Talk to me kid."

Yumi: "I-It's Sergeant Motozawa..." She replied, voice breaking

Dion: "What's his status? I repeat what is his status!?"

Yumi: "He's..he's dead sir."

Dion: "FUCK! Command this is T-bone...we have a KIA, Sergeant Kei Motozawa."

Nagato: "Dammit! Roger that T-bone, i'll inform the Admiral's."

Roland: "No need to...I heard it all." He replied

Herbert: "Hang in there folks, incoming rain at your twelve, 2 clicks.", Moved to provide cover. "FIRE!", Shot a bunch rockets, destroying the fortified positions ahead. "The path has been cleared, proceed forward!"

Marcus: "Thanks a lot boys! Alright let's move!" Continued the advance

Yumi: "SGT LAMBERT WATCH OUT!" Opened fire with her Arisaka, killing the Abyssal soldier

Marcus: "Nice save kid."

Dion: "C2 (Command & Control) this is specialist Barcetti we are near the enemy HQ how copy over. Resistance is heavy and we need fire support ASAP."

Nagato: "Wait one....the Kongou sisters are currently present to provide fire support, radio them your coordinates, C2 out."

Herbert: "Copy! Designating high value target!", Moved to get a clear lock on the foes. "Laser engaged, target alight!"

Roland: "IJN Kongou the coordinates are in Grid Alpha 9-0-6 fire for effect I repeat fire for effect!"

Kongou: "Roger that!" Kongou gave the order and her 14 inch guns opened fire. "Rounds complete!"

Dion: "Thanks a lot Kongou! COME ON LET'S MOVE LET'S MOVE!" He ordered when the rounds finished raining down on the targets

H: "Yahoo, hell of a fireworks show!" Watching the rounds rain down from the cockpit of the S-97

Marcus: "Rifleman 12 o'clock!" Opened fire on the enemy soldier, taking him down quickly

Meanwhile at the overwatch position Aida was gearing up to move again until she heard a cough.

Tenryuu: "Fufufufu...w-were ya scared?" she said as she woke up

Aida: "Praise Allah you're alive! Can you walk?"

Tenryuu: "I think so...where am I and what happened?"

Aida: "You're on the battlefield...during the fast rope descent you lost your grip and fell. I think it's best that we call for an extraction to get you out of here."

Tenryuu: "No...we may not get along well but you saved my life and i'm sticking with you until this is done. That's something Amir would want too."

Aida: "Well I hope you know how to use one of these Tenny." Handed her an MP7A1.

Tenryuu: "heh looks like some kind of alien gun...let's move out." She replied, massaging her head.

Aida: "Shebah here...moving to the next overwatch position. By the way can I have a status on the assault unit?"

Nagato: "The assault unit has suffered some casualties, about thirty killed so far. SGT Lambert and SPC Barcetti are currently facing resistance. Are you and your spotter combat effective?"

Aida: "Yes ma'am my spotter has just woken up although I don't think we can move very fast due to her condition."


Yamato: "Admiral's I have bad news, i've picked up some enemy aircraft on radar...I believe that they may have come from the Airfield Princess."

Roland: "Damn...Herbert I need you to divert and deal with the fighters, link up with the Zero's from Kaga and Akagi."

H: "Roger that, on my way!", Went towards the bogeys' direction. "Attention, Zeros: incoming bogeys at our twelve. 4 clicks and closing!"

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