e i g h t e e n

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"Have you ever wanted something, and couldn't have it, father?" My childhood home wraps around me, each happy picture sending a warm feeling through my chest

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"Have you ever wanted something, and couldn't have it, father?" My childhood home wraps around me, each happy picture sending a warm feeling through my chest.

His strong, whiskey mixed with aftershave leaves the impression on him as every man who was brought up in the business. A husky laugh that somehow rumbles his office makes me tilt my head holding my glass slightly tighter.

"Knowing you can't have it makes you want it more, so then you have the urge to do whatever it takes to keep it and make sure it stays yours..." I trailed off picturing me killing anyone coming out to get my sweet Athena.

My father open his mouth, closed it. "This 'something' wouldn't be a lovely girl with curly hair would it?" A sly smirk sits on the edge of his lips, almost in disbelief, like he couldn't believe I had an interesting eye out for her.

I let out a sardonic breath, it's always her. She's on my mind so much, I'm asking my father for advice, I hit really low.

Considering what happed in the past weeks, I've been tiptoeing around her, The tension between us doesn't change she's only ignoring it. As well as everything else.

There's a part of me that wants to send her off, and make sure she is out of reach from me and set fire to the world to anyone who even looked at her wrong. And that's the problem, I want her so bad I would be willing to give up my entire empire.


"You are out of luck from me son, maybe ask your mother or sister?" I ran a thumb across my jaw, if I even talk to Cora or mama about  Athena she would have the wedding bells out already.

"Never, anyways chitchat isn't what I came here for," My tone was rough but warm at the edges, I have a lot of power but I wouldn't dare disrespect my father, I knew better.

A dark laugh released from him, "you are my son,"  shaking his head he picked up a file from his desk. taking it out of his hands I opened it.

"Caiden picked up some information about her family, they have good ties with the Russians, Knowing that you are looking for Knight, they are probably hiding him for a good price," Father cocked his head,  a frown on his lips.

"he would go that far to kill her huh?" His eyes drag across the file, he already sent out five people to kill her. I caught them and have been keeping them from her, I never lie to her but she has enough on her plate.

She is Grieving, in her own way but she is hurting.

"He is a dangerous man, he needs to be put down," I stood, holding the fil under my arm. My skin itched just thinking of his blood on my hands, I want to bring his head to Athena's feet.

"I would like to have a daughter-in-law soon," I paused, my hand on the doorknob.

My father has always been a family over everything person, as a child, he always tells us our happiness matter over anything, I haven't been happy in a while.

Not unless I'm with her.


A corner of my lips lifted as I stepped out of the room and shut the door behind me.


"August - whatever the hell is your middle name De'luca!" I blinked walking into my home, Athena walked up to me, my eyes went straight for her bare legs, having her live with me was a terrible idea.

Her curly hair was out, bouncing as she walks towards me, a shirt came down to her knees, looking way too big for her, it couldn't be hers.

"who shirt is that?" She blinked at me, looking down at the shirt, and shooked her head.

"That isn't the point, You have some nerve," I ran my tongue across my teeth, pushing a red feeling down. I narrowed my eyes at her making her scoff.

"it's an old guy friend shirt, but it doesn't matter it's just a shirt," I looked down at the white shirt, 'nirvana' written on it. 

My lips curled in disgust, "Burn it,"

She stepped back and barked out a laugh, "No, what the hell is wrong with you?" My jaw tighten and she shook her head, wrapping my hand around her wrist I dragged her towards my room.

She fussed but I didn't care, Stoping at my room I walked into my closet grabbing a shirt, walking out I handed it to her.

"I don't need a shirt, August!" My name rolled off her tongue, sending it straight to my chest.

Seeing her in another guy's shirt is enough to tik me off, "put it on."

My words were harsh and cold, I had the need to tear them off her and burn them myself. I wanted to go into her closet and look for any shirt that wasn't hers and strangle everyone who gave it to her with it.

"You lost your mind, and you don't tell me what to do," She rolled her eyes, I grabbed her by the back of her neck, not too rough.

My hands eased up to her hair, gripping my fingers through her curls so softly, I could've forgotten the reason we were in my room. She looked up at me, her mouth slightly parted.

"Take it off, or I would rip it from your body and burn it my dam self,"  words rough and threatening.

Stepping back from my grip, I watched her snatch the shirt from my hands and walk out of the room slamming the door in the process.

Later, I walked out of my room, changed from my suit into a pair of sweat pants. Walking down the hall I didn't miss the smell of smoke filling my nose, walking outside my eyes widened, she smirked towards me, wearing my shirt nevertheless she listened to every word I said but in her own version.

I gritted my teeth.

She burned down my dam shed.

IM BACK! I'm on break, and I'm so sorry for being gone

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I'm on break, and I'm so sorry for being gone. I had to step back and noticed where I wanted to lead this story and now I have it so we are back on track.

Anyways, I didn't really like last chapter so enjoy this one.

it ends with augustWhere stories live. Discover now