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My knee bounce, as I sit in my father's office, the cold air wrapped around me

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My knee bounce, as I sit in my father's office, the cold air wrapped around me. He sat at his desk looking down at his papers completely ignoring my presence.

Inhaling deeply repeatedly just so he can literally say what he has to say and I can leave.

We're at the agency, when I offered to go home he knocked it out the question.

"Are we gonna sit here all day, or are you gonna speak?" I questioned him, keeping my voice strong.

I gripped the armrest of the chairs, the room was freezing yet I was sweating. I need to calm down, I wasn't scared or nervous. I was angry but anger gets me nowhere.

I hate that he has this tight grip on me, he uses my mother as a weakness for me. Even when he was the one that taught me not to have any weaknesses, he said 'they can destroy you' I never believed that.

I feel as though weakness can make you stronger.

"You have a mission on tonight," Papa says, his tone was dark and brooding but full of Authority.

"I seen the file, my missions go through august now last time I checked you were the one who made sure of that," I remarked, holding the same tone as his.

His eyes dart up to mine. "So what's this mission about that you needed to go behind August, your new CEO?" I taunt, his face didn't even move.

"Your going undercover, you will have backup and a team on set." He changes the subject.

I frown slightly, I always get to pick my backup and it's usually Spencer. I don't trust many of the agents, they are freaking sneaky.

"Who's the target?" I asked tenderly, he pulled a picture from a file and handed it to me.

My eyes widen as I looked at the picture, oh hell no!

"Have you lost your mind?" I stood from my chair.

Rolling his eyes, he leaned back into his chair. Putting a cigar between his teeth.

"You're trying to get me killed, he's your rival." I gritted.

Nico Collins, he owns an assassin agency just as powerful as my father's, still second best. I met with some of his agents before, they were an easy kill obviously.

My father is sending me into a freaking trap that I won't make it out of. I should sign my will right now, giving everything over to Spencer.

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