Chapter 20

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I stumbled out from my bed with the beeping sound intruding my life. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the calendar at first it was all blurry due to the briefness of light. From a blurry vision of numbers it directly went to a bunch of numbers being crossed out. May 15. Why was that number circled? Am I being slaughtered today? Raped or murdered? What a wonderful way to end it all. My phone vibrated harshly along the desk. I scurried to answer the cruel interloper with my fated death.

"Hello?" I breathed out scrunching my nose to desperately remember what was today.

"CONGRATULATIONS BABE!" Xavier's voice screeched into the phone

"Umm, thank you?" I was baffled. Very baffled.

"Don't tell me you forgot? Please don't say you forgot." Xavier groaned.

"Is it your birthday? Am I pregnant? Am I dead? Wait no it can't be your birthday your birthdays on July. I'm not pregnant either, we have never had sex. Oh wow. I must be dead then. They have cellphones even when you're dead?" I babbled.

"What? No. It's graduation day." He whispered

"Ohhhh. Graduation. Oh, thank you! OMG! A few days until I move in with you in New Zealand!." I squealed out loud

"Yes baby. I love you. Have fun, and go get dressed you don't wanna be late." He chuckled.

"Love you too, I'll call you later." I blew a kiss and hung up.

I hurried into the bathroom and let the cold water pounce on me and soothe my sore muscles. The water stilled me thoughts and my worries. I finished up and grew on a black bra and underwear. I threw open the bathroom door and there awaited Derek sitting on my bed with his jeans and black shirt. He whistled when his eyes roamed my body.

"Well that's not a sight you come across everyday." He grinned.

"Oh shut up and help me pick something to wear will you?" I grumbled.

"Alright, alright."

He got up of the bed. He dived into the closet and clothes flew out in a rush. Well I'd be packing up in two days anyway. He came out with a lopsided smile and a blue and white polka dotted sleeveless dress that ended just above my knees and the back was a v shaped open all the way to the end of my spine. I smiled, it was absolutely beautiful.

" Xavier brought it for me as my 14th birthday. We had just become acquainted and he had this huge crush on me, and he wasn't afraid to show it. I didn't really know him all too well with an exception of the moment we met at the book store. It was my favorite because it complimented my exotic hair and well it made me feel pretty."

"Well if it mad you feel pretty then, it'll make you feel pretty now." He offered a warm smile.

I laughed and threw on the dress. I untied my hair and it fell in beautiful luscious locks. I threw on my graduation coat and snatched the cap and followed Derek to his car. We buckled in and looked at me with his blue sharp eyes.

"You ready?" He questioned.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answered with a smile.

I awaited in line fixing my hat and reciting my lines. I looked out to the crowd, and instantly fear hit me. There sure were a lot of people. I spotted my mom in the middle row accompanied with her new boyfriend. She waved frantically at me with a big smile on her face. I smiled and waved back.
"Karita Milt Crystal."

I took a deep breathe and trudged across the stage. I shook heads with the fat blob we call our headmaster and received the diploma and proceeded to the podium. I breathed in the microphone.

"Well hey guys. Can you believe it? We're finally graduating! It's been what? Four years in high school and eight years in pre school and four years as Kindergardeners or in nursery. And now we have more studying ahead of us. Some have four more, ten more, two more or even none. As we leave today I'm sure we will all have accomplish something. Whether it's drastically huge or invisibly small. Nevertheless we have accomplished things that would please us. You know, some of you will go on to do great things, some just regular but that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is whether you're happy. Make sure your smile is genuine and there aren't a tear in your soul. I have had quiet the time here and I'm sure I won't forget the people here. Especially not Xavier and Derek. Thank you for everything, everyone! Enjoy your graduation and keep moving on."

I looked down at Derek and sent out a mouthed thank you as the crowd cheered and whooped my name. I was finally graduating.

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