Chapter 11

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I stood in front of the mirror and took a deep breathe. It was graduation day, officially Xavier and my last day being together physically. Today's also the last day of school, which means that I am going to be on a plane to Manchester tomorrow. My summer was always spent with my gran. I stared at myself. My dip dyed hair was forced into a French braid, my piercings were replaced with simple studs, nothing over the top. I wore a simple sleeveless black dress that fell till my knee, I still wore my rings and bracelets. Instead of wearing my heels, I wore black flats and a gold anklet. As for my make up, nothing exotic all natural. I grabbed my phone and left the house. I got on my penny board and skated to Xavier's, I then instead of ringing the doorbell I took the highway. I climbed the fire exit and unlocked the window and entered Xavier's room. It was empty but I could hear the shower. I jumped on his bed, sprawled carelessly across his bed, laughing away the jitters. I heard a low whistle, and I got up. Xavier leaned against the door frame, shirtless. His abs were showing, his hair wet and droopy, and smirk accompanying with all of it.

"Who let you in?" He arched his eyebrows.

"Ah. See, no one did. What you going to do? Kick me out?"

"Well, you're being awfully naughty today, hm Kar." He said coming closer to me.

"What can I say, you reeked of perfection and I just cannot deny the simple pleasure of being with you." I closed the distance between us.

Our lips locked with each other and in an instant I felt like I was falling. I wrapped my hands around his neck, his left hand caressed my cheeks and the other was on my waist slowly sliding down. I pulled back smiling, his breath still lingering around me. I am totally going to miss this,who wouldn't.

"Well that was enjoyable." I smirked

"I love you." He laughed and leaned in closer.

I closed my eyes and puckered up, he laughed. I opened my eyes and his lips brushed my forehead. I looked up at him, this was going to be harder than I thought. But I smiled anyway and we proceeded to leave the building. While reaching the front gates, Xavier's mom approached with an enormous bear hug. I giggled at her over friendliness.

"Karita!! Oh my, look how you've grown! Such a gorgeous young lady." She chocked on her sobs.

"Ma. Nows not the time for that." Xavier grumbled.

"Ms. Xetri, it's so nice to see you again." I stifled a giggle.

"Take care of her young man, she is an angel." She winked at me.

"You don't have to remind me of that ma, I know it already." He smiled.

I clapped my hands and whistled as Xavier made his way through the stage. Tomorrow was our last date because the day after tomorrow he was leaving. There would miles between us after that day. I was no longer going to have my savior by my side. I'm going to have to learn on how to deal with things on my own now, I'm going to have to become independent. I just hope I don't break in the process. I shook off those miserable thoughts and smiled brighter and cheered louder.

"Congratulations Xavier!"

I squealed in pure excitement.

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