t h i r t y

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The moment my eyes popped open to the amazing view, the glass windows allowed the sun to shine across my skin

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The moment my eyes popped open to the amazing view, the glass windows allowed the sun to shine across my skin.

The deadweight resting on my waist sent a fire in my chest. Endless nights of being in this bed bring me back to just how real this is. It was hot and heavy and felt like an oversize limb that did not belong to me.

I felt like I was hungover, endlessly obsessed by his touch that it went straight to my head. Brushing a few curly strands off my face, August's hand tightens around me, pulling me deeper into his chest.

Lifting August's heavy arm, as slow and delicate as I could, I slowly rolled to the side easing my way out of the bed, once his arm touched the empty bed where I slept. He moved his head around but settle back to sleep.

I thanked the lords for him not waking up, I dont think I can handle another round. The number of times I had to beg him to put a condom on, flew right over his head, still, in the end, he pulled out, coming on a new body part.

"Where are you going?" my body froze, hearing his voice, my handheld onto the door handle with the other reaching for my silk robe.

I looked back, with a sheepish grin, my gaze was hungry taking in his tattoed chest, as the days went on I found myself more obsessed with his body. His boxers hanging on his hips, after our round last night I was sure they would disappear just as my bra did.

The adorable still half-sleep look on his face is what had me, his hair ruffled, and he seemed relaxed.

"Trying to leave me already?" He muttered, walking closer to me, I couldn't help the grin on my lips to widen into a smile.

"Even if I would try to run, im sure you'll drag me back here," I say, he pulled me into him and took me back to the bed.

"Correct," he kissed my forehead, "if you ran, Athena," I haven't heard my middle name come from his lips in a while it nearly made me think he was mad at me.

"I would always find you," I shook with anticipation waiting for his lips to meet mine, maybe I wanted to stay in bed with his horny ass. "Drag your little cute ass back,"

I giggle escaped from me, and he leaned back into the bed, having me saddled him. "You know I'll put up a fight,"

He sighed still a smile touching his sleepy future, "Always so stubborn, aren't you?" his hand traveled up the satin nightgown, I wore it once around him now my closet has dozens.

I felt so blind before, choosing to see only what I wanted. He does so much for me.

I grabbed that traveling hand and pushed it down, "Ah, no, don't you have work to do or something?"

A rumble resounded in his chest, half groan or more like a growl, "Oh shut up, you cannot have me in bed today, I might never wanna leave,"

"Exactly what I want,"

I sighed dropping my head, he's impossible.

"I'd always wanted you, darling," His hands went to my hair, "My queen,"

He pulled me down to his chest, a handful of giggles escaping me as his hands went to tickle my sides.

"Cut it out," I grabbed both his hands and let my fingers collide through them. "If you wanted me so much, why did you act like that the day we met?"

I had to ask, it lingered on my mind, from the start he acted as if he hated me and I could never understand why.

"When I met you, the perfect Knight's daughter, I understand why they called you the precious red diamond." He started, he drifted off as if he was in thought.

"You were so perfect I wanted to take you and break you down until you were mine," I inhaled deeply, not saying a word till he finished, "I acted that way because it was the only way I could be near you,"

"I rather have you hate me than not to know me at all," He smiled, letting his hands tighten around mine. "There was something about you, maybe because I knew I couldn't have you. It made me want you even more,"

"I was so utterly obsessed with you, you became the bane of my existence, the reason I wanted to wake up, your scent consumed me and your smile could kill me," He brought my hand to his lips, kissing it softly.

I don't know why but I felt a tear slide down my cheek, he leaned forwards wiping that lone tear. I couldn't stop them, they kept falling and he pushed me deeper into his chest, holding me.

I knew I was crying because I was falling deeply in love and my father will come and tear it away. Fear lay in my chest, knowing we won't get an epilogue, we wasted so much time.

. . .

Very short, sorry, Im exhausted

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Very short, sorry, Im exhausted.

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