t w e n t y - e i g h t

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I was pouring a glass of whisky neat when my cousin, blake came up beside me

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I was pouring a glass of whisky neat when my cousin, blake came up beside me. I eyed him as he grabbed the whisky and then filled the glass three fourth filled.

He looked to where my gaze landed, I couldn't tear away, Estella smiled largely looking at every man and woman who come and greet her. He glanced at me, looked away, and then flicked his gaze to Estella.

"What, blake?"

"She's pretty, she fits perfectly here,"

"She is different,"

He blinked as if he was processing the words coming out of my mouth. "What happened to my cousin?"

My sigh was a put-out, I wasn't sure what was happening to me either, I'd just know it was because of her, it's always her.

"We have to grow up sometime soon blake," Soon was an understatement, for blake spent half his life in Italy, uncle Deigo and aunt Lucy wanted their childern to grow up pure blood of itlay for whatever reason.

He shook his head, I turn my gaze back towards Estella, she had pushed a curly strand behind her hair, looking at one of the paintings on the wall.

"Well, you can grow up, im gonna go flirt with your pretty wife," He went to walk off, I pulled him back by his collar and say.

"Don't test me, im pretty riled up," I warn him, the moment in the shower earlier has me on my toes, the cold shower wasn't enough to have that image perfectly embedded in my mind.

I went in to grab a towel, but I couldn't leave, the fog covered most part but still watched her get off, a fucking wet dream. I was already agitated and the night had just started.

My eyes strain to look at every man looking at her, my threat from earlier still lingering around the air and she knew, she didnt bother to look at a man for less than three seconds.

Estella stood in the dining room talking to a girl, with her curls completely bouncy and she wore a rose gold dress letting it go well with her completion that also hugged every curve. It was too fucking tight.

Blake went over there, ignoring my threat. I watched his eyes look her up and down before looking back at me, he even had the nerve to tip his glass at me.

Blake was a killer, something he got from his father, still, he stood there like an idiot. he appeared to be nervous talking to my girl. He was rubbing the back of his neck, letting his ears turn a shade of red.

"Why are you staring at my brother, like you wanna kill him?" I turn my head meeting my other cousin, Celo, Blakes's sister.

Celo's tone was dry but filled with Amusement, she must have watched the entire thing. She'd always seem to do that as a kid.

Her eyes were a shade of green, slightly dilated. A wave of dissaponment ran through me, she's using again. Her known addiction wasn't a secret, we all just thought she was better.

"What?" I say, but I knew what she was talking about. Her gaze narrowed, back to her brother.

"I don't think Uncle Lorenzo nor my father would be happy about you killing your cousin," That thought ran through my head I have to admit way too many times if I could kill my cousin, Hayes is the first.

"There are a lot of ways for a man to die, it doesn't just have to be by my hands," I admit, she laughed and pushed my shoulder. The look I gave her made her dip her head sending me a sorry.

Estella's soft laughter brought me back to her, hitting my right in my chest, my jaw tightening along with the grip on my glass. Blake was not that fucking funny.

Bitterness ran through me, she hardly laughs. I'd wanted nothing more to take her and trap her in my room never letting her go.

Everyone in my family seem to have a weakness, mine was Estella. I wanted to fuck her, breed her, I wanted her to become dependent on me. I wanted her to need me as I need her. Metting her all that time ago, she vexes me.

I use to think the obsession I had with her, all I needed to do was fuck her out of my system however, that was utterly impossible when she hated me and her father wanted nothing more than to use her.

My brows rose in accord as I drank my whiskey. "I see what you see in her, I wanna fuck her too," she sighed but added, "and so does everyone in this room,"

That was my last reason, I had to fully observe the room to know Cleo, wasn't joking. "You should be good to her,"

she started to drift into the crowd and I nearly let her slip before I knew it I grabbed her by her arm.

"Why should I listen to you?" I'd wanted to blame her drugs as one reason I shouldn't but for the first time, I kept my opinion to myself.

Cleo shook her head, a smile lingering on her lips, "Pressmion to speak freely, Don?" I nodded my head.

"The moment I stepped over here, she hasn't taken her eyes off me. She looks like she wants to kill me," I look over at her, and she was. Estella's eyes narrowed at Celo, still wanting to be respectful keeping her eyes on Blake but her eyes kept traveling to us.

"And well, she looks like a good girl with a broken heart, she wants someone to fix it, she wants you,"

"She wants to love you,"

Short, but you'll get more tomorrow

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Short, but you'll get more tomorrow. Enjoy.

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