A well deserved day off

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A week after the supply sortie Roland and Herbert along with their crew finally manage to have a day for them to kick their feet up and relax...until Nagato reveals the truth behind her attitude towards our heroes.

April 2nd 2016 - 10:00 Hours (10:00AM)

A week after their last sortie and upon receiving the rank of Admiral Roland and Herbert were playing Monopoly along with Cliff,Amir,Aida and Marcus to enjoy their well deserved R&R.

"Well Cliff it's your turn." Marcus said while handing him the dice.

Cliff rolled the dice and then threw in on the board "FUCK!! One,two,three,four five.."

"Don't drop the soap!" Roland said jokingly upon seeing Cliff land on go to jail.

"Goddamn it, Cliff...again?!", Herbert shook his head. "Alright, I'm next.", He rolled the dice and threw it.
"Okay!!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!! I buy this stablishment for $500k!"

"Now it's my turn...time for me to build some hotels!" Amir said while throwing the dice. "1,2,3,4....awww." He continued

"Better pay up Amir...you just landed on New York Avenue and I expect to be paid on the due date." Roland replied

"I can borrow you some coin, but I want that factory of yours.", Herbert told Amir.

"Thanks man..now I can pay off Mamushi the loan snake over here.." Amir replied

"AYE for that I should charge you more." Roland added with a chuckle

"YOU UNRELIABLE BASTAAAARDS!!!!" Shouted an angry Nagato as she barged into the rec room

"YOU TWO CALL YOURSELVES ADMIRALS!?" She continued on her rant

"Now you listen here...we've been working nonstop...it's about time we have some time to relax." Cliff interrupted while sipping his drink
"Nagato, calm the hell down, why shouting on a Sunday?" Herbert asked

Nagato sighed and cracked her knuckles..."You two are supposed to be helping us in this war...not playing this stupid game with these Night Whatevers!"

"Night Stalker's sweetheart." Tanya added

"You shut your mouth!" Nagato pointed at Tanya

"NOW LISTEN HERE!", Herbert slammed the table, shaking the game. "I've already told you this before, but I'll tell ya again: if you want some respect, LEARN TO RESPECT! Now, you talk like we didn't do SHIT since we got here, have you forgotten we already disrupted an important supply line for the Abyssals? HUH?!"

"For fucks sake Nagato! We risked our lives to help you and the others out during the ENTIRE time we were here! Yamato,Musashi hell every ShipGirl we have come across has shown nothing but gratitude for what we've done except for you. You also fail to realize that our birds need maintenance...Yuubari just inspected Spades' and Ocelot's oil today along with the other birds and they all need their oil changed." Roland added while looking at her as if she insulted someone near and dear to him.

"Oh those blenders...always bringing up those damn blenders.." She added while chuckling

"What's going on in here? I heard yelling is everything okay?" Yamato asked with concern

"This is none of your business Hotel...go back to your dock with Musashi.."

"Those 'blenders' which saved your sorry ass in that surprise attack. Those 'blenders' which got you some very important supplies. Those 'blenders' which are always doing the hard work, keeping those Abyssal creeps away from this base! And don't you dare insult Yamato, she's done much more for all of us than you!", He put a finger on her face.

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