Author's Note

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Hi everyone! Firstly I would like to thank everyone and anyone who took the time to read my story and vote for my chapters. You have no idea how grateful I am to each an every one of you. This story is officially over. No epilogues or anything, sorry! Sorry I had to kill two of the characters in the story but I wanted to show the cruelity of reality and also the beauty of reality in a way. I am so happy that I was given the oppurtunity of this story. Anyway so I will quickly give a character description of each. And if anyone has any questions as to what happens Or why or who. Or you don't get something feel free to ask.

Name: Karita Crystob Crystal Xetri

Age: (by the end of the story) 25

Profession: Surgeon

Height: 1.68 m

Favorite Food: Risotto.

Favorite Book: The Snowman by Jo Nesbo

Husband/ Lover: Xavier

Name: Xavier Xetri

Age: (by the end of the story) 28

Profession: Business Owner

Height: 1.91 m

Favorite Food: Anything the Karita Makes for him

Favorite Book: The Dexter

Wife/ Lover: Karita

Name: Derek Demetri Dallus

Age: (by the end of the story) 26

Profession: Head Lawyer

Height: 1.90m

Favorite Food: Nachos

Favorite Book: The Sherlock Homes Series

Wife/ Lover: Maria

Name: Maria Ellisea Princessa Gondell

Age (by the end of the story): 25

Profession: Lawyer

Height: 1.81 m

Favorite Food: Hamburgers

Favorite Book: Thirst

Husband/ Love: Derek


Anyway as some of you know, As I have told some personally that there will be a new story! And this one is NOT going to be focused on romance. There will be couples and all but it is NOT focused on romance at all. So here is the blurb for the next chapter:

What if everything you have ever known of was just part of someone else's dream? What if when you sleep, you really become inactive as the person gets up? What if this so called 'reality' is nothing more than a dream? What if you are just a thought behind closed eyes? What then?

When the senior class of 2015 is given and essay prompt: Beyond closed eyes, the kids are reminded it is just and essay prompt and nothing more. However Kalpana, Blythe, Archer, Gideon, and Freya believe it is more than just and essay prompt. Rather it is what is actually going on, only it is not just a person who is dreaming about them but a person from a parallel universe. The five need to find a way to prove that theory and also how to save their reality disappearing for good.

Feel free to check out the next book when its out


With lots of love

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