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My mind wonder looking at August's office door open and close, this Morning eight black SUVs pulled in front of the house

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My mind wonder looking at August's office door open and close, this Morning eight black SUVs pulled in front of the house.

I didn't see who came in but I'm sure as hell waiting to see who comes out. I tried to walk in but the two boulders of a man standing outside of the doors won't let me in.

"He's hiding something from me," I say, as Spencer hands me a scone.

"Hm, and what makes you think that?" A grin meets Spence's face as she sits beside me.

The December snowfalls to the ground, one of my favorite times of the year.

Between the uneasy relationships, August and I have, lying is something we don't do. Withholding the truth sometimes, yes.

"I wanna know what's going on in there," I groan, i laced my fingers through my hair, it was straightened around this time considering it will be the only time my hair won't be frizzy.

"Did Hayes say anything?" I asked, considering she isn't even sleeping in her bed anymore. I'm squeezing so little information out of her.

I'm not blind, but when she is ready to tell me, I'll be waiting.

She gave me a look in the corner of her eye, "no...he was busy,"

Biting my lip, "busy doing you, or something for august," a grin released from me as she shrugged my shoulder.

I might wait for her to tell me but that didn't mean I wasn't gonna tease her.

"God, you're sick!" She shoved me, making me choke slightly on my scone. She patted my back but I shoved her back.

"You insult me then try to kill me, are you taking notes from August's notebook?" I held my chest contain a laugh.

"That wasn't even my fault, that would have been a natural cause," she gleams, picking up a bottle of water and handing it to me.

"You're sick!" I mumbled, the water soothing my throat. His office door opens once again, this time a guy who looks way too similar to August steps out.

"Those guys are killing me," he whispered harshly, walking towards us, he reached out for a scone.

"Who the hell are you?" I tilted my head looking at him, his hair was dark and his eyes were the same color as August's.

"Oh my manners, I'm kai, August better-looking brother," he gleams, reaching his hand out, I didn't take it but Spencer did.

"And from my guess, you are Athena," kai smiled, cocking an eyebrow I corrected him.

"It's Estella."

He puts a playful hand over his chest, "ah, your cold,"

"No, I don't like many people calling me by my middle name." Bitting into my scone, I looked back up at him.

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