t w e n t y - s e v e n

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"I do," my hand wrapped around August's, his eyes stared down at me looking so deep into them, I could see myself through them, in this case, I wished I could see what he sees in me

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"I do," my hand wrapped around August's, his eyes stared down at me looking so deep into them, I could see myself through them, in this case, I wished I could see what he sees in me.

I couldn't imagine myself, in a thousand years, I'll be here with him by his side while he slips the large diamond ring on my finger, deep down I was excited, nervous, I wanted someone to jump out and yell "surprise, the last six months of your life has been nothing but a prank,"

I wanted this to be a joke, some live television prank show and I was the start, but once my lips touched his, bringing the ecstatic feeling down my spine, making me crave for more than his touch, my mind only dragged off to how I'm here in the first place.

"A secret marriage," I mumbled, taking the seat they offered me, I couldn't bring my eyes to August's but I wanted to.

"In the mafia, you must understand the greater lengths of a woman who is the wife of a Don," Aurora, sat next to me, just her presence was motherly and I felt safe just being near her.

What they were suggesting, I couldn't give in. I come to terms that the hate towards August was nothing but a shield for what I was feeling for him, yet I still can't wrap my head around that.

"Your not just the wife of a Don, you're the heir of a Spanish mafia, you are protected behind so many measures," I say, I was the daughter of the most dangerous leader of an assailant company.

The word father always feels rotten coming out of my mouth, but he was never a father to me, he wanted a soldier and I wanted a father, you could see clearly how it would never work out.

"A Donna is more powerful than a Don, Lorenzo's great grandfather made sure of that," I heard that before, a Donna has just the amount of power of the Don.

I sighed, my hand ran down my face, this is crazy, "It's not crazy, it will keep you safe,"  August somehow read my thoughts, another sigh escapes my lips, my head looked up to the ceiling.

It wasn't crazy, it was smart since I've been with August knowing I'm a dead woman walking. I'd never felt more than safe by his side, Father had countless Capos, and Don's ask for a hand in marriage when I was eleven.

He always declined but he told me, 'once im in hands of a Don, there was no way of getting me back to him' the weird obsession he had with me made my mother more aware of him than ever. It makes me question if she knew about his... activities.

"If I was to say yes, how would we go about this?" I asked, I knew my answer but regret was clouding my body.

"Only we would know, along with the priest, it's a safe card, knowing you're the Donna of the Italian mafia, no one will touch you," A hand in marriage won't keep my father away, it will only make him more furious.

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