t h r e e

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A man sees the world what he carries in his heart

The tension was loud after she left, Will stood up from the table his forehead bleeding from where she banged his head on the table

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The tension was loud after she left, Will stood up from the table his forehead bleeding from where she banged his head on the table.

Leaning back into the chair, I rested my hand on my chin already bored without her presence.

My anger fumed in my chest, one rule and he broke it today.

Don't ever touch her.

Yet alone, he put a gun to her head. I grabbed my glass gripping it tight ignore the stares at me.

I looked over at Hayes, my cousin who hid his grin as he took a sip of his drink.

"Did she just say, he should have pointed the gun at me?" Olivia, Estella's sister not by choice said in shock as the words hit her.

He should have pointed the gun at her then I wouldn't have this blinding rage in my eyes.

Hayes released a small laugh, I should shoot him. Then again if I shoot him papa and uncle Luca might kick my ass.

I look up at Knight's gaze, a pathetic stare on his face. I made this deal for two reasons, I despise the man, and his actions. You can tell a lot from someone's home.

Unlike my family's home, there are barely any pictures of his children, and the only ones are in the family room just for show. The way how Estella avoids her father's touch but leans into her mother and grey tells me there's so much more to the story.

I knew something was gonna happen today, it's was like how you knew it was gonna rain or how you knew something bad is gonna happen in the book.

I was practically fuming, and everyone at the table noticed. Since I laid eyes on her there has only ever been one rule. Don't touch her.

A feeling rushed through me, annoyed another man's hands were on her, only I can touch her yet along Threaten her. It's our game, it gave me a rush whenever I saw her, knowing I get to play this game.

Even though I have a different image of how I want this game to end.

I stood from my chair, bringing everyone's eyes back towards me. Walking over to Estella's mother. "Thank you for lunch."

My mother raised me with manners and full respect towards women, I have a sister, I don't like the idea of a man being disrespectful towards her.

"Your welcome, would you like Desert for your ride?" She asked, her tone was warm it reminded me of my mothers.

"Yes please." Hayes, answered I gave my men a stern look, letting them follow me as I walked out, I didn't bother to speak to anyone else, they don't deserve my respect.

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