t w e n t y- t h r e e

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Sweat dripped off my forehead and dipped into my subconscious, my body aches as my hand collided with the punching bag

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Sweat dripped off my forehead and dipped into my subconscious, my body aches as my hand collided with the punching bag. It was often an escape from reality; putting myself through the pain I was so used to enduring.

But this time, it was a distraction to avoid the chaos taking place outside these gym walls. Unfortunately, that chaos was; August. I clench my hands tight then release them after my hand hits the punching bag, a flash of his lips touching mine ran through my head.

A groan escapes me, I kicked the bag with a final blow before falling onto the patted floor. My ribs still ache from the crash, it only happened three days ago I was left with a broken rib but August had to get surgery on his abdomen.

"You have four broken ribs, you should be on bed rest." a male voice spoke, my headshots up to the doorway watching Rhys; August's brother, walk-in slowly making his way towards me.

"More like one," I turn slowly on my side ignoring my body telling me to rest.

"I examining you myself, Estella your body is exhausted," Rhys tightens his hands around the sectchope around his neck, just from his appearance tells me he came from the hospital to come to check on August.

I flutter my eyes shut for a moment, every time I close them, us on that hill replays in my mind like a broken record. I flicked my eyes open just at the memory and looked straight ahead at Rhys.

"Doctor Rhys, are you ordering me to get rest or asking?" I stood slowly, taking the water bottle off the bench and letting the cold liquid flow down my throat.

"As your Doctor Im ordering but as your friend, Im asking." A smile wonders on his lips as I approached him, I looked down at my shoes before meeting his eyes again. "Between you and August, your both driving me crazy."

"Was that the only reason you came down here, to complain about your pain in the ass brother?" His shoulder bumped mine as we walked out of the gym and down the halls.

The snow was thick in Italy, my eyes glanced at the fresh layer of snow out the window watching it fall adding onto the snow already on the ground. It was rare to get snow in Italy, it rarely happens in the winter.

"That wasn't the only reason, I need a favor." Rhys's eyes gleamed, approaching the kitchen I could smell the soup, my stomach growled just then reminding me I skipped breakfast.

"Ask me now or forever hold your peace," My hands fiddle with the fruit snack package, taking it off the counter I place three in my mouth before facing Rhys.

"August asked for you." My heart picked up, slowing my chewing down, staring at Rhys's very familiar face for another second before finally dragging my gaze to the fruit snacks in my hand.

"Okay, why?" I asked slowly. "It's nothing bad, dont worry."

"He needs help with his wounds and he won't let the nurses or I do it, and he's too stubborn to do them himself, he only wants you." his words gave me a Deja Cue feeling down my spine, swallowing a lump in my throat I spoke.

it ends with augustWhere stories live. Discover now