Chapter 5 (Edited)

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He brushed past me, I guess he was still angry at me.
His ears twitched, and I saw his eyes widened in realization.
Why does he have to be so freaking stubborn, couldn't he just forgive his lovely best friend, which would be me, and get on with life? I know I was minimising the whole issue but hey, I do mean well.
"Derek!" I squealed.
I closed my eyes, and when I reopened them Derek stood right in front of me. I walked further back to distance myself from him. He just kept pushing himself to me. My back hit the harsh rigid wall. He reached out a hand and smashed the space of the wall right beside me. My lips quivered and I stared up at his dark eyes. He looked at me, no longer with the caring eyes he normally had, but he looked ravished, angry and extremely dangerous. He leaned in closing up the space between us. I placed both my hands on Derek's chest and pushed. I turned my head so our eyes couldn't meet.
"Stop it, Derek."
"Stop it, Derek!"
I felt weight suddenly leave me, I turned my head to see what was going on. Xavier grabbed Derek's shirt and tugged hard enough to pull Derek away from me. Derek tripped and carelessly landed on his butt. Xavier spun on his heels, drew back his fists and aimed at Derek's face. Xavier spun on his heel once more, grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I turned to look back, Derek crouched in pain and held his mouth and nose with his one hand. I don't know what just happened, but Derek I'm sorry. I turned to face him as I was being dragged away to mouth the words 'sorry' but Derek just looked away.

Derek's P.O.V

I slumped in the corner, blood dripped from my blood and nose. God damn it, what was I thinking? She looked so gullible, so broken wanting to be fixed. At the same time she looked so gorgeous, she was just like an angel with broken wings trying to learn to fly again. Her dark black but dip dyed in blue curled hair, and her pale dry lips looked like it wanted to be smushed with love over and over again. I ran a hand through my hair, I've liked her since the day we shook hands and declared we would become friends. That day she looked up at me with her big brown eyes and smiled, showing all her teeth, and her dimples. Her imperfections is what made her so perfect. The way she is so insecure and broken or the way she hides her pain in her books. Why couldn't she be mine? When she began to love, her eyes only went to Xavier, and Xavier only. When their lips dance, I feel my heart break. I also know that I was never capable of making her smile from her heart, but he was. No matter how broken she was she always finds hope in Xavier, she never found any in mine. Why couldn't I make her happy? I just wanted her, no other girl could ever match up to her. I leaned my head against the wall, I let out a sigh.

I do have to admit I did get carried away this time. Normally I always keep my rambling desires in check but I couldn't help it, the frustrations and the wanting to keep her happy it overwhelmed I guess and I just couldn't refrain myself. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep my hands off of her. I wish she'd give me a chance, a fair game to compete at least. I ran my hands through my hair, I was going to have to apologise not only to her but to Xavier as well now. Oh well, what's done is done, I have been officially labeled as the sad best friend that has no chance against the loving boyfriend. 

Karita's P.O.V
"Show me your hand!" 

Xavier's hand looked bruised and swollen, but he wouldn't let me have a look at it. I reached out my hand for his bruised one. I grabbed it and pulled it up to my lips and pecked it. 

"I'm sorry."

I whispered, unable to look him in the eye, guilt raked my body and I bit my lip.

Xavier shook his head and sighed "You didn't do anything wrong."

He smiled and brushed his lips on mine. I held on to his hand tighter, and I shut my eyes, because kissing with your eyes closed made it more surreal and it made us more surreal. He pulled back content and so was I. 

"So what movie I was it again?"  He asked me with a furrowed eyebrow and a snicker.

"The Purge!"

"I swear, what is it with you and horror movies?"

"Why? What's wrong with horror?"

"I'm not talking about the horror bit, I mean you are the one who begs for a horror movie, then during the movie you beg to leave, and if we don't you start crying."

"I do not!"

"Sure you don't."

"I just get a little dust in my eye."

"Sure you do honey."

I huffed at him playfully furrowing my eyebrows to show him I was somewhat irritated, but honestly I truly couldn't be any more happier. 

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