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Five years later

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Five years later.

In the past, as a child visiting my famous beach house in Spain, it was the time when we could spend it as a family. I'd never thought in the past before letting Estella, I would be here with my own family.

Estella adjusted the umbrella shielding us from the hot sun shining down on us, the small baby bump poking out, showing from the bikini she was wearing.

Laughter drifted up to me from the beach, my son Damon, chased after his little sister Sage, his soft light brown curly hair bouncing as he ran after her holding what seems to be a piece of seaweed.

"Damon, stop scaring your sister!" Estella shouted dropping next to me, unknowably a smile on her lips as she stare off looking at the little five-year-old and the three-year-old.

I laughed as she laid her head on my shoulder, her curly hair brushing my shoulder the strawberry scent driving me crazy as sit did for the last years.

"Mama, damy scarwing me," Sage, ran towards me, two pink scrunchies in her hair pulling it into two pigtails.

I chuckled as she still miss-pronounced Damon's name, simple words of baby talk making my heart pound.

She was talking to Estella but she made herself comfortable in my lap, five years and Estella mastered the baby talk and I still couldn't understand what they were saying.

"My feet are burning," Damon mumbled, as he sat down beside me grabbing a juice box from the cooler.

"I told you to keep your shoes on," Estella shook her head, handing him the swim shoes. Our kids, god it still felt crazy to say.

They were a mixture between me and Estella, light brown curly hair, they stole my eyes, and my freckles, but god did they act like Estella.

A breeze slips through us, making our hair follow in the direction the wind was blowing. I could smell the shea butter Estella puts on the kid before we go out.

Sage pressed a hand against her mother's stomach, our third child. I'm hoping my family genes kick in a little faster and give us the set of twins everyone has been looking for. My mother first being twins and my sister, it was a matter of time before I join in.

"Damon, Sage!" a low growl slips from me, the moment I thought I had family time. Damon jumped from beside me, hearing his uncle Hayes's voice, Sage's little feet patted against the sand running not towards Hayes, but Spencer.

"Unca Hayes!" Damon shouted, running into Hayes's arms, I watched the two married couple walks down the beach.

"They love them," Estella placed my hand into hers, my body burned with excitement her touch alone could still and always send me to another planet.

"Yeah," I kept my gaze on Estella till it drifted up to Spencer twirling Sage around and her loud giggles bringing me out of the daze my wife had me in.

I was a man who put my mind to my mafia, my business but now, since everything that we been through, I couldn't wait for the family moments we have, watching every Disney princess movie Sage points out or picking Damon up from school because he got into his first fist fight.

"Mommy, play with me!" Sage shouted, holding up the little bucket. Estella stood to her feet, moving towards our little girl till she stopped and turn to look at me.

"You coming baby?" I cocked a brow at my wife, only making her smile as I jumped to my feet walking towards her.

I held her hand as we moved towards the ocean, watching Hayes pull Spencer into the water and her screams filling the air.

Damon held his sister's hand, protectively as we reached the ocean a small wave brushed against our feet.

Estella laughed softly as Damone and Sage looked back at me, and took both my hands pulling me into the water, god my family.

Estella helped our children push me into the water until it backfired on her and we all were soaked, we were having a blast.

The way Estella's wet hair drifted down her back, her hands pressed on my shoulders, and our children running around us. Looking at her, this scene unfolds in front of me.

My wife, the mother of my children, and the love of my life.

My life started with her and it will end with her.

"I love you,"

The End

Wow, this is the end, thank you all for this journey

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Wow, this is the end, thank you all for this journey.

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