Chapter 6 (Edited)

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I walked through the crowded hallways, my body constantly colliding with other people, constantly getting tangled up with the hundreds of bodies. It was a lot like getting lost at sea, our bodies blended in with the crystal glass like surface of the ocean. Our blending in with the ocean, and just carelessly flowing along side one another, a part of us not even aware of the tedious tasks we fulfil on a daily basis. Just flowing into complete oblivion, accepting our dreary and mundane fates. We are trying to constantly grasp and fill up our ever so empty lives with just a little glint of hope that is supposedly awaiting us at the end of the never ending flow of the ocean waves. To grasp the remaining little things that we are able to obtain, and make our lives somewhat content. We were bored, we were unhappy, yet we weren't entirely bored and we are not entirely happy. It's complicated actually, extremely complicated because that is how we make our lives to be, as angsty teenagers with so many forms of complexities hitting us one by one. 

Suddenly I halted to a stop in front of a still figure who leaned against the lockers with his hand in his pockets, his ruffled dirty blonde hair perfectly ruffled into place and his piercing blue eyes fixated on me. Derek. Not a smile to be seen, but the frown lines very prominent from a mile away. He stared at me as I moved closer towards him. I gulped as he stood he did have a very intimidating vibe revolving around him. I took in a deep breath, mentally counted to three and patted his shoulders. 

"Derek, I'm sorry aight? Forgive your bff." I fluttered my eyelids.

I was greeted by silence. Just his piercing cold stare and I was truly afraid that our friendship was done for. I wish he'd just let it go so that we could go back to laughing and making jokes about Samantha and her outrageous stories or all the homework that was assigned to us. He closed his eyes for a moment and then they fluttered open and his face broke out into a soft smile.

"Yeah you're forgiven?" He chuckled, ruffling my hair. 

"And?" I raised my voice as high pitched as possible.

"And what?" He quirked his eyebrows.

"What?" He repeated again this time a bit more loudly to the extent that people passing by paused momentarily to look at us.

"Well..." I trailed off.

"Oh you expect me to be sorry?" He chuckled.

"Yes. Yes I do." I bit my lip.

"Why do I need to be sorry for? Liking you? Wanting to make you happy and mine? Wanting to devour you every moment, just wanting you?"

"Wha-No. For crossing the lines." I stuttered. Where did that come from, that was a lot to take in. 

"I'm just kidding. You should have seen the look on your face." He laughed dryly. "I'm sorry okay."

"Look Derek, you can't chose who you like, but you deserve better."

"You don't get it do you?" He mumbled

"Don't get what?"

"Never mind. It's nothing really."

He smiled at me, something he hasn't done in a while, a genuine smile. His fangs showing, and his soft deep dimples breaking lose. He looked as if he he had just came from a modeling routine. A picture perfect smile, perfection that was the epitome of his life. Wish I had somewhat perfection, I want it but I don't think I'd ever be able to achieve it.

"Where you going?" I questioned him, "Class is this way." I nodded in the opposite direction that he was heading off to.

"I have got to go apologise to Xavier." he grunted.

"Oh, well that's Good." I beamed.

I tossed my hair aside, and smiled, for once there was no more drama and all was at peace, where's the parades and the hoorah's when you need em. I strutted to class with an unusual bright beam. My lips parted and casually fell into a smile, and my eyes actually shimmered. The world seemed a lot lighter, when I was happy. For a moment there I felt normal and accepted. I let out a slow giggle, the jolliness fluttered in my belly like butterflies. My phone vibrated and I reached my hand for it in my purse, shuffling through all my books and notes stuffed messily in my purse. I pulled out my black Samsung Note Alpha and slid the call button.

"Hello?" I hummed.

"Don't be late today, I made dinner." the voice snapped on the other end.

"What time?" I whispered

"7:00 sharp. Not a minute later."

"Yes, ma." I whimpered

"Pick up bread along the way."


The phone line went dead. I was about to ask if I could bring Xavier along. Guess I will just have to take a shot and find out because I cannot be in the same room as my family without any form of moral and physical support. Way to slam me back into reality's way, this is a total bummer. Hopefully nothing will get too out of hand and it'll be dinner with the family, a normal average picture perfect family. Wonder what's going to happen, only one way to actually find out. 

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