Chapter 26

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Karita P.O.V

   I struggled to keep myself in check, it is just a crash.  Nothing major will happen right? He will be alright? I took a deep breath and stood up and shuffled to the toilet, threw open the cabinet and pulled out my pills. I stuffed three pills of Wellbutrin in my mouth and tried to steady my breathing. I heard the front door click and I ran towards it.

"Xavier?" I wailed. 

"No, hey it is going to be alright." Derek smiled at me, pulling me into his arms.

    I took a deep breath, but it was not working. Disturbing images. Xavier lying on that forsaked hospital bed, blood splashed all over his body and his eyes closed, the monitor to its last beep. I gasped for air, clawing at my throat, begging for the wind pipe to open up, to allow me to breathe again. 

"Breathe. Kar." Derek stared at me with worry.

"I want to see him."  I huffed.

  I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, forcing myself to breathe with my mouth. I wanted to see him, I want to be there for him. I pulled on Dereks hand, tugging on his arm struggling with each step. We needed to get to the hospital. We need to go now. I turned to stare at Derek, with the desperation, in my eyes, with the desperation in my voice and action. Please let him be okay. Please don't let anything happen to him. Please keep him alive.

"Let's go." I raised my shaky voice.

  Derek sighed but gave in. He walked towards his ferrari and pulled out the door for me to slid in and then went over to his side and got in too. He drove at a speed above the speed limit. All this time where I have been drowning myself in sorrow I didnt notice the fact that Derek has been in pain too. His skin was crinkled and there were stress lines on his forehead. Xavier was an important person to him too. Xavier don't go, you'll be leaving so much behind. We pulled up at the hospital, both of us scurrying out of the car and straight for the emergecy room. I felt my feet pulling my entire body ahead of me, pull me towards the man I love, my fiance. I went up to the counter.

"Xavier Xetri." I stiffled a sob.

"He is currently in critical condition ma'm. He has been in surgery for a while now. You will have to wait ma'm." She said sorrowfully.

I stepped back. Surgery. I took another step back. Critical condition. I slammed into the wall. I frowned and slid the down the wall and felt the sting in my back. My hands were shaking, and my lips quivered. I shook the tears off as well as trying to shake off the negative thoughts. No Xavier, who would hold my hand, who would mend my heart, who would make me laugh. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Don't go, please. Xavier. I shook my head once more tears dripping out even when my eyes were forced shut. I felt warm hands on my hair.

"It's going to be alright." Derek looked at me

But with his pained look in his eyes, I don't think he was saying it for me, I think he was trying to convince himself. The ER door slid open and the doctor walked out. I rushed towards him and looked at him with the desperation. 

"He is okay for now, he needs his rest. But he has gotten brain damage so he might fall into coma along the way. I suggest no visiting hours for three days. You may come back and see him  then." The doctor slid past us.

Xavier. Don't go. Please.

Dereks P.O.V

Karita held herself and I could see her body shook, and I could see the tears fall. Although I could probably hold her, but I couldn't. Because I was trying to keep myself in check. I stuffed my hands in my pocket, and looked at the ground. I remember When Xavier and I first met.


"What you going to do about it? Report me?" I grinned kicking the scrawny 8 year old boy.

"You're going to report the bosses son?" A friend of mine commented.

A boy about my age ran into and knocked me down.

"Stay away from the little kid, and pick on someone your own size." He stood up and dusted his shoulder off.

"How dare you! I can have you arrested! Do you even know who I am?" I shouted at him, anger rose up from my neck.

"You are a human being. That's who. And I don't care, just because you have more money does not mean you have the right to hurt or pick on people. I am not going to let you. I'll fight you." He pointed a finger at me.

"You'll fight me?" I smirked, I got up and walked up to him, closing the space between us.

"I will." He said and lifted his fist up and collided it with my face.

I stumbled back, and I could feel blood come out from my mouth.

"I'm bleeding, why you!" I yelled.

"You and I are the same. I am not just going to stand here and watch you hurt people who are on the same level as you." He yelled back at me.


I looked up and there were tears in my eyes. Thank you Xavier. You were really a true friend, even when Karita picked you, I didn't mind in the least because it was you. You were the only exception when it came to Karita, even if I made a fuss, I still never actually mind. Because you were so much of a better person than I could ever be. Don't die on me buddy.  Not yet, not so soon. I brought up a hand to my face, I couldn't help but sob a bit.

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