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A sky full of stars and he only stares at her.

"Are we really going to do this?" Spencer grimaced, as she sips on her martini

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"Are we really going to do this?" Spencer grimaced, as she sips on her martini. "This is breaking protocol."

We never followed protocol in the first place, the music from the club bast through my ears, I kept my eyes strain on the door upstairs.

"This wouldn't be the first," I reply curtly, my finger dancer around the rim of my Martini glass.

"No, it wouldn't but I don't want to make it a daily thing. It's bad enough you are on your father's bad side." She says, without looking at her I can tell she has a frown on her face.

"I'm on his bad side? More like he's on mine." I remarked.

I inhaled deeply, my father hasn't talked to me since I so-called 'made a fool out of him when it was he who made a fool out of himself.

My mother called me a couple of times to tell me something I needed to know, like August and my father isn't on good terms either, and that he laid a hand on Olivia which is the first, I guess I really must've picked a nerve this time.

"We hacked into his System and stole our hit list." Spencer shakes her head, she looked at me with slightly wide eyes.

"And doesn't that makes you curious on why he didn't do anything yet?" I say, she glanced down at her pink nails.

I haven't had a drop of blood on my hands in three weeks, my mother told me he said 'if she wants to work she better go to August himself and get my hit list' and I rather do a pound of crack.

Even so, with Spencer actually not being useless, she hacked into my father's system and now we have both of our hit lists. It just makes me wonder, I know he got a signal or something so why hasn't he done anything yet?

"Exactly, why don't we focus on our target," I answered in her silence.

I grabbed my martini, I kept my eyes on the door as a man walked out. And he just so happens to be my target.

"Keep an eye out," I say, moving from my seat. Never taking my eyes off my target.

"How are you gonna do it?" She asked before I got out of a line of vision.

"Keeping it simple." I grin while walking towards him.

I don't particularly want to keep it simple but, I can't really go full Ted Bundy in a nightclub, That wouldn't be nice.

Walking past my target, I bump into him knocking my drink over him and a little over myself.

"I'm sorry," I remarked quickly, he was tall dark hair, he looked oddly familiar.

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