Chapter 24

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Xavier's P.O.V

"You think maybe lavender is a bit too much no?" Derek asked my trying to contain his laughter.

"I don't think so, bruh she is the girl of my dreams." I smirked at him.

"Bruh? You okay man?" Derek patted my back.

"Oh shut up. I have picked out the ring, rehearsed the lines and brought the lavender." I huffed.

"Who would have ever thought I would loose to the likes of you." Derek smiled at me.

"The best man did win eh?" I winked at him.

"Best man? Hardly anything like that. Just that she has exquisite taste." He frowned at the floor.

  I looked at the ring box in my hand and back at Derek. Things have always been a little rough between us no matter how hard we try. I can't say I blame him, who would? I am not surprised that Derek has also taken a liking to my beautiful angel, Karita. It is hard to not fall for her once you are exposed to her beauty.

"I guess I fit her taste then aye." I offered a smileto Derek.

"This lifetime only." He laughed out loud.

Even though his words were laced with laughter, I could tell he was trying his best to hide the venom in his voice and the sadness that took over his body and infiltrated his joints. He was my best man, I knew him well. Exposing his emotions for him was almost impossible, a weakness in his point of view. When we were kids, even then he was the charmer of the all the girls, I could see it in her eyes too, even Karita was charmed by him. But somewhere along the lines my luck had struck. Even then when his heart was in pain he didn't say word, he merely shook it of and smirked at the both of us.

"I've got to get on the road. Coming?" I slapped his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah let's go and see the final sympton of being ultimately whipped." He walked ahead of me.

"Right back at ya." I slung an arm around his shoulder.

"Don't tell me you're no longer into girls?" Derek scowled at me.

"I am still into girls, it is just that I wanted to show some affection for the best pal."

"Fuck. I'd prefer it if you were into guys." 

"Why? Would you confess your long lost love for me?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"No, because Karita would eventually take a liking to me." He stared at me.

"Well that's too bad." I sighed sliding in into his ferrari.

"Indeed, too bad it is." He said sliding in to the drivers seat.

Karita's P.O.V

I picked up the pace, jogging accross the terrains. I tried controlling the breathing, and felt my heart pound as each sweat droplet fell accross my forehead. I arched my back as my heels stopped. I placed my hands on my knees and took a deep breath. Well I guess that is all for today then. I slowly jogged back to the flat, and firstly hit the showers. The warm water splashed upon my sweat covered body which was drenched from head to toe. I enjoyed the reward of the three hour run. I had a big test coming up and I felt the only way that would calm me would be a nice long run. 

After drying my hair I picked out a black lingerie and got my way into putting on before I heard the front door open. With hands on my hips i strutted to see if Xavier was back. 

"VaVa Voom. Now that is a sight I enjoy." Xavier winked at me. 

He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. I was about to shower him with kisses, when I noticed Derek trail on behind him with a video camera in his hand.

"What the fuck is going on?" I seethed, using Xavier as my barricade.

"Trust me you will enjoy it, just give me a few moment." Xavier brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

"Five minutes." I offered a warm smile.

"Karita, my love, do you remember the first time we met? I do. I clearly remember the first time we met. Mainly because it was that one look, that only look that made heart melt for you. I have never chased another girl since. We are both now, well our university years are coming to and end. I am 22 and you are 21, we have been together since the age 13, and you 12.  9 years togeher. Is a long time. And not many highschool couples make it, not many but we did. We did because I was so lucky to be able to grasp the hand of an angel. So Karita, my love, my angel. my heart and my universe." Xavier got down on one knee and grabbed my hand. " Will you do me the great pleasure of becoming my wife?"

Tears welled up and I lifted my spare hand to cover my mouth, and to stop the upcoming squel from rushing out. I nodded hastily. He stood up and I threw my hands around his neck. I was so happy that I was unaware the broken boy taking our video for us. 

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