t h i r t y - o n e

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I slammed my fist into the punching bag, the sound let out an echo throughout the gym

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I slammed my fist into the punching bag, the sound let out an echo throughout the gym. My muscles burned and sweat dropped from my forehead into my eyes, blurring my vision, still, rage flew through my body.

I should've expected it, hell I should've fucking seen it coming but I didnt. My mind was so filled with her touch, that just looking at her I was distracted. I wasn't blaming her, none of it's her fault she has a shitty father.

Countless men are dead. I had to shake my head, he found out about our marriage. He killed his daughter and dropped her body off right outside my house in New York.

The smell of sweat and violence filled the air, this was the only place I could release my anger. If I go on a spree I'll be leading Knight right to us.

I punch the bag once more, my knuckles screaming for me to stop once the bag flew off the hook. My body ache, still I was used to the pain. Taking a towel, and wiping it down my face before taking a sip of water.

We were so close to taking Knight now but it seems like he's one step ahead.

"What the hell did the punching bag do to you?" Cora, my twin sister walks in, short dark hair so similar to mine touches her shoulder with a nice tan on her cheeks. She rubbed her round belly walking in.

I haven't seen her in a year, once she married Caiden she left this world, what happen when we were teens took a toll on her, still, she always found her way back to the family business.

"You look as mad as papa when I first told him I had a boyfriend," A smile beamed from her. "Shitty week, huh?"

The gym was empty, Estella left our bed early this morning, it took everything in me not to pull her back into the bed and fuck her until she forgets her name. Knowing she was mine, I finally had her in my bed, all over this house. Something warm inside me burst.

"Thirty men of mine are dead, Also with Ryans' men, "I start, Ryan one of the four families, my cousin from the Russian mafia. He has been helping for whole two years to take Knight down, still only got one step closer.

"Shit," she hummed, stepping her barefoot on the mat, "Wanna take that anger out on me?"

She held her hands up in a fighting stance, a small memory of us younger always use to spare. A chuckle comes from me, moving towards the weights.

"I don't fight pregnant women," My eyes dart to her round belly, she was six months, " Especially ones that are carrying my nephew,"

"You never missed the chance to kick my ass when we were seventeen," I knew she was joking, the why her eyes gleamed with mischief, brushing her off.

I picked up the weight, pressing my back against the bench. "Why are you here, Cora?"

She leaned against the wall, bitting on her finger, "Mama told me about Estella,"

There it is, I start pushing the weight but I couldn't help a smile touch my lips at the sound of her name. Her name was all it took for me to break, she was my salvation.

"What did she tell you?"

. . .

I drop the paperwork on my desk, I could smell lunch coming from the kitchen. Not seeing Cora In a while made me happy she was here until she wouldn't leave.

Something in my chest dropped, I felt this feeling before when I was at that lunch with Knight, the same day he's tried to kill us.

These days were amazing, too good. In our world nothing was ever good for us, I turn the tv on in my office and found myself missing her. She said she wanted to go to a museum today and pick out new art.

Ryan just informed me that, they found Knights' warehouse, but it was empty the only good thing was we might know where he's going next, I want this war to end, it wasn't going to end with me, it was going to end with him.

We killed nearly all the men he was working with, but still, I haven't heard back from Grey, which made that feeling in the pit of my stomach deepen. My phone began to ring, picking it up Hayes's voice meets my ears.

"August," Hie sounded distant, the sound of his voice makes me sit up.

"Hayes, what's wrong," I could hear gunshots in the background, all through my ear. That feeling in the pit of my stomach was running throughout my body.

"They took Spencer," At the same time, the door opened and Cora walked in holding a plate of food, my mind was racing and I couldn't gather a thought.

Placing the phone on speaker, a chill went through me. "Hayes, what happened?"

"Knights men, they took spencer!" He was shouting, his voice held so much emotion, I could feel it. Cora's wide eyes were wide, but she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at the TV.

As the explosion of the word passed the news reporter's lips, My head was pounding and only one thought was on my mind. Her.

An explosion at the museum she was at, I could hear my heart beating in my ears, my phone dropped out of my hand and my eyes stuck on the tv.

"They said they were coming for Estella,"

"They said they were coming for Estella,"

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Eleven more chapters left, Im gonna cry.

it ends with augustWhere stories live. Discover now