Chapter 19

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Derek's P.O.V
I sat down and stirred my milkshake. I starred at the swirling whip cream. My eyebrows furrowed, my chest ached. I ran a hand through my slicked back hair. Was it because I was late? I was but I was not. I stood out that door by the tree. Leaning by it, twirling a rose in my hand. Staring at the beauty goddess before me. She sat sipping her crystallized water, nervous and exhausted. She quickly tucked a strand of black side bangs behind her ear and I could see her lips quivering. Probably from the cold, or from the looks she might have been receiving as she looked so alone. I couldn't bring myself to walk in with confidence and sweep her off her feet. Not with her. Not Karita. Everytime I'm with her, I fumbled and stuttered, with her I can't get out the words properly. Karita has this charm that will distract even the Gods, beauty that will make heaven envy and a heart so pure that the devil will never be able to trick her into ever committing a sin. The way she behaved so normal, so insecure when really perfection wouldn't even be enough to defy her. Nothing would ever be enough.

'I don't love you like that.'

I let out a groan of frustration. Why doesn't she love me like him. Why am I not as good as him. Why can't she see me as him? I can love her more than he ever will. I would have never left her behind not even for God damned college. How can you watch her cry? I would never make her cry, I would only make her smile until she reeked of pleasure and happiness. Can't she see? I'm just as good as him. I'm even better! I would make her heart fill with joy more than it being just content. I would, if I could. But I couldn't, but I still would.

I ran a hand through my hair once more. I eyed a blonde haired figure who had clearly pulled down her blouse exposing more than enough of her cleavage to me. She shifted her hips and strutted towards me. She plopped down on the seat where Karita sat earlier.

"Wanna have fun?" She purred.

"You have the key to your room?" I snapped.

She reached hand in her shirt, probably her bra and pulled out a hard card, which I assumed were the keys to her dorm. I shuffled to my feet and glared her down. She quickly got up and hooked her hands around my left hand and dragged me to her room. She wasted no time when we got to her room. I used the bathroom for a moment to just wash my face and snap out of the melancholic trance of having Karita. I stepped out and the blonde bimbo was already stripped down to her naked skin bear. I'll admit she had a nice physique but what I'd kill for was Karita, it doesn't even have to be that she sleeps with me, just her lips on my lips is all I'm asking, begging for. The blonde bimbo wrapped her legs around my waist and I immediately drowned my sorrow by pleasing my sexual needs.

Karita's POV
"Just calm down babe, I mean after all he is your best friend." Xavier announced with reminder.

"Say read me something from what you've been working on." I uttered a soft whisper.

"Well, you know it's ..." He fumbled.

"You know, it's getting hot in here, very hot." I purred removing my tie. And I unbuttoned a few of my buttons.

I made sure the video was on and I could see the heat rise up on him. He coughed to hide his undeniable pleasure in watching me.

"It's not finished. So I'll only read you a line or so." He grumbled.

"Good enough." I said and removed my shirt, too bad I wore a black tank top underneath.

"I will not do much or say much. But whatever she did reeked of perfection. And I shalt not deny the simple pleasure of being together. She did what only God could do, she stopped my beating heart every time we met. So I will not deny the pleasure of the cause of butterflies in my stomach. I simply will not." He read from his hand written book.

My eyes fluttered. It was beautiful, he was beautiful and I could not wipe the smile off my face.

"How was it? It's about you, if you haven't already notice." Xavier looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Oh it's was beautiful. How I love you." I smiled.

"Why do you love me?" Xavier's eyes bore into mine. " I mean I'm like a 5 probably and you're a perfect 10. So why?"

"Oh Xavier, my love. You don't get it do you? Everything you did reeked of perfection. I love you. I simply do. I can say why, but that would be irrelevant. Because I'm in too deep, everything you do I love. I love you and your imperfect flaws. I just do." I chuckled.

"You know I love you too." He blew a kiss "I really do."

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