t h i r t y - t w o

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Pain, physical suffering, or discomfort caused by illness or injury

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Pain, physical suffering, or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

I was used to it, my body was so aware of it but my mind could never process it. The darkness surrounded me, my eyes becoming so familiar with the surroundings still, I was alone.

I knew my arms hang over my head, my feet barely touch the floor. I could feel the shackles dig into my wrist, while my toes barely scraped the floor. I don't know if it's been days, weeks, I just knew I was here and August was out there.

The only thing I could remember was the explosion, my ears still ring from being so close. I wanted to sleep, I wanted to be in August's arms, the only thing reminding me that I was here was the sharp pains from my back.

The door opened, and a bright light came on once he walked in. Nothing but rage consumed me and I couldn't do anything about it. I dropped my head shielding my eyes from the light, not looking at him till his feet came into view.

"It hurts my feeling to see you like this," his voice sent a shiver down my spine, dark raspy all those years growing up listing to his voice after countless lessons, it's been so long since I saw him.

Papa's hand touches my chin, forcing me to look up at him, he looked exhausted anger built in his future while his hand danced across my skin, I had to cringe at the feeling, his hand going to my cheek, moving down to my collar bone.

He stripped me of my clothes, leaving me in my underwear. Damp hair dripped down my back, the pain was bearable, he was mentally breaking me.

Leaving me in the dark, with a bite of bread every few days, isolated. This was always the worst part of training, so many years hoping and praying I mastered this one torture, it failed on my end.

"Your gonna have to speak, Estella," papa moves towards the door, just before he walked out, seeing the hall I knew where we were, but that's not what caught my wry eyes.

Spencer, in the same position I was in, in the split second when our eyes met, something inside me broke. This was pain.

. . .

My stomach grumbled, my arms were weak, and I wasn't sure how long I could hold on. The door opened once more. Papa took us home.

The familiar basement of my childhood home came into view every time the door opened, I tried to let my mind count the guards that stood at the door, they changed shifts every hour.

They did something different this time, every day I don't know for how long. They come in, whip me, and the pain from my back makes my legs buckle. Still, a nurse comes in and cleans me up.

Leaving the door open, they let spencer watch, "You think I want to hurt you?"

Papa touch my shoulder, his finger sliding down the mark on my back making me shudder. His finger pushed deeper into the wound, I bite down on my tongue so hard, the metallic taste observing my taste buds.

"My perfect daughter," his hand went to my waist, then pulled back a shaky hand. He was trying to control himself, sick bastard. "You just need a little training again, then you'll come back to me,"

I heard him undo his belt buckle, pulling the belt off his pants. The first strike, a sharp breath escaped from me, I looked up to spencer's eyes, they made her watch, they made her watch the entire thing.

By the time he was done, I was a shaking mess. I could feel the blood dripping down my back, I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I want August. But I only stayed quiet, heavy breathing coming from us both.

Papa gripped my face, pressing his lips against my forehead. I was disgusted, the man that was supposed to care for me, love me. Was breaking me down.

I was happy when he left the room, I was alone suffering in the dark when the door opened once more. The nurse slipped in, her soft rich brown eyes, she looked familiar.

"God," she whispered, her finger barely grazing my back but a small whimper escapes from me. "What is he doing to you?"

I eased away from her touch, she was a new nurse the last one didn't speak. She goes to touch me again, only making me move back as far as I can.

"You can trust me," She whispered, her hand slowly moving towards me while I watch her with curious eyes, "I'm August, cousin,"

My heart nearly leaped just hearing his name, my eyes widen slightly, and move just closer to her. I looked at the door, it was open partially, a guard standing just outside.

"Is he okay?" My voice was low, lack of water making my words come out raspy. She smiled and walked behind me.

"He's on a killing spree," her words were low, I inhaled a deep breath once I felt the alcohol touch my back. "He misses you,"

I dropped my head, a weak smile touching my lips. "How long have I been here?"

I was lost for a time, from the explosion isolation makes you lost, your way of time goes past your head and your mind consumes you.

Her hands comes to a stop, I could feel the how her steady hand start to shake, "Estella, you been here for a week,"

I try to take in her words. Have I been here for that long, being away from August for that long?

"How is Spencer?" I looked down at the floor, my white toes were now a different color. Guilt traveling throughout my body.

"She okay, they are mentally trying to break you both," I knew that already when he opened the door making Spencer watch as he whipped me.

"What is your name?" I asked, looking up at her eyes, she was at that party talking to August.


the excitement in my chest, knowing August was here, just so close and all I had to do was wait but I wasn't sure for how long.

Cleo left, she promised she was gonna come back. Still, I was alone in this room nearly at my breaking point.

 Still, I was alone in this room nearly at my breaking point

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