t h i r t y - f o u r

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Every time he leaves, I can hear her cry

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Every time he leaves, I can hear her cry.

My heartache for Stella more than my body did, Knight wasn't going to stop until we both were broken down at his will begging for forgiveness.

Sobs escape from me, looking at my hair on the floor. My hair that once reached my back touched my shoulders. Bruises formed over my body, and my ribs pushed into my lungs.

Growing up, we got used to this pain and suffering. Back then we knew that we were gonna leave soon, now I didn't know if we were leaving, and that was the scariest part.

I heard the doors to Stella's cage open, I didnt want to listen but I had to. Knight goes on, he's doing this for the lord, to help us, bring us back to him. He was angrier this time, with every hit she didnt makes a sound, but I cried for her.

"We have to get back to our boys,"

It replayed in my mind like a broken record, waiting to get back to our boys. Time was such a fragile thing, I wasn't sure if we had any more of it.

As kids, Knight gave us this lecture every Sunday. Seven of us, his bravest soldiers he even called us his archangels. Knight broke five of them down, death was upon them and now hanging over our heads.

In this room, every day I felt like I was suffocating.

The door to my prison opens, I edge back towards the corner bawling my hands into a fist. I'd watch Knight walk in, he held a book in his hand, like a memory.

That little girl was in that church kneeling beside Stella, the bible infornt of us reciting every word.


He stripped me from my beliefs, but at this moment as my knees touch the concrete floor. And his pants unbuckled, I pray for a God that I lost all faith in.

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