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Kneeling over the toilet, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand

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Kneeling over the toilet, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. 

A small drop of fear curled in the back of my mind, it couldn't have been the curry from last night's dinner. I never was the one to have a weak stomach. 

While the past few weeks have been nothing but perfect, endless date nights, spending time with his family only for them to become my family too. I enjoyed it so much.

I got to my feet, brushed my teeth, and then went to get dressed. 

As I gripped my wallet, my bodyguard, Kent, followed me the moment I walked downstairs. Doubt ran through my head as Kent open the door for me as we pulled to the closest CVS the GPS could find. 

I perused the options on the shelf. Blue boxes. Pink boxes. All different colors, countdown timers, and quick responses. My hand shook as I ran my fingers over the blue and white box, the television commercials always make it seem "Clear blue" was the best option. 

"Are you okay, Mrs, De'luca?" Kent's voice sent a nerve recking feeling throughout my body, I nodded my head walked towards the counter and paid for all six of the boxes.

This was all overwhelming. 

I saw our future every time I look at him, my fingers tangled into a wind of curls. My knee bounce as I sat at the edge of the toilet ripping open the package. 

I had my period... a couple of weeks ago but I was on birth control. Even when I did get my period, it seem lighter than usual but still. Tender nipples and cramps justify a period. 


After following the instruction, I held the glass of water in my hand. Filling up my bladder for each of the tests. 

Sitting on the edge of the tub, the clock hanging on the wall ticks filled my ears and the waiting was unbearable. 

I chewed my lip.
Eyes dart to the clock.
Picked at my nail, while my knee bounced up and down. 

This was fucking killing me, nerves broke out in my stomach. Stomping towards the tests sitting on the counter of the sink. 

Tears filled the rim of my eyes, my heart thumped against my chest and I couldn't breathe. It can't be? 

Taking it over again, until six tests stare back at me, all with the bold words clear as the sky. 


. . . . . . . . . . 

"He's calling for you again..." Spencer mumbled, she open the bedroom door to the hotel room I was hiding out at. 

Coward, that could've been my new name. I was hiding from him, the moment the six tests confirmed the reason for my sickness, I sneaked out of the house away from my bodyguard and came to a hotel. 

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