Chapter 32

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A Year has Passed

Karita's P.O.V

        I sighed as the line refused to progress any further. I let my fingers drum upon the table, signaling that I was in no mood to be waiting. When the cashier was finally in front of me, my anger and impatience disinigrated. Her washed out eyes, and bland expression immitated how I have been feeling for a while. I dropped the attitude and ordered the usual, Caramel Latte on the go, as I was late for my shift in the hospital. She plastered a barbie doll smile as she returned the change. I grabbed the latte and strutted down the street to the only hospital on that road. 

     I placed myself in my seat, and turned on my apple desktop that hospital so graciously provided for my usage. The screen saver came on, and there I was with a happy expression on my face and arms firmly wrapped around Xaviers waist, my hair flying with the wind. The same picture as my skype profile. I tried mirroring the happiness then, but I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I typed in the password, ForeverXaviers, and my desktop background popped up. It was of Xavier and I again. It was at our apartment, He was placed on the sofa and I was seated on his lap, our lips locked with one another, eyes shut, my arms were wrapped around his neck and his left arm around my waist and his right arm on my thighs. Even with eyes closed I could feel the love surge up through my veins. A knock on my door pulled me into reality.

"I need the documents about the patient who is to take a surgery in two days, please I would like to go over somethings." I declared while jotting some notes down.

"Hahahah, I'm sorry what?" Derek smiled.

"Oh my bad, I thought you were the nurse." I laughed looking up at him.

"Busy Busy eh?" He said bringing out flowers and placing them on my desk.

"Very, I have had tumours to remove and well vessels to check. The cases are endless." I sighed getting up to reach for a file in my cabinet.

"Well you asked for it." He stated, taking a seat on the seats meant for the patients.

"Yes I did, I never said I regretted it." I retorted back, eying the files.

"However does it make you happy?" Derek questioned.

"I lost the ability of being happy over a year ago." I said pacing around the room.

"Karita." He whimpered getting up and using hsi hand to brush through my hair.

"Drop it." I said walking away from him and back to my original seat.

"Okay, how about dinner tonight?" He grinned at me.

"I don't see why not." I replied.

"Great, I'll pick you up at Seven." He said getting up to leave.

"Yeah okay." I looked up at him and smiled.

 He pulled the door open but his body froze, he spun on his heels and walked up to me. He looked at me for a while and then brought his lips down on mine. The file I had slipped out from my hands. He pulled back, and a soft whisper escaped my lips.

"Xavier." I whimpered ever so quietly.

His face scrunched up in rejection and I could feel the vibe broke. He ran a hand through his hair, and he stumbled backwards.

"I'm so sorry." I muttered trying to reach for his hands.

"I shouldn't have." He mumbled to himself.

"Derek." I pleaded.

He stumbled out the door, and walked away. I placed my hand on the temples of my forehead. Could the day get any worse. The door slammed open and I jumped up in horror. 

"Miss Xetri! The patient just went brain dead." The nurse screeched.

My eyes widened in horror and I let out a low screech. This day has just become one of the worst things that has ever taken place in my life. I ran to the room that the patient was supposedly resting. As soon as I stepped in the room, I heard the monitor beep in a low flat sequency. I rushed the nurse to bring in the defrillibators immediatoly.

"CLEAR." I screamed bringing the defrillibator down on the patient.

"Again." I begged.


"Once more." I squeked


The patients chest lay completely still. My eyes watered in defeat. The nurses hung their head in defeat. My head nurse placed his hands on my shoulder and smiled at me wearily.

"There wasn't a thing we could do. Some things just weren't meant to be." He patter my shoulder and stalked off.

"Tell me about it." I sighed tucking in a piece of hair strand behind my ear lobe.


A firm knock came on my door. I didn't let my eyes roam, still staring at the blank wall chewing on the top of my pen. 

"You don't look alright." Derek stated squatting down in front of me.

I scrunched up my nose, " You smell like sex." 

"Well yeah. Just this girl I met." He smirked at me.

"Sounds fun." I said chewing on my pen harder.

"What's wrong?" He looked up at me taking my hands in his and placing the pen on the table.

"My patient." I chocked on my words.

He pulled me in, he lost his balance and landed on his butt, and I was forcefully pulled upon him. My body was sprawled upon him, his left hand placed upon my right breast. A blush rose upon my neck. He pulled me under him, pinning both my arms down.

"Derek, please." I squeked.

"When is it going to be my turn?" He frowned.

"Please don't." I pleaded

"You're beating yourself up, you deserve some pleasure." He stared me down.

"Derek." I warned.

"I can give you pleasure. I can make you happy." He said bringing his lips down

"Stop." I declared.

He got of me and pulled me up, tilted his head a little and then cleared his throat.

"I can't go for dinner today, I'm tired." He stated walking out of the door.

I fell back on my seat sighing of exhaustion and frustration 

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