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Only you

I watched Spencer bite into her chicken nugget, I wanted to disturb her peace but I've been getting on her nerves all morning, it's all love though

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I watched Spencer bite into her chicken nugget, I wanted to disturb her peace but I've been getting on her nerves all morning, it's all love though.

This is around the time I'm usually in the garden but it's raining today and I do enjoy the rain but I don't want to get soaked, my hair is straightening.

"Y'know." Her eyes dart to mine.
"Don't start."

I held my hands up in self-defense. "I didn't even breathe."

"No, but you were about to say some dumb shit out of your mouth." She took another bite of her chicken nuggets after dipping them in the barbecue sauce.

"No, I wasn't," I exclaimed. She isn't wrong, I actually was gonna say something very educational that she didn't want to hear.

"And I don't say dumb shit out of my mouth." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You just did, you literally just told me when we kiss their Saliva stays in our bodies for two weeks." I laughed softly thinking of her face when I told her that.

"It's not my fault I'm smart." I shrugged leaning into the chair.

It's twelve in the afternoon, it was pouring rain outside. Spence and I stayed home today, I've killed fifteen people this week, I deserve a break.

"Smart is the new word for stupid." She rolled her eyes, excuse me I have a very high IQ, 170 to be exact.

I placed my hands on my chin looking at her eat, don't say it, Stella, you can hold out.

Fuck it.

"Y'know the tongue is covered in about 8,000 taste-buds, each containing up to 100 cells helping you taste your food."

"Got dammit Stella." She threw down her chicken nugget. "Don't ruin my lunch or I will punch you in the throat."

I let out a laugh shaking my head, I couldn't help it I'm like a dictionary spilling out useless information that no one wants to hear.

After a few moments of silence, I spoke again.

"I should be a stripper."

Spencer looked at me, with curious eyes and complete concern.


"Hear me out, If I wasn't in this business I would be an amazing stripper," I tell her.

I think I would be, I have an amazing body and I gave great arm strength half of the time.

"I would make almost the same amount of money I get for killing people, and I get to have validation from men." I smiled at the thought.

"Okay you have a point, plus you have stripper tits." Spencer looks at my breast.

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