Chapter 37

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"Derek!" Karita yelled, running in front of Xavier, "You're okay!" She shrieked throwing herself on the fifteen year old Derek.

The fifteen year old Derek could not take the weight of the light Karita with the injured back and fell backwords, having the tiny figure of Karita stumble and have her feet give up on her.

"Karita!" Derek and Xavier yelled in unison, Xavier grabbed Karita's arm and pulled her back on her feet gently, dusting off the sand that had made it's way on her body.

"Karita, be careful please, Derek's back still hurts." Xaviers eye pleaded as he reached out an arm to pull Derek up on his feet.

"I'm sorry Derek." Karita whispered her eyes lowered and her posture slumped.

"It's alright princess." Derek smiled at her.

Her eyes sparkled as he said that, she laughed. She turned and began to walk ahead, Derek was about to follow but he had to dust off the sand. After his dusting off, he eyes leveled and what he saw didn't please the naked eye or this boy in the scrape of teenage life. Xavier had his hands intwined with Karita's right hand, Karita allowed her left hand to grab on to Xavier's left hand pulling her close to his side. She reached up on her tip toes and let her lips brush upon Xavier's cheek, he turned to her and she shrieked in surprise. She pulled away from his grasp and ran away shrieking but laughter definately accompanied her presence. Derek felt his heart throb against his rib cage. He did not seem to understand this sort of pain, he did not fall on his chest, so why did his chest seem to ring with agony.

"Karita." A whispered word laced with desperations fell out of Dereks lips.


Derek's P.O.V.

        "Maria, that is not how you were supposed to get it done!" I grumbled throwing the file on the table.

        "My bad, I seemed to have gotten careless with my mistakes. I promise it won't happen again." She bowed her head slightly.

        "Look," I sighed, "You cannot expect to let me of the hook simply because I am slightly attracted to you, you know---"

        "Slightly attracted?" She quirked an eyebrow

        "However you must understant.." I was cut off by her lips on mine. 

I reached out my hands to wrap them around her waist, puliing her close to my body, letting her warmth flow into mine by the touch of our skin coming in contact. I inwardly smiled at the radiance of her body. She pulled apart, the smirk evident on her face.        

        "Is it still only slightly?" She questioned her breath lingered around my face.

        "I am beginning to doubt it." I said with my eyes still closed and I was still breathing heavily

        "That's what I thought." She smirked, spinning on her heels and swaying her hips side to side stalking off. 

I let a hand run through my hair, and allowed my windpipe to have air surge back into it. This girl was making me lose it, my touch , not that I had it since Karita left. I let my hand fall and then grinned at the fact this is the type of the girl that Karita would definately approve. The kind of girl that I can see Karita inviting to a lunch date with Xavier, Karita and I and then stalking off with Xavier forcing us to enjoy the company of one another. I looked at the group photo on my table, the one with Karita on Xavier's back and Xavier grabbing my hand with laughter in the atmosphere.

        "She's a keeper ain't she?" I asked questioning my two buddies. "Just like you guys were." I smiled at the photo.

Maria, Such a name, a fine name that the lid of my pencil had the delicate pleasure of writing down and the will of the master constantly, almost like it was in a routine. I laced my thoughts with thoughts of her warmth, of her hands on mine. She had this aura that reminded of Karita, the way she took control but at the same time wanted to be told what to do. Maria in a way was Karita, but I'm not surprised as how Karita manage to influence so many people. Great minds always do let their ways just flow, and smart people learn to pick up the flow.

I closed my eyes, searching the back of brains hoping for an answer from my Goddes and my best man. I saw her, her hair surging through the wind with her eyes closed and a smile filling up her cheeks, letting her cheeks turn bright red, 'Go for it.' She chuckled. I saw him too, Xavier with his light brown hair that was til his neck and his friendly eyes with the grin that would melt Karita's heart over and over again. He nodded at me, both of them ushering me to with it. I let my eyes open, I guess thats what I had to then huh? Maria.  

I guess maybe once more I can learn to be happy, and maybe just maybe remember what it was like to be completely totally in love, I just hope that this time it doesn't hurt as much, and maybe does not kill me as much. Yeah, that would be appreciated. Highly Appreciated.


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