Chapter 39

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Derek's P.O.V. 

"How the fuck did Xavier handle all of this?" I hissed beneath my breath.

"Senior Derek, please calm yourself." David laughed lifting the 50 kg dumbell in his arm, allowing his biceps to flex.

"David, ,my pal, help me out here." I groaned slowing down on the trendmill.

"Well something different then maybe? She likes gardens and flowers right? Maybe a vinary."  David suggested.

"Mm. Genius. Gracias David." I belted.

"Learning Spanish now are we? Trying to impress princessa?" David smiled.

"If she wasn't already impressed by me, I would not  be asking her hand in marriage." I grinned getting of the trendmil. 

"Wise words from a wise man." David let out a curt laugh.


"Jeezum, Derek where are we going?" Maria shrieked as she gripped the blindfold on her.

"Not yet baby." I whispered in her ear.

"Ooh you sound incredibly sexy." She licked her lips.

I pulled her hand and we were standing in a field of purple lavenders. The smell of luxury hitting our noses. I could see Maria's nose twitch in excitement. I grinned. I still got it. I let go of her hands and watched her hand touch the flowers ever so gently and a smile breakout as she blindly walked through them.

"The lavender flowers. My favorite kind. They are either purple or yellow in color. They are rich in scent and in meaning. There colors are used to represent the Easter holiday from Christianity. The first time this flower was recorded as lavender was in the year of 1705. Lavender is also believed to represent luxury and wealth. The reason I brought you here today is because Lavenders and you are one and the same. You are my luxury and wealth. After Karita left, I lost it. I lost every bit of sanity I had left within me. After all the girl I loved and the man I cherished, both left. Xavier and Karita. I honestly thought I was going to end up in the same faith as her. I never felt so lost and demolished in my life. I stopped eating, I refused to go out of the house. I refused to feel happy simply because she was not. I blamed myself for everything that happened to her, I still do. But then I ran into you in the elevator that day. Your cheerful spirit and melodic laughter turned my life around. You reminded me of Karita, but you were in your own way beautiful too. You taught me how to love and feel again. You taught me that it was not the end of the world, not just yet. You taught me the beauty of life. I honestly don't know where I would have been in my life without you. I have had very less things that I cherish in my life. You manage to become one of them in a mere second. Beautiful yet wild. Elegant yet fierce. Maria Elisea Princessa Gondell will you do me the greatest pleasure of becoming my wifee?"

I pulled of her blindfold then got down on one knee and brought out a ring box. I closed my eyes in fear of the upcoming rejection. I felt tears collide with my hands. My other hand was manuevered by her hand and she brought it up to her face.

"My Derek lovely Derek. I would love to become your wife." Maria laughed with tears in her eyes and threw herself on me. 

I quickly placed a ring around her finger and then engulfed her with all my love. 


A month later


"So today as this party thing officialy means we are going to be wed tomorrow, I would like to show a little video I made for my groom. I love you babe." Maria purred into the microphone.

*Video begins playing*

"Oh em geeee." a ten year old Karita yelled into the camera

"Lookie us." A nine year old Maria smiled into the camera

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me." Karita and Maria sand in Unison.

"Ladies, Ladies calm yourself." An eleven year old Derek walked in.

"Dekky." Karita smiled and Maria Blushed.

"Lets play marry! Maria you be getting married to Dekky." Karita clapped her hands together.

'O-okay.' Maria smiled holding Dereks hand.

"Now say I do." Karita ordered.

"I do." Derek laughd.

"I do." Maria smiled coyly.

"You guys must kiss now!" Karita shrieked pushing Maria forward making Dereks and Marias lips meet.

*The video stops*

"We were destined to be married at a young age. I know how Karita was your first love and that you are always going to love her. And you know what? That is incredibly sexy. I love you for your loyalty. It is true that you love Karita but I know too that you love me equally too and that is something I appreciate. I enjoy the way you express your love and make me feel like I am a princess. And for that I am forever grateful. I cannot be more happier that you are the man that I am going to wake up next to everyday on ward." Maria smiled into the microphone.

'I love you' I mouthed to her.

"Now the groom must dance with me." Maria motioned with her index finger.

I laughed and followed her hands and spun her watching the rest of my life unfold in front of me.

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