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Months after the mission on Iwo Jima and upon seeing that Moretsuna was using the base there as a decoy the Admiral's along with the others arrived back at Truk for a brief stop over.
September 2nd 2016 08:00 Hours

R: "It feels like things are looking up now that some of the shipgirls are receiving their modernizations. But man...our time here has been rocky at best but also pretty fun too."

H: "So will Asashio. She recently received her Kai Ni upgrade as well. Kaga will be ready for deployment in 1 hour. As for her namesake...I still gotta ask her real name.", Chuckled.

R: "Excellent and I gotta ask you feel like you know your girl less since she's never told you her real name as of yet? I mean I still feel that me and Musashi share a strong bond and that we know each other so well but still." Sipped the last of his Ramune and cleaned the sun visor on his helmet

H: "'s just something that never crossed my mind...I do know her feelings are real AND serious, though. And that's what really matters."

R: "I feel the same...I love Musashi no matter what..anyway how's about we go pay Cliff a visit?"

H: "Sounds good, we haven't checked on him yet!", Smiled.

The boys went to go and check up on Cliff and see how we was doing after the wounds he had sustained during the mission on Iwo Jima.

R: "Well if it isn't Mr. Wolcott! How you holding up Cliff?" Patted his shoulder

Cliff: "Pretty good...I guess as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Chuckled and sipped his drink

H: "Good to see you alive and still in one piece, Papa...", Chuckled. "Tanya will be replacing you in the Chinook, having Victoria as her co-pilot. That is until you get better, of course."

Cliff: "Oh i'll be goddamned!" Got up from his chair and Prinz grabbed his hand

Prinz: " need to rest Papa.."

H: "Relax, Cliff...she's already saved Nookie once...", Patted his back.

R: "Follow the doctors orders rumor has it that you have a fan on this base." Smirked

Cliff: "Who?"

R: "Little Nora...or better known as Hoppou-Chan....Marcus says she wants to become a Night Stalker when she grows up."

H: "Some say she's learned with the best...but also that she's willing to take the choppers to the limit. All we know is, she's called Hoppou!", Chuckled.

R: "Well would you look at the time? We gotta get going." looked at his watch and then at Cliff and Herbert.

Cliff: "You two take care now...i'll go and have a meeting with Hoppou, maybe give her that Chinook model I have on the dresser in my room."

H: "You do that, my friend. And rest...your Nookie is well cared and safe.", Gave him a thumbs up

The boys headed to the flight line to meet with Victoria and Tanya as well as Daniel and Amir to discuss the mission plan.

R: "Well I hope you all packed some winter gear as we're going to be freezing our asses off."

Daniel: "Way ahead of you...even installed the doors on the Littlebird to help keep me warm.

Victoria: "Heating systems on the Chinook are fine." Smiled warmley while putting her headset on

Tanya: "Vicky...don't you want an HGU-56 instead of a headset? I have a spare one."

Victoria: "No..a helmet won't fit me properly." Pointed to the horn on her head.

H: "Hmm...Yuubari may help with that."

Yuubari: "Gimme.." Motioned for Tanya to hand her the helmet "Hmmmm"

She took a marker and drew a circle on Seaport's horn as well as the helmet and then proceeded to drill a hole into it

Yuubari: "Problem solved, try it on now."

Victoria: "Okay." Put the helmet on...the hole being large enough to leave the horn exposed.

R: "Well that was fast." Laughed

H: "I guess the structure's still 100%, despite the hole. And, best thing...electronics intact.

Earl: "Well these can stop a 9mm round at close range so let's see if that Gentex helmet does as advertised despite Yuubari's field mod." Pointed his Beretta at Seaport


Earl: "Ohhhh come I was gonna do something like that Tanya."

H: "We're never 100% certain with you...", Smacked him on the head.

R: "L-Let's just go. We'll handle the briefing while en-route to the ships." Entered the MH-60 and began the start up procedures.

Before Herbert could start up the GhostHawk, Akagi approached him.

Akagi: "Admiral Valdez-san...", Bowed respectfully.

H: "Oh, Akagi...", Nodded in reply. "How can I help you?"

Akagi: "Nothing special...I just wanted to thank you for looking after Kaga-san. She's never opened herself to anyone...and Moretsuna tried to...take force...but she refused.", Looked to the ground, a mix of sadness and anger in her eyes. "He slapped her, said horrible things to her...she was always a quiet girl, but she cloistered herself in an emotional shell after that...never showing her true colors. That is...until you and Admiral Chambers arrived.", Looked up to him again, smiling while a single tear of joy falls down her cheek. "I've never seen her as happy as she is now...", Moved closer. "And for have my gratitude.", Kissed him on the cheek, which made him blush a bit. "Please continue to take care of her.", Smiled.

H: "I-I-I...", Took a deep breath. "I love your sister, Akagi...from the bottom of my heart, my feelings, my very soul...and I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe and and have my word."

Akagi: "I'm glad...I'm very glad...and I can't help but feel a bit...jealous of her as well...", Chuckled. "She's a lucky have someone like you."

H: *awkward feel intensifies* "S-sure...", Scratched his head.

Akagi: "Well, then...I better get ready. See you.", Bowed again before giving him a wink and then leaving.

H: "...Moretsuna...", Clenched his fist. "I swear I'm going to kill you with my bare hands when I have a chance...desgraciado."

R: "I heard you on the radio gotta get into the habit of keeping the comms off during private discussions...all I can say is Kaga is a good person and she's lucky to have avoided such a fate and to have found someone like you...things were less fortunate for Musashi as she told me last night...I understand why she waited so long but I can respect it. Technically i'm supposed to be her first but prior to our relationship and all that...Moretsuna had his way with her. It was a punishment for poor performance during a sortie where she went to save a destroyer that had sustained heavy damage and could not return under its own power." Sighed and looked at her picture next to one of the MFD's "Now I can understand why Yamato was telling me that I had helped her sister pick up all the remaining pieces..."

H: *sighs* "It seems both of us have unfinished business with that bastard...not just as Admirals, but as men.", Looked at Kaga's namesake carrier through the windshield, seeing her human vessel with Hibiki and Akatsuki in the port. "You uncle was a complicated man. Involved with drinking...married women...kind of a bon vivant, a casanova...but he always told me something...he said: ' fights you. Life puts you down, she'll kick you hard where it hurts the most. And the only way to go through to fight back...not just take the hits and withstand...but answer with the same force, the same intensity...the same strength...'. I guess this is what he meant...I really had promised not to kill anyone else...but I'm dropping all my moral restraints with that fucker. This has become personal in a way he'll wish never happened."

R: "To tell you the truth I never lived a perfect grandpa was actually the one who kept my ass outta trouble the old fashioned way. You were there when he gave me the Single Action Army too...the man had some demons in his past but he always told me to fight for what's right and for the ones you love. Those were his last words before he passed was a few days before we departed for Libya and where our lives changed." Waved at Musashi as well as Inazuma and Ikazuchi before lifting off.

H: "I remember...and now...the chance to do what's right...for the ones we change in our hands. And we'll take it!"

R: "Which is why i'm doing this on the ground...I spoke to Tanya and she's willing to give me a ride in the Chinook to the AO...Spades will be on board the Musashi..lastly for old times sake Aida and Amir will be with us as well as the Delta boys, are you with me Herbert?"

H: "We're going old school again? Just like Libya, but now with cold?", Smirked. "Oh well...time to get my shotgun and rifle back.", Grinned.

R: "Yes we are my friend...even sent my M14 back to the gunsmith a few days back...she's got a wood stock again as well as a simple red dot."

H: "As soon as I store Wraith aboard Kaga, I'll join you, then."

The boys finally met up with the ships...Roland landing on Musashi's vessel and Herbert on the Kaga but this time to store their choppers. When all was said and done the boys settled down for the long voyage and spent time with their girls as well as their destroyers.

September 6th 2016

A week later the ships the ships were in the everyone was experience freezing cold temperatures that Alaska is well known for as the ships dropped anchor near the coast.

The Chinook then touched down on the Kaga and Roland disembarked to go and get Herbert, once he had gotten him they both headed to the bird and prepared for the mission.

R: "Thanks for this Tanya."

Tanya: "No problem...just be safe out there, you and Herbert."

Amir: "Just like old times." Chuckled

R: "You ready Herbert?"

H: "I never asked for this...but in reality, I was born ready.", Cocked his shotgun just like old school movies.

The Chinook then lifted off from the deck...the mission was on

Tanya: "Alright now that everyone is aboard, Victoria follow the designated heading and maintain an NOE flight pattern...after that enter a hover so the soldiers can fast rope. I will provide the mission briefing."

Victoria: "Yes Ma'am."

Tanya: "This mission should be are to find Moretsuna and take him down by any means me and the others know you personally have a bone to pick with him so us telling you to be careful will probably go in one ear and out the other. The bases he's in is likely heavily defended so CAS might not be available immediately. If the weather intel is up to date we should also expect a'll be very cold but on the bright side it'll improve your ability to sneak towards the target. I wish you all the best."

R: "Likewise's been an honor."

H: "I can't wait to rip Moretsuna apart."

R: "Not without me you're not." Chuckled

Marcus: "Understood...Victoria, if I don't make it back just know that I love you and the girls very much." Put his hand on his shoulder and felt the Chinook drop altitude

Victoria: "I love you too...and don't say such things."

Dion: "*sigh* Well this is it...look forward to this all being over so I can finally spend some time with Roma and Libeccio."

R: "Libeccio? the Italian destroyer?"

Dion: " and Roma took her in. Roma isn't exactly the best with kids but she has gotten better with my help as well as Littorio's."

H: "I'm happy for you." Chuckled and patted his back

As they neared the combat zone it was cold that it was hard to think.

Yuubari: "How you holding up Earl? Is this cold enough for ya?" Chuckled

Earl: "F-f-f-f-f-f-fuck you!" Shivered while gripping the M134

H: "I HATE that cold...", Mumbled to himself before rubbing his hands.

R: "So do I..." Put his hands in his pockets

Victoria: "ETA Ten minutes!"

Daniel: "It's a damn blizzard out here...anything on your sensors?"

Tanya: "Two early warning radars...sending you the targeting info."

Daniel: "I've got a lock...firing rockets." Fired the guided Hydra's and knocked out the radars "You're all clear."

H: "It's too risky to land near the base, we'll have to walk to there!"

Tanya: "Are you sure?"

R: "Yeah..we don't want to risk you, the crew or Cliff's bird."

Tanya: "Okay then...keep in mind it's about a ten mile walk for you two." Landed and lowered the ramp.

H: "Good thing I brought some extra hot coffee with me...", Laughed.

R: "Well then...let's go."

Marcus: "We've got your backs boys."

H: "Likewise, my friends. Let's finish this once and for all."

The crew began to make their way towards the base on foot.

Dion: "Hey hey stop! I hear something." Motioned for the crew to hide in a near by crevice

Abyssal soldier: "Man this cold is fucking horrible..."

Abyssal Soldier #2: "Something must be wrong with your programming. Unlike those feeble Kanmusu's you should be immune to the cold."

The two soldiers passed by not even knowing that the group was near them

Aida: "Move move!"

H: "My feet are freezing...", Mumbled again before taking a sip of coffee. "Shiet."

Amir: " may be difficult but you have to press on."

Dion: "'ll freeze to death if you don't keep moving."

Marcus: "Guys it looks like we're in luck..." Pointed to a nearby jeep with two soldiers standing by it

R: "Enclosed roof and solid to say she's got a thinking what i'm thinking?"

Marcus: "Normally I would say stealing cars is wrong but we are at war and of course it beats this cold so why the hell not?"

H: "Take 'em down, then. One bullet in the head should be enough."

Roland and Marcus pulled off a synchronized shot, dropping both soldiers at the same time.

R: "Looks like she has a full tank of gas..Gator you're driving."

Marcus: "Works for me." Hopped into the drivers seat

Dion: "SHOT GUN!" Jumped into the passenger seat

Aida: "Ya Allah...this heater is amazing." Sighed and smiled

Amir: "Tell me about it..."

H: "There's a radio too...good! We can track their communications."

Marcus: "Alright...let's get going." Put the jeep into gear and started driving

R: " you know where we're headed."

Dion: "Of course he gotta learn how to navigate or you get kicked outta the Q course, isn't that right Earl?"

Earl: "Fuck off least i'm in my cozy Chinook while you're down there freezing your nuts off."

Footsteps were then heard in the background

Tanya: "EARL! What did I say?"

H: "HEY! Enough with the jokes, everyone! Let's get dead serious here...we're getting closer to putting an end to this whole war!"

After an hour of driving through the freezing cold the crew eventually neared the entrance the base...the area was heavily guarded.

R: "Shit...looks like Moretsuna is a bit paranoid. We're gonna have to ditch the jeep and do this like a direct action op."

Marcus: "Element of surprise...alright everyone let's disembark then." Hopped out of the jeep and pulled out his suppressed MP7.

Aida: "Just as I was enjoying the heater." Attached a suppressor to her Mosin

Amir: "Another day in frozen paradise." Chuckled.

As the group was walking towards the base...

H: "Patrol, hit the deck!", Dropped to the ground. "Looks like a light combat vehicle...", Checked through his binoculars. "I can see the Captain."

R: "Yep..possibly a crew of three."

Marcus: "Regardless we should let it pass."

The armored vehicles slowly passed by...and the group made their way to the target while Aida moved to an overwatch position.

Aida: "I've got a nice look over the base...Moretsuna is not playing around."

H: "As expected...but we ain't leaving this damn ice cube without getting that son of a bitch!"

R: "Guys look...a loading dock."

Dion: "Looks to be lightly guarded. Let's use it to infiltrate..and keep your guard up too."

R: "Make that four..." Saw another walking out and aimed down his M14

H: "One wrong move and you're dead!", Pointed his G36 at them. "Drop your"

R: "We've got a sniper somewhere out there so don't fuck around." Pointed his M14

Abyssal soldier: "Fuck you! Kanmusu slimeball."

R: "Okay tough guy." Shot him in the leg "You guys want to end up like your friend too?"

H: "You're too kind, Roland...I'd have headshot the bastard.", Grinned as he pointed at the head of another Abyssal soldier.

R: "That was just a killing them would be a bad idea because with them dead we can't gather intel...Gator come on over."

Marcus: "Where are your friends?"

Abyssal soldier #2: "I've got nothing to say to an enemy!"

Marcus: "Wrong answer." Punched the Abyssal soldier...causing him to spit out a tooth. "I'll ask again...where are your friends?"

Abyssal Soldier #2: "OW! Okay okay...our fighting force is split better watch out though...Moretsuna's honor guard is nothing like the average Abyssal grunt...they'll rip you apart."

H: "Yeah, we've heard bullshit like that more than once before...and we're still here."

R: "I think we've heard enough..."

Abyssal Soldier: "Good 'cause now you're dead!!" Grabbed his knife

R: "Bad move!" Pulled out his Wakizashi and stabbed the Abyssal in the throat

Aida: "Another one for the count." Shot the third Abyssal and walked over to the guys

Dion: "Jeez...for robots these bastards sure seem very human."

Marcus: "They're probably synthetic organisms...robots on the inside but they have human emotions and so on."

H: "...and you?", Pointed to the last Abyssal standing. "Run away and die...stay here and be punched, but you'll choose."

Abyssal Soldier #4: "FOR MORETSUNA!!!!" Grabbed his sidearm and aimed at Herbert

H: "tsc...", Put a bullet in the soldier's head. "Wrong choice..."

Marcus: "These boys are devoted to Moretsuna...quite sad if you ask me...let's move now before they discover the bodies." Slowly opened the door and was greeted by the warmth of a central heater

R: "Good to be warm again." Slowly moved through the halls

Amir: "This a bit weird...for the halls of a military base to be so clear."

Dion: "Weird? More like fuckin' scary...keep your head on a swivel Nazari."

H: "This facility probably has a high degree of automation...stay sharp, there may be sensors everywhere."

R: "Roger that..."

Marcus: "Boys check this out...just got a hold of a map of this entire base...found it on one of the bodies."

H: "Hmm...they have underground levels too...whoa. This place's a goddamn city!", Looked at the map.

Amir: "Looks like we have our work cut out for us."

R: "Well then...this should be fun."

H: "We better stay together, this is a maze, we can't risk getting lost in here. Wattya say?"

Marcus: "Yep...splitting up would be a great way to get killed. We need to watch each others backs."

H: "Alright, lady and gentlemen...Delta boys, you lead the way; we'll provide extra firepower; Amir, watch our back."

Amir: "Got you."

Marcus: "Roger that...i'll take point."

Dion: "Roger, proceeding."

The group sneaked through the halls of the base...saying it was like a city was an understatement as they moved through what felt like miles of hallways.

H: "Seriously, guys...this looks like New Swabia.", Looked around at the huge metal walls and corridors

R: "Different location as we're in Alaska but I can see the similarities...although this place seems a lot more sinister under Abyssal ownership."

H: "The map also shows an underground hangar...I'm betting he's got some subs in there...or God only knows what else..."

Marcus: "It looks like we'll have to cut through there to get to the command center...Dion you got the charges."

Dion: "Affirmative my man! Always saved these hot potatoes for a rainy day."

H: "Sssshhh...I heard something.", Leaned to a wall, got closer to the edge and spotted a room filled with equipment; it seemed some kind of laboratory. "What kind of experiments these guys are doing...!!!", Saw someone inside a big tank...a girl.

Aida: "W-what the hell!?" Slowly moved in to get a closer look "Battleship Princess!?"

R: " can't be. She's supposed on Truk with the other Abyssal defectors."

H: "Hold on a sec...if that's Battleship Princess...then who the hell was...the one we're keeping on Truk?"

R: "This is just the hell did she make her way all the way over here in the first place?"

Dion: "Regardless of the fact we can't leave this person here. I'm gonna open that tank and get her out."

H: "Dion, wait! We can't alert the workers!"

Dion opened the capsule anyway, disregarding his friends suggestion not to.

H: "Shit!", A worker just saw them and was about to call the others, but Herbert shot him with his silenced G36.

Dion then removed the hoses and held the girls head up so she could breathe properly

Dion: "Can you hear me?"

H: "Alright, you got her outta there, now let's haul ass!", Whispered angrily before pulling the dead worker's body out of sight.

Dion: "Herbert...wait. Just moving her like that could probably kill her."

The girl then coughed and looked in Dion's eyes

Battleship Water Demon: "M-my name is Luna...not Battleship Water Demon, now who the hell are you guys?"

Dion: "I'm Delta Force."

Luna: "What's a Delta Force?"

Dion: "No time to explain...can you move?"

Luna: "M-my legs I can't feel them."

Dion: "Shit...looks like i'm carrying you then...Marcus you're gonna have to watch my ass."

Marcus: "Roger that my friend." Switched to his M60E4

H: "Move it, move it!"

Dion: Pulled out his radio "Super 6-7 this is T-bone I have a POW with me...looks to be a former Abyssal, she claims to be the Battleship Demon, real name Luna."

Tanya: "It's Ocelot now longer Super 6-7 anyway i'll get Vicky on the horn for you..."

Victoria: "Battleship Demon!? She's been missing for months! Athena would be happy to hear that her sister is fine."

R: "Athena?"

Victoria: "Yes Battleship princess...we all had actual names before the war Admiral."

Dion: "Can you come in for an extraction?"

Victoria: "The area is too hot according to Tanya so i'll have to touch down a few miles out."

Static then appeared on the radio before another voice joined the conversation

Moretsuna: "That won't be necessary Victoria...I would love to meet the Admiral's face to face...the ones who have been RUINING my plans...and I would love to kill you both slowly and painfully too but i'll leave that for another time."

R: " you finally make yourself's about you quit hiding behind a mic and show yourself?"

Moretsuna: "Ahhh Admiral Roland and your friend Admiral Valdez are quite feared by my people...respected as well...I apologize if the kill you slowly and painfully part pinched your little's about we meet peacefully instead? Lay down your weapons and meet me and the entrance of the base."

H: "Yeah, I got an idea for you. Crawl out from that frozen rock you're hiding under, and I'll fly that chopper up your ass, how's that?"

R: "Herbert..." Put his hand on his shoulder "Perhaps we should swallow our pride and go and meet him...I have a plan."

Amir: "Ya Allah...when H&R plan it's time to pray that it plays out well...i'm with you guys."

H: *sighs* "At least turn the comms off, I don't want that fucker hearing our conversation.", Turned off his mic. "Now...what do you have in mind?"

R: *shut his comms off* "I have a Breitling watch with an emergency beacon...Marcus gave it to me not too long ago and I had Yuubari fine tune it. When I twist the little knob it'll turn the beacon on and the choppers can home in on our location shock and awe style..Musashi is certified to fly the MH-60 and I'm assuming Kaga can fly the Ghost Hawk and Spades too as they basically have the same cockpit and control layout....are you with me?" Looked Herbert dead in the eye

Marcus: "Wrestling gators is considered crazy...but this plan makes it seem normal...I like it."

H: "Did I ever let you down in these years? No. Well, this won't be the first time either.", Brofists *CLANG* "I want that puto dead...very dead."

The crew headed top side to finally meet face to face with Moretsuna.

Moretsuna: "So we finally meet!" Clapped slowly

R: "Moretsuna..." Glared at him.

Moretsuna: "Admiral're a lot younger than I expected...and you must be Admiral Valdez...why the long faces?"

H: "I'll pretend I didn't hear that stupid question."

Moretsuna: "Awwww don't be like that! You boys made it this far didn't you...i'm quite shocked personally." Laughed

R: "Get to the point Moretsuna..."

Moretsuna: "Man you kids are so impatient! When I was your age we showed respect to our elders...I swear you remind me of those insubordinate bitches Kaga and Musashi...beautiful girls but wow are they insubordinate when they disagree with an order that they should be following....anyway let's get back on topic."

R: "Saving the life of a destroyer is insubordinate? Where I come from we never leave a fallen comrade..."

Moretsuna: "More like a fallen coward." Patted Roland's head

H: "Get your hands off us.", Grabbed Moretsuna's head with his mechanic arm, tight grip, strong enough to break a wrist. "You're not worthy of that uniform!"

Without a second thought, Herbert punched Moretsuna real hard in the stomach, sending him some 20 feet away!

H: "NO ONE talks bad of my Kaga and walks away unharmed..."

R: "And no one hurts my Musashi" Kicked him before getting tased by an Abyssal soldier

Moretsuna: "STAND DOWN!" Shot the Abyssal soldier "For is that a way to act? I simply want to chat with you two."

Marcus: "You're a fucking psychopath!"

Moretsuna: "And what are you supposed to be? You should be chopping wood you goddamn lumberjack..." Looked at Marcus with a condescending expression.

R: Slowly got up "Do you mind if I check my watch right quick? I forgot to adjust for the current time zone."

Moretsuna: "Oh'll be nice to keep that watch of yours as a memento so I can cherish the deaths of you and your little team."

Roland twisted the knob on his watch and smiled.

R: "Thanks a lot Moretsuna."

Within a few minutes the distinctive sounds of rotor blades could be heard in the distance

Abyssal Commando: "What the hell?"

Hydra 70's and Hellfire's then rained down on the Abyssal soldiers guarding the perimeter

Cliff: "PAYBACK'S A BITCH! Musashi you're on the GAU-19's!"

R: "Cliff!? What the hell are you doing here?"

Cliff: "I've got my ways boy..your girl had no problem allowing me to board at the last minute..."

Musashi: "Targets acquired...opening fire."

Cliff: "Clear the way for the Chinook to land."

H: "TAKE 'EM OUT!", Pulled his G36 and began to shoot at the Abyssals, but aiming at Moretsuna. "You're not getting away, dickhead!", Started chasing him.

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