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My shoulder brushed against August, it had to be an hour and we are lucky the fire didnt spread

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My shoulder brushed against August, it had to be an hour and we are lucky the fire didnt spread.

I can hear the fire trucks approaching, August's head dropped on my shoulder and I stilled.


I dipped my head down, trying to meet his eyes. They flutter open and panic flew through me.

"You are not dying on me tonight," I whispered, I sat up on my knees, smacking his face lightly.

"Wouldn't you like that?" His voice was weak, with heavy eyes he stared at me.

His words from the plane echoed throughout my head, "no, I wouldn't,"

It was the truth, my mind couldn't process if he did die, I'm not sure how I would react. And I don't want to think about it.

A weak laugh comes from him, I could see his breath from the cold.

"For a man bleeding out, you do find a lot of things funny," I shifted on my knees and sat more closer to him.

He shook his head, "tell me what you think about me."

"Just because you're on death doors doesn't mean you're getting information out of me," I smiled, but I was nervous and he didn't look good.

I rubbed my hands together then blew into them.

"Come here," I hesitated but moved closer to him, his body gave me a little warmth, beside the blood I could smell his cologne.

He was holding me and it felt, nice.

he held me tight although he was weak he had a grip on me.

My head lay on his chest, right near his heart. His heartbeats were steady, giving me just enough hope.

"Ci sono molte parole tra di noi, ma non riesco ancora a trovarmi a dirne una finché non saremo pronti." August whispered, he tipped my chin making me look up at him.

(There are many words between us, but I still can't find myself to say one until we're ready.)

I don't know Italian, it's one language my father prevented me from learning. And he knew that.

But I knew a language he didn't know either.

"كيف يمكنني أن أجد نفسي أعترف، أنا لا أكرهك؟." I say, Arabic was taught to me by my mother. I spoke to August once and he didn't know want I was saying.

(How can I find myself to admit, I don't hate you)

"Touché, Athena," we were close, the cold air between us was getting warm.

I watched his eyes dart to my lips then back to my eyes. I couldn't help to do the same.

"Your pale," I whispered, trying to get anything other than his lips off my mind.

"I know,"

"Say no," he whispered, his hand dipped behind my neck.

I should've, but couldn't. His lips hovered inches from mine. It felt wrong but so right.

His tongue danced across mine, sparks drifted across my whole body. He nibbles on my bottom lip like he was hungry.

As we pulled away begging for air, something happened in me that I didn't see it would.

I pulled him in for another.

"Hey! We got people over here!" The firefighters came, I pulled away from him, standing faster than I should have.

God, what did I just do?


"Stella, god are you okay?" Spencer rushed over to me, cops were all over the hospital.

News about a capo being injured in his hometown wouldn't go unnoticed.

My fingers touched my lips, each time I think about my body lights up like fireworks.

"Im fine, August got hurt the most," I tell her, she pulls me into a hug anyway.

"As soon as we heard we rushed over, it's like hell broke loose back at the home." She tells me, August was in surgery.

"I would've guessed, someone tries to kill the capo on his homeland. People would think that every capo is touchable." I tell her.

My fingers still linger on my lips, as I keep pulling them away they keep ending right back.

"Well, August isn't any capo. He's the capo." Spencer sits beside me.

Hayes walks out of the room, I couldn't read the look on his face.

"Is he okay?" I asked, my knee bounced, and I fidget with anything in my touch.

"He's fine, stop with the sad look," I rolled my eyes, looking away from Hayes.

"Although, the bastard needs rest and he wants to have your father head on a platter."

"Maybe you should contain him," Spencer urged him off, his phone rang and he walked off.

Spencer looked back at me, "what the hell happened on that hill?"

Spencer looked back at me, "what the hell happened on that hill?"

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THE FIRST KISS, I love it here.

I'm also making a new book, and if you read my other book 'our heart collided' I have to say you will love this one I'm putting out soon.

Marry Christmas🎄🥰

it ends with augustWhere stories live. Discover now