Chapter 28

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Karita's P.O.v

        It's finally here. I shall no longer be known as just as Karita Crystob Crystal, but now as Karita Xetri. The name sounded so foreign as it rolled off my tongue, but it wasn't the bad kind. The kind that tasted like sweet sugar. I smileld at him at stared into the mirror, smoothing my dress, I felt myself glowing in some form. The whiteness of the dress that fell to heels of my feet. I stared at my self once more, my curly hair was pinned neatly in a bun, only letting my side blangs fall in my face. My make up consisted of a winged eyeliner, Volume mascara and a light touch of black eye shadow. I let my hand trace the gold necklace that my mom had brought for me the day before, It complimented my skin, and the glow of it was not competing with my dress but rather blending in with it. Footsteps echoed from behind me, The bounce of the mirror showed my mom with a plain yellow sleeveless dress and her brown hair let down reaching her shoulder. She smiled at me with tears on the peak of her eyelids. She came up to me and cooed in my ear, along with her hands wrapping around my waist. 

"You look absolutely stunning." Her tears droped but she still maintained her posture.

"Thank you Ma, but I feel stunnning too" I grinned at her and engulfed her in a hug. 

       She left a few moments later showering me with her motherly love. The door creaked open once more and my college friends Maria, Vera and Kym came in all with a giddy feeling. 

"OH mah gawd." Vera squeled.

"Jeezum." I squeled with laughter as they all circled me, trapping me in their arms. 

"Let's take a selfie?" Maria suggested.

"A great idea." Derek proposed walking in. "You look absolutely gorgeous by the way Karita. It's not too late to change your mind you know." His eyes pleaded for me to give in to him.

"Thank you, and very funny. I am so going through this." I smirked calmy at him.

A flash of hurt and rejection flashed by his eyes, but as soon as it was there it was gone.

"Well then your loss." He flashed his pearl white teeth smile. "Don't you agree?" He winked at Maria.

She just blushed in reply, tucking a strand of her hair behind her earlobe. She stood beside me and pulled out her phone.

"On the count of three." Vera declared.

"1. 2. 3. Smile." Kym laughed.

The picture flashed. Vera had a hand slund around my waist, her lips puckered up next to my cheeks covered in pink blush, I hand a hand on my waist and the other raised up in the air, Kyms face popped up in between the gap of my shoulder and Vera, an adorable preschool smile plastered in her face and eyes. Derek stood beside Maria, Maria had one hand on the phone and the other hooked around Veras and finally Derek slung an arm around Maria's shoulder, a blush crept up her neck. We looked so happy and I was happy. As everyone left, Derek stayed behind and stared at me, his eyes eating up every piece of my body slowly, and devouring it.

"I meant it. Stunning." He let out a low breath.

"Thank you, Derek." My eyes twinkled at him.

"You'll make the best bride ever." He stated looking away, shurgging his hands into his pockets.

"Hey come on now, I'm sorry things romanitcally never happened between us but I do love you Derek, and you're a great guy and you'd make a good groom." I smiled at him.

"If he hadn't I would." He grumbled.

"Would have what?" I questioned.

"Would have proposed." He kicked the floor.

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