Chapter 25

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Derek's P.O.V

  I lied in the bed, unaware of the events and joy taking place in the outside world. The only thing that has been taking place in my head, over and over again, was misery. She said yes. To him and not to me. I wish I knew why. I wish I knew how to get over her. But I cannot. The smile, the heartfelt smile she gave me when she was four, has not left my mind. I place a hand on my head, I have never struggled, let alone let my emotions take control of me. But this is my limit, This is my end with her. I no longer stand a chance. She does not need me. She never did. She needs him, only him. But why not me? Why not me? I am perfect. Tears flooded out of my eyes, colliding with the hard white marbled floor. Blending in with the painful atmosphere that had surrounded me, that had kidnapped my soul. Happiness? I am loosing it. I am perfect, so why not me? I have the looks, the brain, the athletic figure, the soul, the money, the heart and I am good in bed. So why not me. Why not us. I left them as Xavier had planned to make love to his now fiance, I am pretty sure she is holding onto him with complete pleasure. Mocking my desperation. Mocking my need to be with her. Mocking the way I feel about her. Just mocking me. I gripped my chest and let out a low scream. I have never felt this much pain, this much hurt. I wish it would stop. I wish it would all go away. All of it, please. Just go away.

Karita's P.O.V

i woke up to the lightness of the bed. Xavier stood next to the closet pulling up his pants and buckling them. He turned to me and his eyes instantly filled with joy.

"Hello my fiance. i have a job interview to get to." He came over and kissed my forehead.

"Well well running away after our fun last night." I giggled at the memory of it all.

"Not running fiance going to come back for more." He smiled at me.

"Well you sure were an animal." I laughed at him

"If i recall, you liked it rough." He winked at me.

i walked up to him and wrapped my hand around his waist and reached up my lips to his.

"Now now, we would not want you getting late." I laughed at him, and his restraint against taking me.

"This horrible interview." He groaned.

"I love you my fiance." He waved at me.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

I smiled at him. Watched him scurry off and sat back down on our bed. Who would have thought? A girl like me, a girl as broken as me has made it this far, to the point of engagement. Who would have thought that I have become happy. 


It has been a couple of hours since Xavier rushed off. I burried my head in a good book enjoying the poems it had for me.

“Stephen kissed me in the spring,
Robin in the fall,
But Colin only looked at me
And never kissed at all.

Stephen’s kiss was lost in jest,
Robin’s lost in play,
But the kiss in Colin’s eyes
Haunts me night and day.” 

Sara Teasdale was definately a skilled poet. The landline phone rang and closed my book and walked to the kitchen to recieve it.

"Hello?" I answered the phone call.

"Is this misses Xetri?" The robotic voice on the other end questioned.

"Yes, yes it is.  Is anything wrong?" I asked

"It seems like your husband has gotten into a car crash." He confronted.

"My fiance, soon to be husband." I dropped the phone and slid then landing on my knees. I felt my heart stop, Xavier. An image of him leaving today popped into my mind. Don't leave me Xavier.


Dereks P.O.V

My eyes widened in horror towards the latest news. How's Karita holding up? Is she okay? I rushed out of my house and down towards Karita and Xaviers house.

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