New found allies

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13:40 Hours (1:40PM):

An hour after the briefing Cliff and Tanya were airborne along with the others to head out for their mission.

Cliff: "Well we've got 500 miles to go so take the time to check weapons and prepare...and be on your guard too Delta boys."

Marcus: "Roger that as always!" Loaded his M60E4

Dion: "Well this feels like a trip down memory lane..hopefully H&R are doing alright." Racked the charging handle on his M4

Aida: "Their physical therapy is going well...Earl even witnessed it!" Laughed and zeroed her Mosin's scope

Earl: "Oh laugh it up! My damn head still hurts from that fuckin' soccer ball."

Meanwhile back at Truk Herbert and Roland were relaxing with their girls

Roland: "It feels a bit weird to be staying behind doesn't it? I hope Cliff and the others are doing alright..."

Musashi: "Just be happy that you have some time off..."

Roland: "I am but those are our friends out just feels different to be here while they go on a mission." He sighed

H: "I feel the same, but then again...they're Stalkers and Delta...they can take care of themselves...or else they wouldn't have survived until meeting us.", Chuckled.

Kaga: "Have faith in them.", Patted Herbert's head.

H: "I do, sweetie, don't get me's just...the last months we've been working together made us feel more like a team than ever..."

R: "He's right, we've fought alongside them during the time we've been here and the way I see it....they're like family."

Musashi: "The Night Stalker's are a unique unit...and i've learned to really respect what those helicopters can do although Kiyoshimo is a bit frightened by them...she was quite scared when the Chinook was carrying some supplies to my namesake...what's it called again?" rested her head on Roland's shoulder

Roland: "Vertical replenishment...quite a cool job eh? The crew of IJN Musashi must have been surprised!"

Musashi: "Hai...they were. It was shocking for them to see a helicopter delivering supplies instead of a supply ship." Chuckled


Soon the team arrived at the target destination and Cliff performed a pinnacle landing to deploy the trio.


Dion: "Geez Earl shut the hell up!" Threw a can at him and exited the Chinook

Marcus: "All Right...our objective is to find the Seaport and Northern Ocean Hime's...weapons tight and do not fire until fired upon." He whispered

Aida: "Affirmative..." Pulled out her MP7A1

The trio headed deeper into the Island until they made it to a wooded area. Marcus then sighted some foot prints..small footprints as if they were from a child. He kept on moving until he saw what looked to be a little girl...certainly not a Kanmusu.

Marcus: "Hey you, come here!"

Dion: "Mark did you find anything?" He asked over the radio

Marcus: "Affirmative one foot mobile confirmed! A small child, looks to be about ten years old maybe younger, I'm in pursuit!" Ran after her

H: "Be careful, could be a trap!"

Marcus: "Affirmative Admiral Valdez!" Replied over the radio

Northern Ocean Hime: "GO HOME!!" Threw a sea shell at him and kept running

H: "You guys have one of those net guns?"

Marcus kept on running until he encountered a tall rather buxom woman with large metal claws and a large horn on her head. He stopped dead in his tracks and saw the little girl jump into her arms.

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