t w e n t y - f i v e

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The door to my office opens the four men in front of me turn their heads abruptly, my lips form into a smile watching Athena walk in

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The door to my office opens the four men in front of me turn their heads abruptly, my lips form into a smile watching Athena walk in. Her messy curly hair pulled into a sleek ponytail, her large white shirt now had paint all over.

"You're going on a mission?" her hand held onto the doorknob, the men glance at her, their eyes taking on a curious state.

I reach forward dropping the pen down on my desk, the men in the room helping me get ready for tonight, and where Hayes was supposed to keep her out of here.

"Yes," I answer, she sighed and walked over to me coming behind the desk, her brows furred together looking down at the paperwork on my desk.

"When where you gonna tell me?" She asked, both of her hands pressing down on my desk, she leaned down, the shirt was oversize with a slit in the middle letting her collarbones show but when she leaned down most of her cleavage came to view.

Im sure they sit so pretty.

"I wasn't," she narrowed her eyes at me, and my smile widen, "I wasn't gonna tell you because I knew you would want to come,"

"Your dam right I wanna come!" she raised her voice and my men already excused themselves from my office. My hands went to her waist pulling her in between my legs.

I kept my hands on her waist, my fingers moving in a circler motion on them. She dipped her head not looking at me but I saw her bite her lip.

"Stop distracting me," She mumbled, my smile never left the moment she walked into the room. "August, you're going on a mission without me,"

"I don't want you to get hurt, you are too valuable to me," I admit, there was no point in hiding how I felt about her. She knows, she just isn't quite ready to admit it herself.

Since that kiss, the past week has been different, and I know she feels it.

"I'll be safe, im gonna be with you," She pushes, I sighed but a fire lit in my chest knowing she feels safe around me.

"Every time you're with me, you get hurt," I bawled my fist so hard my knuckles cracked, my breath was steady but it hitched when her hand touched mine.

Im surprised we are still alive the number of times she has been with me and almost died, my chest ached just at the thought of having to bury her, I might just earn the mad capo title.

"Well stick it up, im going what time should I be ready?" She looks over to the papers on the desk, she won't take no for an answer.

"Seven," She went to walk away but I pulled her back by her waist, her hands fell to my shoulder, and slowly gripped her fingernails digging it my skin while my hands move up and down her thigh.

"Wear something tight, with easy access," she was wearing shorts they didnt even have the right to be called shorts. My hands were edging so close to her pussy I felt my dick throb when she utter my name.

it ends with augustWhere stories live. Discover now