Chapter 18

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I took a deep breathe. I fumbled with the collar of my shirt. I wore a white shirt tucked in with a black straight skirt. I looked down at my phone it was 7:15 pm. My hair was neatly pulled back in a bun, I just came back from an interview for college. I thought I'd be running late but it looks like even when I'm late I still beat Derek. Xavier was never late, in fact he was always an hour early. His excuse for being way to early was so that he could practice, he got nervous every time. While admitting it he claimed to have lost some manhood and some points with me. However my thoughts differed. I think his insecurities made him more human and definitely were one of the many reasons I fell for him.

"Sorry I'm late, my alarm. I was taking a nap." Derek huffed.

7:50. 50 minutes late from the original time. Too late and I should have left but knowing Derek, he would have just asked for another. I stared at him and then down at the menu. The waitress came and took our orders.

"How was the interview today?" Derek inquired

"I actually propose it went well." I let out a soft chuckle.

"Who would deny the simple pleasure of talking to you?" Derek smiled.

"Obviously non living things, duh." I giggled.

"Well, you make a good point." He threw his head back laughing.

"Don't I always?" I threw a piece of bread at him.

"You look beautiful today." He smiled.

"As opposing to other days?" I scowled at him

"I didn't mean it like that." He looked taken back.

"I was kidding." I laughed.

My chicken steak and Derek's T-bone arrived. We nibbled out food in a quiet peace. My phone buzzed and my hands immediately itched to answer.

'Hello princess, please tell me it is almost the end of the year and you'll be here in a few months. Xoxox.'

I typed a reply instantly.

'Four months time and yes I'll be there. Hope you got space for me at your place? Xoxo.'

'Are you kidding? This apartment was mainly for you so of course I do. Don't I always? Xoxo.'

'Hmmm. Good point there sire. You never cease to please me, my love. I'll call you in an hour tops? Date with Derek. Xoxox.'

'Hour tops, love. You never cease to please me either. Omg date with the star? Get an autograph would you please? '

'Funny. Hahaha talk to you soon my love. Love you.' I typed with a chuckle.

'Hahahaha aight princess. I await the seconds as they so achingly pass by me to encounter your melodic voice that will pierce the poison in my heart. I love you too. Xoxoxo'

I rolled my eyes at his extreme corniness. Expect Xavier to get me all red and embarrassed.

"Well this was fun." Derek stated breaking the silence.

"I s'pose so." I smiled. "Thank you for the lovely meal though."

"I'm not done." He stood up. "Karita, I am in love with you. With your eyes, your smile your hair. Every time I look at you I want to run my hands through your silk made hair and cherish your plush pale pink lips. Please do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend." His eyes bore into mine.

"I'm sorry. I can't, I don't love you like that. Besides you aren't in love with me. You're only in love with the thought of me. Here's my cut."

I slapped a hundred dollar bill on table, grabbed my purse and stormed out. I wiped my anger fallen tears. I feel violated of my rights and trust. I warned him. I really did. My phone rang and the caller id was Xavier, so I immediately answered.

"Hey cuddly buns." Xavier cooed.

"Hey." I sniffed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Derek. The date. He confessed. I'm mad that he didn't listen." I huffed.

"It's going to be alright." Xavier coaxed.

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